Molino Park Accelerated Reader Awards Presented

June 21, 2012

Accelerated reader awards were recently presented to some of the top readers at Molino Park Elementary School:

Most Words Read

  • 1st grade — Ethan Collier –  227,310
  • 2nd grade — James Perz –  336, 593
  • 3rd grade — Ariel Ward  — 1,184,934
  • 4th grade –  Alexa Scholobohm — 1,156,819
  • 5th grade –Hannah McGahan –  3,340,506

Most Accelerated Reader Points

  • 1st grade — Ethan Collier — 128 Points
  • 2nd grade — laden Lewis –  85.1 Points
  • 3rd grade — Hailey Harigel  –  209.8 Points
  • 4th grade –  Alexa Scholobohm — 164.2 Points
  • 5th grade –Hannah McGahan — 476.5 Points


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