Memorial Dedicated In Memory Of Fallen Firefighter Killed In 1962

June 6, 2012

A fallen firefighter, the grandfather of two Northview High School graduates, was memorialized  Tuesday.

A new monument at Seville Square honors Pensacola Firefighter Vista Spencer Lowe, 23, who died in the line of duty while responding to a house fire on Zarragossa Street.  After arriving at the scene, Lowe stepped from the rear tailboard of the firetruck on which he was riding. He tripped and fell to the ground. Unaware of Lowe’s location, the pumper’s driver began backing up the firetruck, crushing Lowe.

Lauren and Jennifer Lowe, 2010 Northview High graduates, took part in the monument’s dedication Tuesday morning, reading “The Fireman’s Prayer”.  Their grandfather’s fireman boots were next to them; the boots are the only personal memento they have left from their grandfather. He was killed when their father, Mark Lowe, was just six months old.

“It gives everybody a chance to see that firefighters dedicate their lives in really big way,” Jennifer Lowe said. “My grandpa passed away trying to help people.”

Lowe’s death caused fire departments to change operating procedures, requiring that no apparatus be backed up without a department member watching and directing.

“The monument not only celebrates what he did, but how his death is contributing to the safety of firefighters these days,”  Jennifer Lowe said.

Pictured top: Family members of fallen firefighter Vista Spencer Lowe with a memorial unveiled Tuesday in his honor at Seville Square. Pictured inset: Northview graduates Lauren (left) and Jennifer Lowe read “The Fireman’s Prayer” Tuesday morning as a memorial was dedicated to their grandfather. The boots he was wearing the night of his demise are seen on the left of  the podium (courtesy P.C. Wu). Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Memorial Dedicated In Memory Of Fallen Firefighter Killed In 1962”

  1. P.C. Wu on June 9th, 2012 4:46 pm

    William I made a mistake. Firefighter Vista Lowe’s grandson is Jordon not Jason- sorry.

  2. l.l. on June 8th, 2012 10:49 pm

    Lol. Jordon? Silly people thinking they know everything;)

  3. P. C. Wu on June 7th, 2012 1:25 pm

    Also at the dedication was Fire fighter Vista Lowe’s grandson Jason 16. He did a wonderful job of leading us in the pledge to our flag. He is pictured above to the right of the marker- with a bandaged hand. I know Firefighter Lowe was beaming with pride at his children and grandchildren.

  4. MolinoLady on June 6th, 2012 8:22 pm

    What a wonderful tribute to a fallen fireman – it gives added meaning to his life. Bless each of you. We honor your hero.

  5. S.L.B on June 6th, 2012 12:06 pm

    Such a touching and inspiring memorial service. It is always sad when we loose someone near and dear to us no matter the circumstances. I commend Mr.Vista Lowe and his family for his sacrifice in the name of keeping the citizens in his city safe. I am so pleased to see that the City of Pensacola has taken the opportunity to honor him in this way. May God bless this family always!