National Firefighter’s Group Fires Back, Calls PNJ Cartoon ‘Racist’

June 20, 2012

A major firefighters association is firing back at a Pensacola News Journal editorial cartoon that the group calls “racist”.

Last Saturday, the newspaper published the cartoon by Andy Marlette, that depicts two  apparently white firefighters hosing down two black persons.  The caption on the carton states: “Don’t worry, since they laid off all the journalists in Alabama we can get away with this kind of stuff again.”

The newspaper says the cartoon is an editorial depiction of an actual photograph from the 1960’s that was published in Life magazine that shows Birmingham, Ala., firefighters hosing down black marchers at a civil-rights march in Birmingham. The cartoon was inspired, the PNJ said, by an announcement that Advance Publications — owners of the Mobile-Press Register, The Birmingham News and The Huntsville Times, will lay off about 400 journalists and newsroom employees in the fall as they drop to a three day publication schedule — cutting back on the number of “watchdog” journalists.

But International Association of Firefighters (IAFF)  President Harold Schaitberger calls the cartoon a “senseless, confusing and bigoted illustration that should have never reached print”.  The IAFF represents over 300,000 professional firefighters and paramedics in the U.S. and Canada.

“Layoffs are never good. At their worst, they tragically hurt people who work for a living. From a business perspective, they can remove valuable experience and institutional knowledge from a work place. News Journal workers have suffered from layoffs in the past year. And the massive layoffs last week at newspapers owned by Advance Publications in Alabama that threw hard-working journalists and editors into the streets and out of jobs during a terrible economy is deeply disturbing. But none of that is an excuse to insult fire fighters — and it’s time for the illustrator and editors at the paper to stand up honorably and apologize for their ignorance,” Schaitberger said in a news release.

The PNJ is not apologizing; they are standing by the cartoon.

“It’s an editorial cartoon. It’s supposed to evoke an emotional response, it’s not supposed to be taken literally,” a statement released by PNJ Executive Editor Richard Schneider said.

The PNJ has offered the IAFF a chance to respond in a “Viewpoint” column in the newspaper and has invited readers to submit letters to editors.


31 Responses to “National Firefighter’s Group Fires Back, Calls PNJ Cartoon ‘Racist’”

  1. RustyG on July 1st, 2012 8:58 pm

    Mr. Marlette’s cartoon was in poor taste whatever his motive was in creating it.

  2. David Huie Green on June 23rd, 2012 11:49 pm

    yep, your mama was smart

    David for self control

  3. mamasaid on June 23rd, 2012 8:48 pm

    Mama always used to say, “people cannot be offended by anything someone else says or does unless the offended person allows it. God gave each of us the ability to reason for ourselves so don’t let others control your feelings or temperment. Only a fool does that.” Mama was a wise old bird!

  4. jesse on June 23rd, 2012 6:49 am

    To J.W.
    Only a “racist” or a “bigot” would be offended by the suggestion of racism! That photo should have NEVER been posted in the 60’s and especially not now!

    United States of the Offended……goes both ways!

    I am offended by the suggestion of racism, simply because it is suggested all of the time. I am neither a racist or a bigot. I am of German ancestry, I do not get offended every time I see Germans equated to Nazi beliefs. I am personally tired of every time something is printed or broadcast a certain group of people disect it to find an insult.

  5. My2Cents on June 23rd, 2012 12:08 am

    Let’s look at it in a different light, shall we! If it was a black person {as the article has written} that felt it was a racial attack, the article would immediately be removed with no questions asked. You can’t very well say any different, because if you look at the track record, the race card is used all the time. But, since someone from the firefighters association has an issue with the fact that the cartoon does clearly show white men spraying black men, nothing will be done. The one time someone is NOT wanting to protray a raciest image, gets more flack then when someone plays the race card….HHUUMM!

  6. jesse on June 22nd, 2012 8:36 am

    To wow in 2012
    As History teacher says in their post, do people get upset over reminders of Japanese Americans being placed in prison camps during WW II? The thing is that no matter how wrong some of the things in American history were, they are still American History. How is this racist? Were blacks the only people sprayed with a fire hose?? What about demonstrators at Berkley during the 60s? I do not hear any former protester’s whining about this. You are looking for something to be insulted by.

  7. Sam Phillips on June 21st, 2012 10:35 pm

    I find this cartoon and more imprtantly the PNJ position highy offensive and racist in nature! As a career fire service officer with over 33 years of service to the public I find it disrespectful to the readers of the PNJ, the public at large, and to those who risk their lives in service to man kind. The fire service in particular has worked at great lengths to embrace diversity in our work place and in our local communities. Firefighters are involved in countless community and social events to further equality and then an Editor whose newspaper is obviously failing pulls a stupid stunt such this.It is no wonder print media is going broke. What will be the next stunt to attempt to gain readership? To frame firefighters in such a callous manner is inexcusable.

    Pitty from Port Angeles, WA.

  8. WarEagle007 on June 21st, 2012 9:40 pm

    One truth that stands out but hasn’t been mentioned is; you would need to go back to the 60’s to find true “watchdog” journalism at the PNJ. Liberal bias is alive and well inside their walls and indeed the majority of main stream media as well. I will take the integrity of a fireman over that of an A. P. reporter any day!

  9. Trina Marsh on June 21st, 2012 6:46 pm

    Our firefighters risk their lifes for us and are most of the time their for us before anyone else can get to us I think we should all do them a favor and not buy the parer for a few days or however long one chooses to show our support. Thats what they would do in the 60s boycott to show support.

  10. Sherry on June 21st, 2012 6:39 pm

    This is such a bad thing to do. I will not buy another news paper because it is one thing to write about real life race issues but to try to hurt people by doing somthing like this is wrong.

  11. Doug on June 21st, 2012 12:00 pm

    Anyone can scream freedom of speech in reference to this issue. Most decent people know you should still watch what you say. This entire situation says more about the Richard Schneider’s (poor) character than it does about racism. Just my thoughts…

  12. GM on June 21st, 2012 7:11 am

    At first glance I thought the cartoon was about the President and congress.

  13. bigbill1961 on June 20th, 2012 10:01 pm

    PNJ = Pensacola News Joke

    The only reason my mom and I read the PNJ is to see who can find the most typos.

    If it wasn’t for, this area wouldn’t have any decent news reporting. Keep up the good work!

  14. 429SCJ on June 20th, 2012 9:10 pm

    Yet another good reason to walk away from the useless relic, the News Journal has become. Unbelievable.

  15. Proud Vet on June 20th, 2012 6:54 pm

    At the person who said that we should just laugh and not take this serious.

    Are you kidding me? This is not funny!

    The cartoon depicts white people as suppressors and bullies; and black people as victims of white supremacy who will be unable to fight back against white supremacy because all these “poor journalist” will be laid off.

    I don’t see the humor!

  16. JW on June 20th, 2012 2:21 pm

    Only a “racist” or a “bigot” would be offended by the suggestion of racism! That photo should have NEVER been posted in the 60’s and especially not now!

    United States of the Offended……goes both ways!

  17. Change on June 20th, 2012 1:24 pm

    Why can’t you folks just laugh? There is too much stress in this world. Just LAUGH! (to express mirth, pleasure, derision, or nervousness with an audible, vocal expulsion of air from the lungs that can range from a loud burst of sound to a series of quiet chuckles and is usually accompanied by characteristic facial and bodily movements. )

  18. History Teacher on June 20th, 2012 1:02 pm

    No wonder the world is going downhill the way it is. There are so many people who want to cry foul at the slightest hint of something perceived as “racist.” This may sound crass, but get over it and get an education. Being upset at the reprinting of this political cartoon is like getting upset at pictures and information of Japanese-Americans being placed in internment camps in the U.S. during WWII. What? That’s different you say? No, actually it’s the same thing. Racism and discrimination were present and led to those events. What about the Holocaust? Are you outraged when you see pictures of what Hitler did to over 6 million people? No. These things are part of our history. That is why we learn about them in history class. To make sure that people learn about and understand what has happened and can happen again if we let things get the way they once were. This political cartoon did exactly what it was supposed to do. It evoked an emotional response from the viewers. Does this mean we need to remove the Civil Rights movement and all the violence associated with it from our history classes? To let some of you tell it, that’s exactly what you are saying. This reprint of the cartoon was in no way saying this is what we believe in. It was saying, hey, look at the type of stuff that can go on and the public will never know if there are not journalists to cover it.

    History teacher for a more educated society

  19. Lessons on June 20th, 2012 12:37 pm

    I understand what you all are saying about “dont repeat the actions of the past”. However, if we continually poke fun and bring up the past how can we expect there not to be hatred and outrage.

    Its bad enough that people born in the 80s and 90s are claiming to be oppressed or held back by “the man”, but when a foolish clown like this guy pokes fun at our nation”s trajedies, it is not okay by any means.

  20. shiloh on June 20th, 2012 11:49 am

    Richard Schneider should be FIRED. He is nothing but a trouble maker that is trying to keep his job at the croaker wrapper. As for me, I will never buy another paper from gannett!

  21. Gembeux on June 20th, 2012 10:24 am

    I guess if your “journalism” doesn’t sell papers, then your stupidity might. The PNJ, our area’s perpetually amateur publication, encourages the idea that there are those who long for those days fifty or more years ago, that some are simply waiting with bated breath to re-establish Jim Crowism and the apartheid that existed in the 1950’s. This isn’t the land of illiterate hillbillies so often portrayed by the Hollywood types who have never set foot here, with their syrupy fake drawls and goofy dialogue. Hey, Gannett Publications, since you haven’t seemed to notice, or don’t really care, the south HAS changed, and even though it isn’t perfect here, it is apretty damn good place to live.
    By the way, I have nothing but good to say about Keep up the good work, William – maybe the hacks downtown will notice!

  22. Lawson on June 20th, 2012 10:06 am

    Why not just get rid of all political correctness and let the chips fall. Much of this stuff and your circulation will drop. It is the way things work. I’m with David, I don’t mind being reminded these things have happened. I’m also with Billy Boy, just give it to me straight. I can handle it.

  23. Idea on June 20th, 2012 10:05 am

    AMEN!!!! to LMN!!!

  24. David Huie Green on June 20th, 2012 8:55 am

    I’m prejudiced in Andy’s favor but even if I weren’t, the cartoon gets across the idea that people will misbehave as they have in the past unless there are those to report their wrong-doings. If firefighters are angry at being reminded of what some firefighters HAVE done in the past, the solution is not to complain about it being mentioned but to not do such things in the future. I don’t know any firefighters who would do such things nowadays but I would want it reported if it happened.

    Of course, there are more news outlets than newspapers so the fear that misdoings won’t be reported is highly unlikely. Everybody but me can video record such things and post them to world-wide viewable sites.

    David not biting the hand that feeds

  25. Molino Mom on June 20th, 2012 8:45 am

    I feel that the cartoon is meant to be a parody. It’s groups like this firefighter group that keep racism in the forefront and will not let people be equals. As they have stated, they think this ‘toon is from the ’60’s. Let it stay in the ’60’s. America has progressed so much more since then.

  26. Billy Boy on June 20th, 2012 8:23 am

    Newspapers are laying off journalists because their sales are dropping, meaning folks aren’t buying their products. A business is a for profit enterprise, so either change with the times ,or go under. If I want real news on a timely basis without slants and commentary (usually with a left wing bias) I use a news outlet such as North Escambia. I’ll bet the PNJ scans it often for real news articles. Newspapers can take any stance or political viewpoint that they wish, but please don’t whine when your circulation drops. Newspapers declining sales are also caused by technology shifts and peoples need for instant access. We are bombarded with information overkill and I , personally like to form my own opinions, and not have some journalist try to interpret the news for me. Just give me the facts and let me decide.

  27. lmn on June 20th, 2012 8:14 am

    Freedom of speech and freedom of press. Do we all enjoy these liberties? If no move to some other great country. I’m sure they will love you and open you with open arms. Get over the pettiness. When you look hard enough you will always find what you are looking for.

  28. 2012 on June 20th, 2012 7:22 am

    Jesse, noone is “lookin” for anything, it is blatant and in our face and put out there in the forefront for everyone to see

  29. jesse on June 20th, 2012 6:48 am

    Why are people always looking for something to be insulted by?

  30. 429SCJ on June 20th, 2012 5:41 am

    Andy Marlette obviously has no consideration for the people of Alabama.

    He obviously does not live in the rural isolated areas of the North End, as he would know better than to insult his neighbors with such trash.

    429SCJ for cartoonist who are leaving Escambia County for jobs elsewhere.

  31. well on June 20th, 2012 5:02 am

    Poor ole Mullet Wrapper.
    It’s a round world.