Man Charged With Fathering 13-Year Old’s Child Says He’s Not Guilty

June 12, 2012

A North Escambia man accused of fathering a child with a 13-year old girl has pleaded not guilty to the charges against him.

Michael Lee King, 26, remains free on bond after being arrested May 29 on three felony charges — sexual battery, lewd and lascivious battery, and child abuse.  His attorney, David B. Ackerman, has filed a written plea of not guilty and waived a scheduled June 21 arraignment hearing, according to court records. No trial date  has been set.

According to an arrest report, King first had non-consensual sex in 2010 with the girl when she was 12 years old. Their sexual encounters continued for over a year, she told investigators, until King was arrested on unrelated charges in August.

At age 13, the girl became pregnant, giving birth at age 14, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

The Sheriff’s Office obtained a voluntary DNA sample from the 14-year old girl and baby, and obtained a search warrant for a DNA sample from King. According to a Florida Department of Law Enforcement lab report, there was a 99.99 percent probability that King was the father of the child.

King did not provide deputies with a statement prior to his arrest, according to a Sheriff’s Office report.

At the time of his arrest, King listed his address as a trailer park on Barth Road in Molino. He previously resided on Highway 164 in McDavid, according to jail records. The abuse incidents occurred in McDavid, according to the arrest report.


26 Responses to “Man Charged With Fathering 13-Year Old’s Child Says He’s Not Guilty”

  1. busted on June 29th, 2012 11:06 pm

    prison prison prison if this man walks around our community why should our children feel unprtoected this man should but we all will the lord handle it we got husbands you know ones we cant control when it comes to fealthy beast like these but you know when he goes to prison we promble wil never here his name thats what happen to a ol friend of mine killed the 2nd day in prison for something similer there in pensacola . my words or speech is done .

  2. kristen on June 15th, 2012 4:20 pm

    his is around both his children daily and my kids and our other friends kids he is a very good person and all we got to say is mike we all are here for you keep your head up

  3. Bamagrl on June 14th, 2012 10:46 am

    he should be put under the jail i have 3 little girls of my own i would put this guy in a tree he deff. should not be allowed to be around the little girl he has at home. he is a sick person

  4. ahaha on June 14th, 2012 12:29 am

    regguarding to the comment that he shouldnt go to jail that he should pay and be with the childd.. no he hasnt been around this child since day one.. we want nothing from him.. we have been raiseing this beautiful little girl ans her mother since day one.. we dont need his help an this baby sure enough does not need him !! the now 14 year old girl is my cousin an she lives with us.. she is basicly my sister and this baby means the world to us even though she came from a bad cause. but she here now ans we love her to death … we want nothing from him at all.. we got this.. always have always will.. this baby will not be a orphan to whoever wrote that

  5. David Huie Green on June 13th, 2012 11:22 pm

    “Some jobs are not worth doing”

    And most people don’t do most jobs. Nonetheless, if this gentleman can not receive legal representation as he is entitled in the Constitution, he must be freed for violation of his Constitutional rights.
    Do we want that?
    If we don’t, then it IS a job worth doing.

    He hasn’t manipulated the legal system to not instantly plead guilty. He has that right. If the evidence is strong enough, the truth will come out. It looks like it is, so it shouldn’t be hard to win a conviction if he did what it strongly implies.

    (By the way, it IS biologically possible for a woman to get pregnant without coming into physical contact with the sperm provider. It isn’t likely and I certainly won’t go into the details here, but it CAN be done. In fact there was an interesting case which came before the Supreme Court — I think it was — recently in which a woman had herself made pregnant by a man who had been dead for over a year and tried to get Social Security benefits due to the children of the dead man. The court ruled that no pregnancy begun after the death of the father/sperm donor would receive SS benefits.)

    Regardless, if a defendant can’t get legal representation, the courts are required to release him. If a person agrees to represent a client, he is as honor bound to do so to the best of his ability. lest he be released on grounds of inadequate legal representation.

    All is well. Have faith.

    David for justice

  6. Jesse on June 13th, 2012 8:11 pm

    To David for doing your job.
    Some jobs are not worth doing if you have any integrity. For instance ladies do not approve of prostitutes. It is my opinion that Defense lawyers who attempt to manipulate our judicial system to get an animal like this off are worse then the lowliest prostitute. I am aware that he has not gone to trial yet, however DNA is considered to be accurate enough evidence to free people from prison, I think it is evidence enough to convict this scum.

  7. jeeperman on June 13th, 2012 10:03 am

    Ackerman is the Judge that thought he would retire and collect his lump sum $1.3million retirement. Then come back to the bench six months later and double dip the system.
    Then Governor Crist appointed someone else to replace him instead.

  8. David Huie Green on June 13th, 2012 9:16 am

    “As a Judge, he would’ve thrown him under the Jail. Now as an Attorney he says Not Guilty??”

    As a judge, his duty is to be impartial.
    As his attorney, his job is to be his advocate, no matter how hard.

    David for doing your job
    no matter how smelly

  9. baffled on June 13th, 2012 9:11 am

    I am just so saddened by this story. This poor little girl has had her childhood taken from her because of this horrible person. DNA does not lie! Karma is a wonderful thing. I hope that our justice system takes care of this man to the fullest and he spends the remainer of his days behind bars. However, there is a greater power that WILL make sure he pays for what he has done. Eternity in hell, yes i think so!

  10. SHO-NUFF on June 13th, 2012 4:12 am

    His Attorney was a long time County Judge up until a few years ago before retiring.
    As a Judge, he would of thrown him under the Jail. Now as an Attorney he says Not Guilty??

  11. Reading Comprehension on June 12th, 2012 7:06 pm

    >>Wow what if the DNA says this is not his child?
    >> Have the DNA results came back?

    Reading comprehension is important.

    “search warrant for a DNA sample from King. According to a Florida Department of Law Enforcement lab report, there was a 99.99 percent probability that King was the father of the child.”

    That means the DNA says it is his kid.

  12. Marsha B on June 12th, 2012 5:51 pm

    Wow what if the DNA says this is not his child?

  13. Missysmom on June 12th, 2012 4:49 pm

    Have the DNA results came back?

  14. David Huie Green on June 12th, 2012 3:11 pm

    “3. and he must attend all the child’s activities ( piano recitals, dance classes etc….. (if a little girl) and if a boy, attend little league, football, high school band etc.. the list can go on, the idea is to make him pay!! ”

    So you would have him to go events with other small children?

    David for not making bad situations worse

  15. David Huie Green on June 12th, 2012 3:08 pm

    “He should be lynched!”

    But then his child would be an orphan

    David for not making bad things worse

  16. Bama54 on June 12th, 2012 3:00 pm

    Retired Miliscary: The point is to make him pay!! I did go overboard a little, but I see so many individual get off without payiing by just go to jail and within a few months they are out free as a bird and without any responsiblity. Back in the day when men were real men!! they would take care of this in the community and he would become a role model for everyone to see!! Now we are in a society where we can’t have the conversation this man needs!!!

  17. cantonment on June 12th, 2012 2:58 pm

    Not guilty but the child is 99.99 % his. hmmm, yeahh your right your innocent

  18. jeeperman on June 12th, 2012 11:51 am

    The not guilty plea is standard operating procedure for a lawyer that wants to run his bill.
    It is also a bluff in that it is also is a way to tie up the courts time and so the SA might offer up a plea bargin to avoid court time. As well as SA office time.

  19. Mnon on June 12th, 2012 10:37 am

    @Bama54 that is ridiculous… For one the little girl he raped may not want him anywhere near the child. Also everything you just mentioned is punishment? Maybe to someone that thinks raising a child and participating in everything is a punishment. Just like most men and some women who view child support as a punishment. You should want to do all that and enjoy doing all of that. I know I do when it concerns my children. No this creep belongs in prison for the rest of his life, period, no question. Lastly anyone defending this pile of trash deserves to be right there with him… it’s called Karma… go ahead and keep defending him it will all come back around on you at some future point in time. It always does.

  20. Retired Miliscary on June 12th, 2012 9:40 am

    Bama54: if you’re serious, you’re senile.

    Molino Mom: Briarroot may be one of this perv’s buddies, but he has a point, and it’s correct. Let him go to court. He WILL be convicted. This rest of this perv’s life is going to be spent in prison.

    And let me say this as well: Our world has NOT turned into a truly horrible place for children to grow up in. This kind of behavior has ALWAYS happened. The vast majority of people are fundamentally good, responsible members of the human race. It’s the .5% who are deviant.

  21. Bama54 on June 12th, 2012 8:00 am

    I good way to solve this issue is: 1. Don’t put him in jail, 2. Just make him pay for “ALL” the “Child” care until the child is completely out of school (including college), 3. and he must attend all the child’s activities ( piano recitals, dance classes etc….. (if a little girl) and if a boy, attend little league, football, high school band etc.. the list can go on, the idea is to make him pay!! An old wise man told me if you feed him long enough he will become yours!!

  22. Molino Mom on June 12th, 2012 7:41 am

    To briarroot
    Are you insane??? He should be lynched!
    He is NOT innocent, DNA does not lie. I hope the judge makes an example of this pervert and sends him to jail to let general population take care of the problem.
    How can you defend someone who was having sex with a 12 year old child?
    You are just as guilty as him by condoning it and/or defending this low life piece of trash!
    I wonder-do you have a little girl? If so, would you let her spend the night at his house? Never mind-you probably would.
    I am just sickened over this. Our world has turned into a truly horrible place for children to grow up in because of disgusting perverts like this one.

  23. briarroot on June 12th, 2012 6:21 am

    He is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. This is America, not a third-world country where we lynch people from the nearest tree.

  24. nudo on June 12th, 2012 4:50 am

    The “not guilty” plea is what his lawyer has suggested in order to try and get less punishment. Sad isn’t it?

  25. Everett on June 12th, 2012 4:08 am

    Have you seen the commercial on TV where the scientist says he’s “99.99 percent sure” and his lab buddy says “so your not completely sure”. Don’t think this applies to this case.

  26. dumb on June 12th, 2012 12:52 am

    okay im family !!! How is he not guilty when he admited to having relations with my cousin ??? Umm there is a little baby with his DNA to prove it