Probation Officers Catch Man With Meth Lab Components, Hazmat Called For Cleanup

June 20, 2012

A Cantonment man on probation for having a meth lab was arrested on drug related charges Tuesday night when caught red-handed by probation officers with parts of seven different meth labs.

Robert Edward Raines, 49, was charged with possession of a listed chemical (hydrochloric  gas). He is being held in the Escambia County Jail without bond on an additional violation of probation charge.

Tuesday evening, an Escambia County deputy and four probation officers went to Raines’ residence in the 1100 block of Muscogee Road for a residence check.

Inside the residence, they reported finding seven hydrochloric (HCL) gas generators, an item used in a step during the methamphetamine manufacturing process, according to an arrest report.  Two HCL generators tested positive for the presence of active hydrochloric gas.

Other items commonly used in the methamphetamine manufacturing process were also found hidden in the clothes dryer and inside a stereo speaker, the report states.

Raines told deputies the items were leftover from the last time he was busted for a  meth lab in his residence in February 2011. According to the report, deputies were certain they removed all meth lab related equipment from the house during the 2011 search and did not leave the HCL generators behind — including three of them found Tuesday night on the bathroom floor.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office Hazmat team responded to the residence Tuesday night and disposed of all contaminated materials.

According to court records, Raines was on probation on charges related to his February 2011 meth lab.


18 Responses to “Probation Officers Catch Man With Meth Lab Components, Hazmat Called For Cleanup”

  1. JM on June 21st, 2012 10:36 am

    I must be a very HARD person. I have no pity for a 49 year old who makes, takes
    or sells DRUGS of ANY KIND.

    I don’t care how addictive the stuff can be, 49 years old is plenty old enough
    to know better and when they have a FAMILY…..I find it hard to even talk about.

    I am disgusted that FAMILY should ever have to read what everyone in
    town is saying about a father who is into this kind of garbage. That public
    humiliation is ALL HIS FAULT. It’s a terrible terrible thing when a MAN can
    not walk with dignaty and make a good role model for his family and
    everyone else in town.

    49 looking 60 with a chance to get clean and THIS IS HOW IT ENDS.

  2. Darko Sladovic on June 21st, 2012 10:11 am

    He’s ONLY 49?????????? Yeeeeesh!

  3. weary on June 21st, 2012 9:36 am

    i havent read reports or comments regarding any possible court MANDATED drug treatment effort that mr raines took part in, or completed- i dont know if he was a veteran, but, 20 years ago, or so, the VA literally saved a familly member from a raging meth addiction….and, that same family member remains a clean, employed and productive member of society today….but, truthfully, my heart breaks for mr raines’ family…. ive lived that same “hell” for the last 15 years with one of my children- not meth, but crack…. in saying that, i can attest that (in my childs case) the probation system here DOES NOT frequently do monthly urine tests…budget cuts?, too much paperwork?, jail overcrowding?…. i dont know, but i wish they would.

  4. dustin v on June 21st, 2012 9:36 am

    everyone need to stop judging him everyone makes mistake he is a good man he would give his shirt off his back for anyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  5. Sparnell on June 20th, 2012 11:52 pm

    The meth chemicals must have killed brain cells if he thinks he can use the excuse that the stuff was from his ;last arrest. Im quite sure the sheriffs got it all. Another fine example of what drugs do to you…they make you a liar and you get stupid!!!

  6. to skip on June 20th, 2012 8:40 pm

    Actually he was getting clean, he was up to 280 from his recent 170 back in February when he was using. You can’t pass ever random drug test the police give you. Yes he had illeagle substances, yes he is in.jail, and yes he will pay the penalty I’m not saying that any of that is wrong, and it is dumb for him to let people use his house to make drugs again,and yes that is against the law. But as far as a user goes hrbwas actually done with that. I’m his biggest critic out of anyone being I’m his youngest son. Im probably the most harsh on him, but I’m not defending his.actions just his.character.

  7. No Excuses on June 20th, 2012 8:01 pm

    Meth has been called the “Poor Man’s Cocaine”. It’s addictive, but worse, it is made from so many destructive, corrosive materials, that it literally eats you up from the inside out. I’ve seen meth users who were in their mid to late twenties and looked at least as if they were in their 60’s. WHY would anyone want to do that to themselves? Those corrosive substances at work…….

  8. Skip on June 20th, 2012 4:45 pm

    Well he obviously wasn’t getting too clean, according to Daniel. If you’re related to him all you could have done was encourage him to leave that stuff alone, if he really wanted to stay out of prison. Looks like he had you fooled and probably others. As for the clean drug test with his probation officers, we all know how those can be rigged to show clean. So once again, he’s caught. And no matter if he had a car to drive to go pick up the items to make meth, he had possession of them and that alone is guilty, whether it’s yours or not, you have allowed the criminal element back in to your life. Perhaps prison time will give him some time to work on a real career that he can use when he gets out rather than trying to get rich quick. And if he’s addicted, no better way to kick his meth habit than a good long time in lock up. No meth labs there.

  9. JIM W on June 20th, 2012 4:11 pm

    His Lifestyle has certainly taken it’s toll on him by his looks. Not even 50 years old yet and looks old and beaten down. So sad! This chemical along with others is a cancer on our society. When will we ever get it under control? How did our citizens ever get to the point of loosing their self esteem? I think I know the answer to that one but would like to hear it from someone else.

  10. high school school mate with son on June 20th, 2012 4:04 pm

    Praying for the Raines family. Yes people do make mistakes but no one is in the right to judge ANYONE. No one is perfect. Mr. Raines has children and a family just like most of us out here and the last thing that everyone needs to do is put this man down because he is a human just like us all and it is not only wrong but it is very hurtful to his family.

  11. poohbear on June 20th, 2012 3:57 pm

    To daniel raines:

    A family can not help what other members of the family do. I know that I would feel terrible if this was my dad but like you said he did a dumb thing and will have to pay the price for it. He should have thought more about what he was doing to his family.

  12. Dan on June 20th, 2012 2:50 pm

    Put this career criminal behind bars and throw away the key.
    He has no intention of obeying the law !!!

  13. daniel raines on June 20th, 2012 1:58 pm

    He actually was Gettin clean, he has gained all his weight back and has passed all his drug test from his probation officers. He didn’t.get jail time.the.first time cause he didn’t make it he was allowing others to use the house. same as this time he vehicle to pick up the supplies so someone brought it over. Yes what he did is.dumb and wrong and he will have to take whatever punishment is given. But I wouldn’t.advise talking about his family or anything

  14. knowhim on June 20th, 2012 12:26 pm

    i know this guy, and truly he isnt a bad person. he has gotn himself in with the wrong crowd, doing the wrong thing. i am very against the whole drud making and taking. i dont understand what is so great about it all. as far as these meth labs go…i think ALL who are involed, should all get the same amount of time. if one gets 20 yrs, they should ALL get 20 years…i would say something more harsh, but william wouldnt allow that on here. so, ill leave it at that, this is all such a shame!

  15. Molino Resident on June 20th, 2012 10:27 am

    Bobby, Bobby…when are you going to learn? I don’t think you’ll get away with it again.
    You look like a 70 year old man, doesn’t that alone make you want to change your life. If not for yourself, for the little bit of family you have left.

  16. Safebear on June 20th, 2012 10:06 am

    It is ashamed for one that it happened again but it’s really ashamed that all these meth “chemists”, didn’t go to school and get a good job. Or maybe they did and this is how they decided to put that degree to work…LOL

  17. Steve on June 20th, 2012 10:01 am

    I guess he going to kill a few innocent people in his neighbor with that poison he is manufacturing for a judge give him a long prison sentence. Trash like this guy don’t deserve probation. 20 years locked up and when he is released he will be to old to carry on with his career in the chemistry business.

  18. Doesntmatter on June 20th, 2012 9:42 am

    Already on probation for having a meth lab in 2011. Really? This is not a jailable offense?