Man Facing Attempted Murder Charges After Car Burglary Spree

June 9, 2012

A suspected car burglar is facing attempted murder charges after he allegedly opened fire on people that caught him in the act of breaking into cars in one Escambia County neighborhood.

Jeremiah J. Jones, 18, was charged with three counts of attempted felony murder, about a dozen burglary charges, two counts of possession of a weapon or ammunition by a convicted felon, criminal mischief, five counts of armed burglary, grand theft of a firearm, felony possession of marijuana and six counts of discharging a firearm. He was being held in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $917,750.

Deputies believe Jones was involved in more than 15 vehicle burglaries. During one of the many incidents in the Bellview community early Friday morning, residents heard noises and went outside with flashlights to confront Jones. Jones then fired several shots at the victims before running off, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

“Deputies saturated the area when another call of a burglary in progresses was received,” said Deputy Matt Baxter, “Jones was then taken into custody without further incident. At the time of arrest Jones was still in possession of the firearm.”

Investigators do not believe that Jones is involved in numerous vehicle burglaries reported earlier in the week.

More charges are pending the vehicle burglary cases, Baxter said.


11 Responses to “Man Facing Attempted Murder Charges After Car Burglary Spree”

  1. Michelle on June 10th, 2012 7:43 pm

    What an idiot! He breaks into cars, was confronted, shoots at victims and runs away. Knowing full and well that the police WILL be called. So what does he do? HE finds another car to break into. Duh!!

    IF he finished High school, (Big IF), not even a week out and what does he do? Gets himself arrested, with hopefully a long prison sentence.

    Mom, Dad you must be ssoooo proud of your little baby boy :D !! All grown up and a soon to be felon. I mean your little angel after all is the victim of society (the race card). LOL Don’t blame the parents, they are the only ones raising him.
    Now you will be able to display his graduation photo (again big IF) next to his mugshot and baby photo’s. Again LOL

  2. Sandra on June 10th, 2012 7:13 pm

    @Mike. I keep a loaded pistol in the glovebox of both of my cars….but I lock them. I also keep a pistol over the fridge, and in my nightstand. When I am out I carry a .45 on my hip.

  3. Mike on June 10th, 2012 11:40 am

    These break-ins occurred early Friday morning between 2 and 3 am. He allegedly broken into cars on Longleaf Dr, La Rosa, Hillcrest, Green Bay, Farris, Franks Court and Bellview Pines Place.

    Most cars were just ransacked and nothing taken. A few cars he took valuables, including a gun. Thank goodness one place had oustide cameras to record the event. Thank goodness a great neighbor was able to witness the last burglary and call the police. Otherwise this would just be another string of burglaries.

    For the life of me, I dont know why someone would leave a gun or their wallet inside their vehicle – locked or unlocked. Jeez, how would you confront a thief if your gun is inside the car thats being burglarized?

    Crime is out of control in Pensacola. I for one, want my gun sitting on the night stand next to my bed. That way when that crap hits the fan, I dont have to go looking for my weapon. When all is said in done, I wont have to tell the story, just hit the “play” button and everyone can see watch what happened.

  4. Jane on June 10th, 2012 6:36 am

    Firing shots at people? If he had done that out here I bet someone would’ve fired back.

  5. Willis II on June 9th, 2012 5:54 pm

    I’m sure he’ll make great applicant for one of the good paying jobs if we’ll just give him a second chance!

  6. Gembeaux on June 9th, 2012 12:39 pm

    Bet he’ll be dirtying up the streets again in less than two years!

  7. Mic Hall on June 9th, 2012 10:29 am

    We need a place to put people like this for the rest of their lives. An island or something that we drop them off and they are own their own. It has been tried and made into movies but we need one now. It is just to expensive in our current system to give the death penalty and we rarely do anyway even on the really horrible people.

    This guy has shown by his actions that he does NOT want to be productive or safe in civilized society and we should remove him from it to protect those who do want to be. His age only shows where he intends to be for the rest of his life. What do we wait until he is caught for killing someone? What do we say to that family? Sorry we knew he would do it and has proved he is willing to hurt others to get what he wants but we have to wait until he killed someone before we took him away for good.

    Guys like this are just worse after years in prison.

  8. Not too smart on June 9th, 2012 9:07 am

    I just shot at some people I was trying to rob so ill go down the street and try again?????? I bet the cops wish they were all that dumb. Hopefully he hasn’t had time to father any children yet.

  9. JM on June 9th, 2012 7:27 am

    It really sounds to me like this young felon has had to many chances.
    What a hard young man, what did he really think he was going to get
    out of people vehicles in the middle of the night that would be worth
    taking lives over, or finishing off his own possibly? Probably another
    teen who ran the streets all night and nobody cared!!!!

    like he is willing.

  10. SFC on June 9th, 2012 7:25 am

    Mr Jones, I sure hope you don’t mind prison. We’ll be seeing you in about 20 plus years.

  11. brent on June 9th, 2012 12:55 am

    waste no time…he’s guilty ..put him away