No Arrests In Weekend Flomaton Armed Robbery

June 4, 2012

There have been no arrests in a weekend robbery at a Flomaton convenience store.

The Kangeroo Express at Sidney Manning Boulevard (Hwy. 29) and Wilkerson Street was robbed at gunpoint about 10:30 Saturday night.

The incident, which was captured on the store’s surveillance video, shows two white males entering the store. Both were described as being of about average height. One was about 160 pounds, wearing a black ski mask, a  black jacket with a camouflage stripe across the shoulders and khaki pants. The other was described as about 180 pounds wearing a black ski mask and khaki pants.

One of the men was armed with pistol, according to Flomaton Police Chief Daniel Thompson. They fled the store on foot.

The Flomaton Police Department, the Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff’s Office, and the Escambia County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office joined in a manhunt for the suspects using K-9 dogs. After several hours, the unsuccessful search was called off.

Anyone with information about the robbery is asked to call the Flomaton Police Department at (251) 296-5811.

Pictured above and below: These  reader submitted cell phone images show police on the scene of an armed robbery Saturday night in Flomaton. Submitted photos by Anthony Stinson for, click to enlarge.


10 Responses to “No Arrests In Weekend Flomaton Armed Robbery”

  1. flomaton tax payer on June 4th, 2012 11:42 pm

    How stupid;

    I almost wasnt going to reply, but I cant let your words go unanswered. How would you know what the police do or don’t do, have you ever been a cop, how do you know that they dont check on stores, because I have personelly seen them drive through several times at night, and even had them come in a store looking for the clerks when they didnt see them. And as far calling 911 about a drug deal, unless the officer sees it it person theres not a lot he can do…theres this little document you may have heard of it …that prevents him from searching someone without cause..we call it the constitution that he is sworn to up hold, but then again i guess someone that dont know the facts would know about that. Let me finish by saying this if you were robbed tonight, or your house burglerized, would you want 1 officer, or several to find the culprit, or would you prefer him out looking for drug dealers….fair and balanced…you decide.

  2. CW on June 4th, 2012 9:36 pm

    I feel for the clerk, I was robbed while working at the Minute Stop in Atmore back in 1998, and that was my last night working there. A lot of people say what they would do in that situation, but it happens so fast you don’t have time to react.

  3. Klownz on June 4th, 2012 9:12 pm

    Hmm… high school has been out for a week…plenty of time to plan a robbery… and a childish rush and run robbery at that. They probably parked the car at the school which is easy running distance for high school kids down Poplar from the Minute Stop ( and away from the cops who would be coming down 29 from What A Burger at 10:30pm). I dont think that the Khaki pants were a coincidence… and the jackets worn sound like they would meet dress code as well. Why park at the high school? Because of the many exits it has. My guess is they took the back roads…Ringold to Highland and hit the County Rd 4 away from the scene and Century / Flomaton jurisdiction. Why 10:30pm Saturday? Because typical high school kids around here don’t have much of a curfew on the first weekend of Summer vacation…Make sense to me COMMON SENSE, but who am I to investigate right :)

  4. huh on June 4th, 2012 8:00 pm

    If only the police could monitor businesses , and help protect them..

  5. Flomaton for life on June 4th, 2012 4:28 pm

    Dear How Stupid!!,
    If this is the worst town you have ever lived in, in your whole life……..then please, do us all a favor and MOVE!!!! Maybe try Birmingham or Montgomery or Mobile, or even Miami!! If the only problem in our small town is too many officers around……then I am all for it!! We love our small town, but not the ones like you who feel the need to gripe at every little thing that goes on. Although, I do agree with you on one thing, the robber’s need to get a real job!!

  6. Common sense on June 4th, 2012 3:39 pm

    Okay I think it’s so sad that people stoop that low to have to rob somebody but in reading the story nowhere in the article did they have any age ranges or did i see that they were kids that robbed the store so why bring up the whole thing about the schools uniforms? School has been out a week already! Everybody wears khaki’s for different things!

  7. Common Sense on June 4th, 2012 2:52 pm

    My thing is what’s the uniform for Flomaton Schools. You have two guy break in wearing Khaki pants. Im not claiming they are students but there’s a good start right there. Pretty sure if they wore the jacket the usually do at school or to school. As of the cops, small towns equal small police departments. With times getting harder they need more cops. You gripe about so many cops showing up. You wouldn’t go to a fight by yourself in the middle of no where without any help right. You’d take a few friends because you don’t know what’s waiting. Also so many showed up because you try having one or two cops searching a city (yes Flomaton is small) but searching for two guys. Not easy.

  8. flomaton pride on June 4th, 2012 1:52 pm

    how stupid!!! u need to take a look at this pics again,, they are after the fact. do u see the police cars?? And a armed robbery is priority over a drug deal. and this was no SIMPLE CALL, and if u don’t like it her then move!!! our police do the best they can and maybe if your seeing drug deals going down and people scoping out stuff, just maybe your part of the problem.

  9. Wondering on June 4th, 2012 1:15 pm

    The North End is Short Handed On officer but yet Flomaton has their on Officer’s so whats the problem… I Thought Atmore had their’s too. I know Brewton does…But when it come’s to the North End!! We always short handed.. but you make a call and they all come running from where ever.. You dont never see em on the street’s or checking on our local store;s.. This needs to be a Mandatory thing.. People out here working need’s security too.. Some places dont have security officer’s like some places.. If it was a road side Job their would be a state trooper on the JOB!! BET THAT!!

  10. How Stupid!! on June 4th, 2012 1:01 pm

    This is so stupid!! Why dont people like that get out and get a real JOB!! You Really have to rob the Minute stop in Flomaton!! I’m beganing to wondering what this real world has come too… Seriously! Their isn’t anyone out their that saw anything but they posted pic’s…Something is wrong with this PIC!! I think the officer’s should check on these stores more offten than they do.. The Tom Thumb in Flomaton, and the BP in century is not the only two station’s in this whole town.. But of course, if you need a officer and call for 911 and it its a drug deal going down, it takes forever to get one!!! But a store get robbed!! Their every where… What i don’t understand is why have two or more officer’s on duty and when u need one they all at the same place, the same time.. Thats why they have officer’s on duty in each town.. Why does it take every office too go to a simple call.. if they need back up, thats what their radio’s or for.. you dont have to send the whole force to one CALL!! Thats what happen’s in this little Town Called Century, & Flomaton! people Scope out crap to much and know when & where they going to be at.. & They not stupid!! They got the check zone down pat!! So why can’t Our officer’s do the same.. This is what happens when they actually catch them off guard… This is the worst town i have ever lived in, in my whole life…