Man Charged With 65 Counts Of Child Porn

June 5, 2012

An Escambia County man arrested in March on child pornography charges has been arrested again.

Alan Lynsdale Hamilton, 48, was charged with one count of video voyeurism and 65 additional counts of child pornography.

During a followup investigation, several videos were discovered of various females in the restroom of his Sandy Creek Drive home and in what appears to be a motel restroom. Deputies said 65 images and videos were recovered in a forensic investigation of Hamilton’s computer which led to the child pornography charges.

Hamilton was booked into the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $162,500 on the child pornography charges and no bond on the video voyeurism charge.

Anyone having further information in this investigation is asked contact Investigator Zack Ward at the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9609.


3 Responses to “Man Charged With 65 Counts Of Child Porn”

  1. Stacy D on June 6th, 2012 9:38 pm

    This is just becoming to much you can not trust anyone.

  2. David Huie Green on June 5th, 2012 11:21 am

    “Question, how can you be investigated and arrested once for a crime, only to be out investigated again and arrested for the same crime? Isn’t that double jeopardy or something?”

    Your question doesn’t address what they say happened but no, it is not double jeopardy to be charged with other crimes after being charged with a crime. The crimes for which he was first arrested are not disposed at this time. Investigation into that crime is reported to have uncovered other crimes.

    Court records read like he was arrested in May, not March but I could be missing something. That was in part for use of a two way communications device to facilitate commission of a felony. The other part was traveling to meet after luring a child — the felony.

    Having forbidden material is a separate charge. And there’s another similar but separate charge.

    Double jeopardy would be if he were placed in jeopardy of life, freedom or property for a specific crime, acquitted or the charges dropped and then charged again for exactly the same crime.

    David answering question

  3. Mnon on June 5th, 2012 8:22 am

    Question, how can you be investigated and arrested once for a crime, only to be out investigated again and arrested for the same crime? Isn’t that double jeopardy or something?

    Don’t get me wrong, I DO NOT agree with what this sicko has done or is doing. I only hope they throw him under the prison. I’m 100,000% against exploitation of children. If I ever see anything even remotely questionable online I report it to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. I’ve had a few sites shut down because of finding exploitative images of children online. I would encourage anyone to report questionable internet content that is exploiting children in any fashion. It is easy to do and if you choose you can remain anonymous.