Scott Defends Effort To Purge Voter Rolls

June 5, 2012

Gov. Rick Scott on Monday defended the state’s effort to remove potentially ineligible voters from the rolls.

“When you go out to vote you want to make sure that the other individuals that are voting have a right to vote. That’s what I care about,” Scott said during a stop for a business roundtable Monday morning in Quincy.

“If you’re a candidate, you want to make sure that the people who vote in your election are the people that have a right to vote. So my focus is in making sure that our state has fair elections, people that have a right to vote, vote, because I don’t want to disenfranchise anybody in their voting rights.”

Scott said the timing – just months before the election – was due to the state trying to get information from the federal Homeland Security agency that would make the list of potentially ineligible voters more complete. So far, the state has been unable to get access to that database.

“There’s no perfect time to do any of these things,” Scott said.

By The News Service of Florida


7 Responses to “Scott Defends Effort To Purge Voter Rolls”

  1. Purge Rick Scott on June 6th, 2012 7:21 am

    “There’s no perfect time to do any of these things,” Scott said.

    Oh, yes there is. “A State shall complete, not later than 90 days prior to the date of a primary or general election for Federal office, any program the purpose of which is to systematically remove the names of ineligible voters from the official lists of eligible voters.”

    Note that it says COMPLETE, not compile a list!!!

  2. jesse on June 5th, 2012 8:52 pm

    I do not know whether it is a good idea or not. I do not trust the governor though and am hesitant to support anything he endorses.

  3. David Huie Green on June 5th, 2012 6:42 pm

    “Do you remember the big hoopla after one of the national elections in Florida because there were illegal voters?”

    There were lots of things keeping the 2000 election interesting.

    Gore’s supporters maintained they wanted every vote counted at the same time they were trying to disqualify absentee ballots from servicemen overseas.

    Ralph Nader drew enough votes off of Gore to avoid him having an easy win.

    Democratic supervisors of elections had approved illegal butterfly ballots and equipment which did not properly punch holes in them

    The Florida Supreme Court decided to change the rules of the voting AFTER the ballots were counted.

    The US Supreme Court told the Florida Supreme Court they couldn’t do that.

    Jewish voters realized they had voted for Pat Buchanan (whom they despised) by mistake on the butterfly ballots.

    Dimpled chads, hanging chads and other chads made the news.

    Even though an independent count after the election verified Bush 2 had won by several hundred votes out of millions of votes cast, the result was noteworthy because the winner of the plurality won all of Florida’s electoral votes and won the national election.

    (It’s also noteworthy that if the people of Al Gore’s home state of Tennessee could have brought themselves to vote for him, it wouldn’t have mattered; he would have won and all would be glorious, just like Bobby Ewing coming back from the dead on Dallas.)

    David for interesting elections

  4. JimD on June 5th, 2012 10:53 am

    per huh
    “Sounds like he just wants to purge anyone that might vote democrat to get him out of office.”

    Well if taking off illegal’s, criminals, and the dead from the voter rolls…I guess your right.

  5. ABC on June 5th, 2012 10:26 am

    The cleansing of the voters registration files many years ago when . I became a citizen and called down to tell them I needed a voters registration card, they said ” okay it will be in the mail today” what the heck, they had no proof who I was, or if I was a citizen and klo and behold it came in the mail

    So as long as the records are purged and purged accurately I believe its a good thing.

    On the other hand perhaps we should have to provide our birth certificates at the poles…… but then again surely there is a way to falsify those too……… so how do honorable, and deserving voters feel confident only they are casting their votes………… theres no way to believe only the legals get to vote……….

  6. Jane on June 5th, 2012 6:49 am

    Do you remember the big hoopla after one of the national elections in Florida because there were illegal voters? Ie: dead people voting, people who didn’t live here, etc.? It is probably a good idea to verify the legal voters before this happens again and Florida looks foolish for not having verified voters.

  7. huh on June 5th, 2012 1:41 am

    Sounds like he just wants to purge anyone that might vote democrat to get him out of office.