Sorry I Hit Your Car: No Money, No Driver’s License, No Insurance

June 7, 2012

When Flomaton resident Ashley Kirk finished her shopping at Century’s Food Giant, she was surprised to find that someone had hit the side of her 2000 Nissan Maxima and driven away. But she was even more surprised at the note left behind by someone that apparently had a load on their conscience.

“Apparently someone either backed out and hit me or just went down the side of my car with theirs. Not really sure, but when I read the note I couldn’t help but to bust out laughing,” Kirk said.

“Sorry I hit your car no money no driver lisense and no insurense but had to get of my cheste. Sorry agin,” the note riddled with spelling errors said.

“Well at least they were honest,” she said “Kind of  felt sorry for them. My vehicle has been hit before and the person left, but never has this happened before. I got a good laugh out of it.”

Kirk does have full coverage insurance that will pay for her repairs.

Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


25 Responses to “Sorry I Hit Your Car: No Money, No Driver’s License, No Insurance”

  1. tired on June 8th, 2012 7:56 am

    So why not pull the parking lot cameras and make this person accountable? I’m tired of the bloodsuckers in this town. Centurys finest at it again…..

  2. tracy on June 8th, 2012 7:07 am

    regardless of how it was spelled, whether or not someone was watching, they should or shouldn’t have been driving… they at least took the time and apologized. sometimes that makes a bigger difference and more people should slow down and realize that. accidents are gonna happen…

  3. JM on June 8th, 2012 7:01 am

    Honest? Really? You call that Honest? Your insurance carrier might have
    other ideas! YOU might have other ideas when you get your next bill!
    Everyone has to pay insurance companies for people like this who don’t
    know enough to find someone else to drive them to the store.

    I do feel very sad that there are still people in this country who have such a bad education and are so ignorant. It is a very sorry mess and I wonder what this person may have contributed to this world with more education.

    HONEST, however, does not have anything to do with trying to unload his chest
    with this pitiful note, yet leave the mess for someone else to clean up!
    This person isn’t even a grown up who takes real responsibility for himself.

  4. David Huie Green on June 7th, 2012 9:13 pm


    If you believe that, why are you pointing a finger at those who mock this criminal?

    And do you REALLY believe you should always lend a hand even when the person wanting a hand is committing crimes?

    Consider the wrongness of:
    “Here, help me hold her down.”
    “Here, hold this gun on him for me.”
    “Give me a hand with this crowbar, this place’s hard to break into.”
    “My match went out, lend me one of yours to burn down this occupied building.”

    David thinking a helping hand should not always be offered
    and that “their” is possessive form of “they”

  5. hawghead on June 7th, 2012 6:22 pm

    To homeowner, give me a break….get over yourself…this person, whether they can read or write makes no difference…what they did was wrong….It always makes me mad when I see someone trying to defend someone who has done something wrong… is evident that the person who left the note did not do well in spelling class in school….however that does not give them the right to hit someones car and leave…..if more people would take personal responsibility instead of making excuses for their behavior then we would live in a much better world……

  6. Roger Warren on June 7th, 2012 4:55 pm

    I admire Ashley for taking life as it comes, in good spirits. We should all try that. Hats off to her.

  7. Sarah on June 7th, 2012 4:25 pm

    I had this happen at my apartment when I lived in Tallahassee. I had a note that said, “I touched the back of your car. I will pay for damage”. They signed it Dmitri and I cannot remember the female’s name, but they did leave a phone number. I called the number, and they had a foreign accent. I was in contact with them via phone, but had been trying to find a cheaper estimate on getting it fixed. When I found out it would cost more than $100 (after calling 3 places), the people decided they didn’t want to pay and ignored my calls. They would never call me back, and after doing some research online and finding that Dmitri was a PhD student at FSU and was working as a work study, I called FSU to try to get a hold of him. Lo and behold, he was no longer working there and had left town! So, what started as something nice became something bad. I wondered why they would leave a note saying they were going to pay if they weren’t willing to pay up! They could have at least called me back!

  8. Mike on June 7th, 2012 2:10 pm

    They should have added: no edcasion

  9. Mom24 on June 7th, 2012 2:07 pm

    There are some honest people still in this world! Maybe not the best educated, but honest to some degree!

  10. Molino Mom on June 7th, 2012 1:43 pm

    Ok at first, I was mad at the “note writer”
    Now after reading Suzi’s comment-I want to take the person to my house and feed and love them. What a sweet story Suzi. Thanks for sharing!

    If it is true, this could go several ways;
    1) The person was genuine and sorry for the accident ( and I love them for it)
    2) It was meant as a joke (no love here at all)
    3) They were making it look as though they were leaving name & insurance information for any possible witnesses

    Just goes to show you, you shouldn’t pass judgment until you know the facts.
    I prefer to think this was a little old man/woman shuffling thru the parking lot with their groceries, slowly loading the load into the car, starting to pull out and scraping down the side of said victims vehicle.
    At first, they hurry and get away from the car so no one knows it was them.
    They pull across the parking lot to see if anyone witnessed the mishap.
    WHEW! Looks like I’m in the clear. That was a close one!!
    THEN the guilt sets in……and they see their Dad and Mom in front of them shaking their finger in their face “You should be ashamed of yourself, we raised you better than that!!”
    So, ultimately the guilt wins him over and he looks around in the car for something to write on. FOUND IT! (thanks mom and dad!)
    WIth his hand shaking, he writes the heartfelt note.

    I think I’m gonna choose to believe my story.

  11. I Know on June 7th, 2012 1:19 pm

    I believe there were witnesses to the fender bender. The offending driver gets out and ,”pretends to do the right thing” and people actually think the perp is leaving their information.

  12. Barack Reagan on June 7th, 2012 12:33 pm

    “…too bad they didn’t total it for you, then you coulda got a brand new car.”

    Wrong. Insurance companies are not your friends. They make money off of you. Here’s how it works.

    Your car is declared totaled by the insurance company.

    They have an assessor place a monetary value on your car based on age, condition etc and blue book values of similar cars. They offer you that amount. If you take it, they take your wrecked car. The amount they offer you will NOT buy you a new car. It will be more like an insult.

  13. BBB on June 7th, 2012 11:45 am

    Bet they thought they were being watched and wanted to appear that they were leaving contact information. I hope someone saw and reports a description of the vehicle and driver.

  14. Jessica on June 7th, 2012 11:29 am

    After having my insurance pay for my car and my husband’s car to be repaired after hit and run accidents, I fail to see the humor in this. At least the car owner can, I guess. Pay a $250 deductible for someone else’s irresponsibility and unwillingness to do the right thing made me a little bitter I guess.

    Whoever did this, of you are reading, quite driving. You obviously shouldn’t be if you can’t even meet the legal requirements to do so. I wouldn’t laugh like the driver you did hit.

  15. Suzi on June 7th, 2012 11:22 am

    Even though it’s sort of comical…I had a lady that lived beside me that passed away a few months after her 100th birthday. She had NEVER had a license, only driven on a farm and had a 3rd grade education due to her family difficulties, not being able to get to the school that was far away in town, plus the family needed her help on the farm as all her siblings worked right alongside their parents.
    She could read but could barely write a sentence much less spell.

    My point is, what if this was an elderly person, living alone with no help from their family and just barely surviving and getting around. Maybe they did lose their license and can’t afford insurance. It still doesn’t make it right but just wanted to give an opinion with some food for thought. Sometimes we judge too quickly and there are plenty of older people living exactly as I described above. Glad the damage was minor. :)

  16. Roxane on June 7th, 2012 10:51 am

    That is great that the person left a note but the bigger question is- why are they driving without a license/insurance? Not only is that against the law but now the person whose car was hit will see an increase in her insurance premium. Responsible people have to pay for irresponsible ones actions.

  17. hometowner on June 7th, 2012 10:31 am

    I know the people did wrong. But why make fun of them because they cant spell. At least they were nice enough to place a note. It seems to me that this person has a hard life. YOU SHOULD NEVER POINT A FINGER!!! YOu should ALWAYS LEND A HAND..What if this person has a medical problem that allows for them not to be able to learn or read. Think about that. Because my son does have a medical problem that causes him learning problems. This article is just to MOCK and MAKE FUN of there note. I would be upset if someone hit my car too this lady has all the right to be upset. But dont make fun of there spelling and say they dont have an education.

  18. sniper on June 7th, 2012 10:26 am

    guh, musta hada gruilty conchents. haha

  19. Amber Knight on June 7th, 2012 8:58 am

    And no Education. lol

  20. Ashley on June 7th, 2012 8:01 am

    oh yes the note is VERY genuine! The damages are pretty minor but they are all down that side of the car. How could I even be mad after reading that?! Yes Dawn you are exactly right…only me!! I got a good laugh!

  21. Sandra Dunn on June 7th, 2012 7:28 am

    That is a bit comical!

  22. ms k on June 7th, 2012 7:07 am

    Based on the spelling of the letter, I see why they have neither. Are they foreign? Never seen chest spelled that way. WOW

  23. Shirley Godwin on June 7th, 2012 6:14 am

    Keep in mind, sometimes people leave notes because other people are watching and sometimes they really have insurance and just don’t want to file a claim. Whether the note is genuine or not…they are responsible for the damage.

  24. SHO-NUFF on June 7th, 2012 2:38 am

    The damage appears to be minor.
    As many times as I have been hit, some with major damage, at local parking lots, I have yet to have the courtesy of someone leave me any type of note. Regardless of weather they had insurance or not.
    Also, a parking lot at a Store or Business is considered private property, not a public roadway. So the Police, will not respond to ticket an individual if an accident occurs without bodily harm. It is up to you and the other party to settle matters with insurance companies.
    No License and insurance… They should of never been driving, but at least they took the time to leave a note, more than some of the insured have ever done!

  25. Dawn on June 7th, 2012 1:58 am

    That would and could only happen to you Ash!! and it did! Oh well too bad they didn’t total it for you, then you coulda got a brand new car instead of just getting repairs! LoL