PSC Staff Against Rate Increase For Gulf Power Nuke Site Costs

June 13, 2012

The Florida Public Service Commission should reject Gulf Power Company’s request to charge customers for costs related to a potential nuclear-power plant site in North Escambia, according to a recommendation from PSC staff members.

The commission is scheduled  to take up the $2 million issue next Tuesday, which stems from Gulf Power buying about 2,700 acres of land near McDavid that could eventually be used for a nuclear plant. The increase would equate to about 20 cents per month for the average customer using 1,000 kilowatt hours per month. The 20 cents would be more than offset by about a $10 per month savings from the rate decrease announced in late May.

Regulators earlier this year approved a base-rate increase for Gulf but refused to allow the company to collect money related to the land purchase. Gulf Power  has asked for the commission to reverse the decision, but PSC staff  has recommended that regulators again deny the request.

The Public Service Commission, however, appears likely next Tuesday to approve another request by Gulf Power to reduce customers’ electric bills because of lower-than-expected fuel prices. If the change is approved, a residential customer who uses 1,000 kilowatt hours of electricity a month would pay $116.61 — down from the current $126.53.

Gulf Power has not said what type of power plant it wants to construct in North Escambia, but PSC filings indicate  that it could be natural gas, coal or nuclear.  However, nuclear was repeatedly cited in recent PSC filings.

“This small price is extraordinarily reasonable when compared to the potential benefits of nuclear power if it is pursued, or the lost opportunity if the nuclear option is foreclosed by the action taken by this commission in this case,” documents state.

Pictured top: One of many houses that now sit abandoned near McDavid where Gulf Power has purchased thousands of acres for a possible nuclear power plant. One of many Gulf Power “Posted” signs that line the roads in the area of the potential plant. photos, click to enlarge.

The News Service of Florida contributed to this report.


7 Responses to “PSC Staff Against Rate Increase For Gulf Power Nuke Site Costs”

  1. Mr. Reality on June 22nd, 2012 5:12 pm

    Also, if we PRE-PAY for their NEW plant, doesn’t that make us INVESTORS?

  2. Mr. Reality on June 22nd, 2012 5:11 pm

    What I can’t figure out is on my last bill it had a break-down of the “fuel mix”. Gulp was buying 40% of their power…>FROM WHOM is the big question. THEY BUY POWER FROM OTHER SISTER COMPANIES TO JACK UP THE PRICES.

  3. David Huie Green on June 15th, 2012 9:16 am

    ” do we want a nuclear power plant in this area??? NO!!! ”

    Yep, we do. Some of us do. We realize nuclear power is safer than the alternatives. (Unless the thing blows up, of course.)

    David for reliable power

  4. Just say no on June 13th, 2012 11:26 pm

    I am very upset concerned about this do we want a nuclear power plant in this area??? NO!!! I know I don’t please how do we stop this or can we I DO not want a nuclear power plant in my neighborhood I am a voter and will not vote for anyone who wants this — not that it will make any difference but I am very upset about the thought of this……

  5. melodies4us on June 13th, 2012 9:39 pm

    It is getting too difficult for the a verage American family to prosper. High energy bills are a big part of the problem.

  6. Shae on June 13th, 2012 3:46 pm

    My church owns a camp grounds in the area that they want to purchase and were trying to negotiate purchase. They threatened “Emminent Domain” and would take the land if we didn’t sell. When these requests were denied, we breathed a little easier. Please- to the power’s that be, don’t let them do this! I, who live in Pensacola, personnally don’t want to live that close to a nuclear plant site either.

  7. SHO-NUFF on June 13th, 2012 3:49 am

    I assume we the customers are supposed to finance the “potential” new source of power generation. Don’t most Companies expand, or pay for capital investments out of the profits they have made?
    This my friends is the biggest joke going, at our, the consumers expense! And it is embarrassing
    Being Gulf power is a monopoly, or the only place most of us can get electricity.The Public Service Commission is suppose to keep an eye out for the consumer, making sure we don’t get overcharged for a service provided by a single source provider, like Gulf Power.
    We are already paying the second highest rate per 1000 KWs of electricity in the entire South East!
    Gulf Power, and its affiliates are laughing all the way to the bank! Call your County Commissioners, Senators and Congressmen. Tell them we are tired of being ripped off. It’s down right legal robbery!!