Scott: Families Can’t Afford Tuition Hikes

June 9, 2012

Gov. Rick Scott on Friday reiterated his stance against tuition hikes, as a number of state universities are planning.

Scott has called on universities to do more to prepare the workforce, but to do it with less.

“They have got to do the exact same thing … Florida households have had to do,” Scott said Friday morning on 97.3 The Sky radio in Gainesville. “We cannot continue to raise tuition constantly on the backs of our families,” Scott continued. “They cannot afford it…. I’m against raising tuition.”

The University of Florida Board of Trustees on Thursday moved to increase tuition by the full 15 percent allowed by law, though some trustees expressed some concern about the rising cost of a college education in the state.

By The News Service of Florida


2 Responses to “Scott: Families Can’t Afford Tuition Hikes”

  1. No Excuses on June 11th, 2012 2:46 pm

    College is very expensive today. I can recall attending 8 years of college between 1980 and 2001 with several classes after that, but not full-time enrollment. As of summer 2012, an AA class with out of state tution was over $1,700 for 3 credit hours. Ludicrous! In state tuition was much more reasonable – around $620 for 3 credit hours, but still – multiply that by 5 (15 credit hours) and you can see why college is not affordable even for those who qualify to go because of academics.

    Like everyone else, if the colleges and universities must cut costs, the “free” stuff is what needs to go first. Then, the “fluff” programs and other areas that don’t pay their way. Core academic classes and research should always be money makers.

  2. Jimbo on June 9th, 2012 8:09 am

    If colleges and universities would quit giving education away to foreign “students” and others in the name of “diversity”, there would be no need for tuition hikes.