Molino Family Photographs Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee

June 6, 2012

[VOA] England’s Queen Elizabeth led a carriage procession through the streets of London Tuesday, the last day of Diamond Jubilee celebrations to mark her 60-year reign, and the public poured out to view the spectacle.

A Molino family living in England was there with photos for To view the photo gallery, click here.

In a rare speech Tuesday broadcast in Britain and the Commonwealth, the queen said the events she attended to mark her 60 years on the throne have been a “humbling experience.” She said she was touched “deeply” to see thousands of families, neighbors and friends celebrating in such a “happy atmosphere.”

She also said her husband of 64 years, Prince Philip, is very grateful to the organizers.

On Tuesday, cheering crowds lined the avenue toward Buckingham Palace for the grand finale to the celebrations.

The 86-year-old monarch and her family waved to thousands of flag-waving Londoners from the palace balcony, as Royal Air Force aircraft conducted a fly-past overhead. Prince Philip was absent after being hospitalized Monday with a bladder infection.

Earlier in the day, Queen Elizabeth attended a solemn service of thanksgiving in St. Paul’s Cathedral, joining her son and heir-to-the-throne, Prince Charles, her grandsons William and Harry, and other members of the royal family. She then led a horse-drawn carriage procession to Buckingham Palace, while military bands played and a 60-gun salute was fired.

In his thanksgiving sermon, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams said Queen Elizabeth had shown “a quality of joy in the happiness of others” during her 60 years on the throne.

In Washington, U.S. President Barack Obama issued a personal tribute to the queen, saying he hopes she will continue to “reign supreme for many years to come.” In a video posted on the White House website , Mr. Obama called her a “living witness” to the enduring “special relationship” between Britain and the United States, a bond that he said remains indispensable to their two countries and the world.

Elizabeth succeeded her father, King George, after his death in 1952 and was coronated the following year.

She was crowned queen of seven Commonwealth countries — the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon, now known as Sri Lanka.

Along with Britain, the monarch is the head of state of 16 other nations, known as realms. Her role is purely ceremonial. She is also head of the Commonwealth, an organization that rose from the British empire. Most of its 53 member countries are former colonies.

Pictured top:  (L-R) Camilla, Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth, Prince William and Kate, and Prince Harry on the balcony of Buckingham Palace. Pictured top inset: Queen Elizabeth rides an open-air carriage through the streets of London Tuesday. Pictured bottom inset: Looking toward Buckingham Palace. Pictured below: Prince William and Kate, and Prince Harry in an open-air carriage near Buckingham Palace. Photos for, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Molino Family Photographs Queen Elizabeth’s Diamond Jubilee”

  1. Cool in Jay on June 6th, 2012 7:18 pm

    I was born in England, have lived here for forty yearsw. Thanks to the Molino couple for the great pics of the royal family. I was there ten years ago forher Golden Jubliee. It was as exciting as this one, crowds as well. I f she makes anothe ten years it will be here Platinum. God Save the Queen. Long may she reign.

  2. Molino resident on June 6th, 2012 8:25 am

    I have vacationed in London twice. Both times were fabulous. The people there love Americans. The old old architecture is awe-inspiring. I would recommend London as a vacation spot. The people are very welcoming and also our most devoted ally. Thank you past Molino resident for the pictures. God Save the Queen.

  3. randy on June 6th, 2012 7:13 am

    GOD save the QUEEN

  4. joy on June 6th, 2012 7:07 am

    WOW!!!!! Great photos.

  5. JimD on June 6th, 2012 6:22 am

    It was some of the best times of my life living in England. I lived in London for 7 years and near Oxford for 6 years; whiles in the US Air Force. I liked it some much I decided to bring home a keep sake and have been married for 22 years now.

  6. Samantha Benning on June 6th, 2012 5:58 am

    Very refreshing article! Such tradition!

  7. 429SCJ on June 6th, 2012 4:32 am

    I am shocked that Prince Charles would bring a courtesan to his mother’s diamond jubilee.

  8. Cool on June 6th, 2012 1:13 am

    I mean how cool is this? Little ole with pictures of the Queen of England. Bet she reads NE every day?