Obama Administration To Stop Deporting Some Young Illegal Immigrants (With Video)

June 16, 2012

The Obama Administration announced Friday that nearly 800,000 “dreamers” – undocumented children who grew up here – won’t face deportation but be offered at least temporary safe harbor in the United States, bringing reaction from all sides on an issue that has long vexed the nation and Congress.

Speaking to reporters from the White House Friday afternoon, President Barack Obama said the Department of Homeland Security would immediately adopt a set of guidelines that would allow the children of illegal immigrants to stay in the United States in many cases.

Called “Dreamers,” for the “Dream Act” proposals that have sought to provide a path to college for “American” children of undocumented immigrants, the group includes children and young adults who came to the United States before they turned 16 and consider their adopted country home. Many, in fact, do not remember living in their native country and have forgotten or never acquired the language of their parents.

In the meantime, they have grown up going to U.S. schools, working in U.S. jobs and sometimes fighting in U.S. wars, all the while facing potential deportation because their parents brought them into the country illegally.

“They are Americans in their hearts, in their minds and in every other way but one, on paper,” Obama said.

(Article continues below video, scroll down.)

The directive gives immigration officials the right to focus their attentions elsewhere without actually changing the law. The rule sets out a number of criteria, limiting the protections to people under 30 who were brought to the U.S. before they turned 16. To qualify, they must also have been enrolled in school, lived at least five consecutive years in the country and have no criminal record.

Congress has been wrangling over the Dream Act for several years but has failed to act, Obama said Friday, in explaining in part why the administration was stepping in. Earlier Friday, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano announced the change in policy, which can go into effect without congressional approval.

Reaction to the new rule and Obama’s announcement was immediate.

“Today’s announcement will be welcome news for many of these kids desperate for an answer, but it is a short term answer to a long term problem,” Florida U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio said in a statement. “And by once again ignoring the Constitution and going around Congress, this short term policy will make it harder to find a balanced and responsible long term one.”

GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney, agreed.

“If I’m president, we’ll do our very best to have that long-term solution,” Romney told reporters during a campaign stop in New Hampshire. “An executive order is, of course, just a short-term matter that can be reversed by subsequent presidents.”

“I’m extremely disappointed the President has chosen to circumvent the Legislative Branch in an election year attempt to implement a policy he couldn’t get through Congress. This action is an enormous power grab by the Executive Branch and completely disregards the rule of law. It effectively bypasses Congress and grants what is essentially amnesty for a portion of the illegal immigrant population,” Rep. Jeff Miller said.

“The Obama Administration’s attempt to completely bypass the policy of an elected Congress is a tremendous breach of trust with the American people and seriously threatens the separation of powers so fundamental to our democracy. Further, I feel this action will negatively impact the scores of unemployed Americans who are currently looking for jobs,” Miller continued

Interviewed by “The Hill” newspaper, U.S. Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) said he’s concerned that the effort could be used as a “backdoor” to ultimately allow non-citizens to vote, either this fall or in the future.

“How far down the rabbit hole will it go?” West asked.

Other groups offered unequivocal support.

The National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials praised the move for recognizing the contributions of immigrants to improve their adopted home.

“The Administration’s directive recognizes that law-abiding immigrant youth who are currently in school, or have completed their high school education or served in the military and meet several other key criteria should be provided protection from removal and the ability to seek gainful employment in the United States,” the group said.

By The News Service of Florida


26 Responses to “Obama Administration To Stop Deporting Some Young Illegal Immigrants (With Video)”

  1. David Huie Green on June 19th, 2012 10:35 am

    “They are Americans in their hearts, in their minds and in every other way but one, on paper,” Obama said.”

    This makes you wonder if perhaps we should consider deporting any who are Americans only on paper, those whose hearts and minds reject America.
    Nah, we’ll let them stay too. (Although they ARE free to leave if they wish.)

    “Congress has been wrangling over the Dream Act for several years but has failed to act, Obama said Friday, in explaining in part why the administration was stepping in.

    THIS is a dangerous thing. Being kind to children and making allowances for their situation is a good thing but deciding to act in a manner not authorized by Congress is a dangerous precedent. What if some future president decides that because Congress failed to pass the legislation, it is up to him to sterilize all undesirable short people?

    When Jeff Miller said, “It effectively bypasses Congress and grants what is essentially amnesty for a portion of the illegal immigrant population,” he hit on one saving grace: The President has the power to grant amnesty, so he is not breaking the law when he ignores it. The President IS above the law since he can pardon any infraction of the law.

    David for kindness and caution

  2. David Huie Green on June 19th, 2012 10:17 am

    “This land belongs to God, not man, and people should be able to live wherever they choose.”

    Interesting statement but unacceptable when taken to its logical conclusion. If you don’t own where you live and anyone is free to move into your house because it doesn’t belong to you, but rather to God, then you have no home. Communal ownership has been tried many times and at last count had failed every last time.

    Regarding, Leviticus 19: 33-34 “And if a stranger sojourn with thee in your land, ye shall not vex him. But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”

    Can’t argue with God but can dispute over interpretations. Living among you would of course mean obeying your laws just as you would expect your own folks to do. And not vexing would include treating under the law the same as others. Despite what the President says, the law is NOT just a piece of paper. In fact, the paper may just be where the law is written.

    And we’re stuck with the fact that this is not a theocracy, this is not Israel, many of us are not Jewish, the same Author who caused Moses to write those words instructed the killing of every last man, woman and child in the place they were about to enter so there has to be more to it than saying anyone who comes into your house has the God-given right to stay there.

    David thinking there’s more to the story

  3. 429SCJ on June 19th, 2012 6:33 am

    Just Tired why do you not tell that to the Isralis, in regard to the Palistinians?

    Why do we have to keep fixing the problem with illegal immigration? If you have to keep fixing something it was never fixed to begin with.

    Only the clear concensus of economic collaspe will pave the way to fixing this and many other problems. Let’s Get to Work!, soon I pray as there is much to be done.

  4. just tired on June 18th, 2012 9:53 pm

    As a christian, I do not agree with all of the policies of our President, but as for this particular issue, President Obama did exactly what he should have done according to God’s word (Leviticus 19:33-34). This land belongs to God, not man, and people should be able to live wherever they choose. These are the types of things (how we treat our neighbors) for which God will hold us accountable. If we as a people would live our lives according to God’s instruction, then he would take care of US just as he has promised. I do not worry about things that I have no control over (Matthew 6:25-27) because it’s a waste of time. God is a just God and we all know that this country has many evils to reap.

  5. Bo on June 17th, 2012 1:00 pm

    Richard Nixon want to be a dictator, so does Obama. This man has got to go.6 trillion in national debt and it is not Bush’s fault, so quite blaming him.. As a blue dog democrat he is the worst president we have ever had. period. He has blamed every one but the aliens on mars, and he would blame them if he could prove that they existed. Of course liberals will not take the responibilty for any thing and will spend ever ones money but their own. Look at what they have done to this country, The Democratic party has turn in to a base of liberal elitist , who are bent on turning the country in to a socialist Europe. I agree deport Obama.

  6. charlotte lucas on June 17th, 2012 10:21 am

    To Bryan Bethea

    Thank you Bryan for understanding the real issue. I used to think differently, but after have two of my students come to me and say “I am here illegally” has made be look at the facts. A young man in one of my classes told me he came here at 3 years old, did not know he was illegal, has live here for 14 years, gone to school, loves this country, kept his grades high, earned scholarship to college, WANTS TO WORK but can’t, is fearful of being deported to a country he has no memory of, etc. He needs to stay here. He is an American in his heart and has done everything possible to stay here. He did not make the decision, his parent made it for him.

    I am not voiting for Obama, but this issue is not political to me, it is the right thing to do for these young people who had no choice. Make them legal, let them work and pay taxes, which is what most want. At the same time remember they love their parents. Also, many of these young people have brothers or sisters who are American by birth.

    I changed my mind on immigration issues once I had personal dealing with these children.

  7. Jane on June 17th, 2012 9:42 am

    Yes, this is definitely a political decision as the President sees his ratings drop. However, let’s deport the undesireable aliens…the drug dealers, gangs, etc., and give the people we have paid to educate a chance to pay us back for their education. If you send them back home with a good education, who benefits? The country where they are working! Let’s get some of our taxes back!

  8. Friction Against The Machine on June 17th, 2012 7:13 am

    A purely political decision in an election year. It is obvious that the politicians in this country will prostitute themselves out for political gain at the expense of the nation’s best interests. Geo. Washington warned the country of the dangers of political parties and today that warning is more important than ever in that the politicians owe their allegiance more to the party that elected them rather than to their constituency.

  9. billy on June 17th, 2012 1:08 am

    Would you expect anything else from this president?

  10. southern girl on June 16th, 2012 11:49 pm

    Obama did NOT go through the congress which is the legal process.

    This is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!! Let CONGRESS VOTE on this process. Let the congress, that represent the people of the land, vote.

    Obama is stomping all over our laws of the land and people are fed up. He needs to go. We did not make him God, we made him to represent the people.

    Obama needs the illegal’s vote for next election. It is all for political gain.

    Parents broke the law. We should never reward lawbreakers.

  11. huh on June 16th, 2012 6:01 pm

    This is great news! Kids that are brought up in America in american schools are American. How sad it is it deporting kids that dont know anything about their original homeland that only speak english?

    I just dont think this goes far enough to fix other immigration issues.

  12. Jeff on June 16th, 2012 4:46 pm

    Ya’ll would be making me laugh if you weren’t so frightening.

    A kid who was brought here by their parent(s), goes to school, stays out of trouble, graduates, gets a job or puts their life on the line by joining the military and you folks want to deport them?

    Wake up–the world is not black and white, and cannot be boiled down to some ridiculously simple formula.

    Keep swallowing that Faux News diet…

  13. just me on June 16th, 2012 4:29 pm

    He’s only doing this so HE can become and American Citizen (since he himself is here illegally)….. And votes of course….

  14. James Broel on June 16th, 2012 4:28 pm

    Enough of Obama, I guess crazy Mitt Romney would be your choice huh?

  15. shiloh on June 16th, 2012 3:28 pm

    Keep the illegals and deport obama. This jerk has to go!

  16. bob hudson on June 16th, 2012 3:04 pm

    Simple cure. Jan.1 2013 to Dec.31.2014. ANY illegal must register with the federal government for citizen ship. NO EXCUSES. 1 year. If you do not, you will be deported. along with your American born children( We do not want them) When they turn 18, they may re-enter the U.S. Use any means possible to get the word out that you have one year.( schools, colleges, T.V, radio, public announcement).In the mean time CLOSE THE BORDERS ! And enforce the law on the borders. Put the Vets to work on securing our nation.Any company found using, illegal labor 1 fine 100,000. 2 fine 500,000 say up to 1 million. This is what will stop business from using the illegals for the new for of slavery.

  17. MQ on June 16th, 2012 1:17 pm

    I am sick and tired of all this blah, blah. I am convinced that ANY politician will tell you what you want to hear, get elected, and then do what THEY want to do. Take care of AMERICANS first, then help the others in need. Good grief, though, America has its own needy and hungry,hurting, and those in need of educational help. I cannot believe that only other countrys have what America needs in the fields of technology, medical, etc. I am a conservative, but am not convinced that either candidate is worth electing – sad and sorry state for our country. STOP the blame game – in the end NO one wins.

  18. Dan on June 16th, 2012 12:57 pm

    This is a desperate attempt to gain votes. Obummer is going against the Constitution with this latest move. Illegals are criminals plain and simple.

    The law clearly states there is a process required in order to come here.
    If you come here illegally, then you are a criminal and breaking our laws.

    Nothing more than pandering for the Latino vote!!!

  19. Greg on June 16th, 2012 12:54 pm


    Our ancestors came and we established Law. By allowing “Dreamers” to stay (which I am not against in and of itself) without addressing the core issues of us supporting the illegals by allowing them to be in our schools, (and free healthcare, welfare, etc) we are effectively issuing an invitation to come and stay long enough, and your kids will be welcomed with open arms.

    My company will not pay people under the table because it is not fairy to the citizens who pay their taxes. The same principle applies here, it is not fair for the taxpayers to give handouts WHEN WE DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY TO GIVE!!

    Wake up America and take our country back.

  20. neighbor on June 16th, 2012 11:41 am

    The land of the free has become the land of the free hand out. That’s the problem with our country now. We have let everyone from all of these other countries come to America and pursue the American dream. But, us American’s have had to foot the bill. Our tax money goes to pay for their free hand outs. Then we have to compete with them for jobs, which they usually get because our wonderful Government classifies them as a minority. What a joke! Gary is right on, this is a desperate attempt to get votes. Another way our government has ruined this country. If you are not an American, you shouldn’t be able to vote. But, we did elect a president that some question his nationality.
    In a nut shell, if we dont ALL get on our knees and pray for God to interceed, we are in trouble. One Nation Under God is no longer the case and it is sad. We say God bless America but I have to wonder if He is willing to bless a nation that does not fear Him.

  21. just me on June 16th, 2012 11:16 am

    This wanna be Dictator has to go!!!!

  22. Bryan Bethea on June 16th, 2012 9:29 am

    When you think about it everyone in this country of European descent is an illegal immigrant. This land was taken from the indigenous Americans illegally and doled out to white Europeans who arrived by the boatload. I would like to invite anyone who is critical of President Obama’s decision to self deport back to Europe.

    There is something wrong with our culture if we think deporting these young adults is the American thing to do. These people were brought here through no fault of their own by their parents as children. Were they supposed to stand up and refuse to cross the border as infants because it would violate American law? I personally know someone in this situation. He was brought to this country at the age of 2 by his parents from Russia. He speaks English with a southern twang (thanks to being raised in Nashville). He is as American as you or I and doesn’t speak a word of Russian. Yet, he faces deportation to a country he doesn’t know and doesn’t even remember. How insane is that?

  23. tnthorse on June 16th, 2012 8:53 am

    Keep the children and deport mom and dad, that almost sounds like kidnapping. Send them all back where they came from

  24. Gary on June 16th, 2012 8:19 am

    This is nothing short of a desperate attempt to gain votes. Obummer is going against the Constitution with this latest move. Illegals are criminals plain and simple.

    The law clearly states there is a process required in order to come here. If you come here illegally, then you are a criminal and breaking our laws.

  25. PSU1Earl on June 16th, 2012 7:19 am

    It amazes me to see all the “R”’s come out against this, and even Rubio (it was your plan he inacted!!! How can you say its bad?)… I understand they don’t agree with the process, but you can’t say you don’t like the same plan you where proposing! What a joke.

  26. Enough of Obama on June 16th, 2012 2:23 am

    Every coming day Obama continues down a path farther out of touch with the majority of the American people. This country can’t stand another 4 years of Obama. Come November, it’s time to stop the insanity and vote a president into office that has the country’s interest at heart rather than radical left-wing ideals.