Santa Rosa Upgrades Recycling Program; No Need To Sort

June 20, 2012

Single stream or “single sort” recycling is now available in Santa Rosa County. Residents utilizing the public recycling areas or residential curbside recycling no longer need to separate or sort recyclables by type, but can collect and dispose of all recyclable materials in the same container.  The recycling process is made possible by the recent contracting of recycling services with West Florida Recycling.

Accepted Recyclable Materials:

  • Paper – all paper including office paper waste, shredded paper, hardback and paperback books, magazines, junk mail including envelopes, phone books, and pizza boxes.
  • Glass – all glass except light blubs, plate glass or safety glass.
  • Metal – All aluminum, tin and steel including tin cans, aluminum cans, aluminum foil, pie tins, cake tins, and empty aerosol cans.
  • Plastic Containers – All plastic except Styrofoam and motor oil containers.
  • Cardboard – all cardboard including pizza boxes. To help save space in the recycle bins, please break down or flatten all boxes.

Non-recyclable Materials

  • Light blubs
  • Styrofoam
  • Motor oil containers
  • Mylar – found in plastic balloons, chip bags, and candy bags
  • Waxy Cardboard – found in milk cartons, orange juice cartons, wine boxes and waxy produce and seafood boxes.
  • Any household garbage like food waste and diapers.
  • Oil, gas, paint, antifreeze, fertilizers, pesticides and other household hazardous waste can be disposed of at no charge at the Household Hazardous Waste Center located at the entrance of the Central Landfill, 6337 Da Lisa Road in Milton, Monday- Friday 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Recycling Tips

  • Labels do not have to be removed from any containers.
  • Containers do not need to be rinsed.
  • Lids do not need to be removed from any containers.
  • Pizza boxes with grease can be recycled.
  • To help save space in the bins please break down or flatten all boxes.
  • Recycle areas are not disposal areas for furniture or household garbage that is not recyclable material. Violators may be fined for illegal dumping.

As part of the contract, West Florida Recycling collects the material left at the 19 recycling drop off points throughout the county and purchases recycling material from the county.  For more information on recycling and a list of recycling drop off locations visit


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