George Zimmerman’s Wife Arrested

June 13, 2012

Shellie Zimmerman, the wife of George Zimmerman, the alleged shooter in the Trayvon Martin case, has been arrested on perjury charges in Seminole County.

The charge arises out of Shellie Zimmerman’s testimony in a bond hearing for her husband in his second degree murder case. Prosecutors allege she testified falsely at that hearing about the family’s personal finances, failing to disclose her access to all the cash the Zimmerman’s had in the bank in part as a result of a fundraising website set up for him.

She bonded out of jail Tuesday afternoon, Seminole County officials said.


7 Responses to “George Zimmerman’s Wife Arrested”

  1. David Huie Green on June 13th, 2012 11:39 pm

    “The only thing his defense has is his credibility ”

    At least one other thing, the presumption of innocence.

    Oh, and no living witnesses against him regarding the specifics of the encounter, forensic evidence suggesting possible violence against him, screams from someone ere the shooting, reports of the small child beating him rather than him beating the small child, some questions regarding the credibility of some of his accusers..

    David counting
    while still expecting lynching

  2. Michael on June 13th, 2012 9:08 pm

    They not only lied about the money, they misled the court into thinking he had surrendered his passport . . . . that goes directly into whether he’s a flight risk or not. He could have easily left the country and started living abroad!

    The only thing his defense has is his credibility . . . his word that things went down the way he said they did and now that’s shot (pun intended)!

  3. dad on June 13th, 2012 8:11 pm

    I’m guessing Zimmerman was planning on running. Another article I read said he got a second passport after being bonded out the first time.

  4. David Huie Green on June 13th, 2012 11:12 am

    “What was going on with this guy that he had a web site for fund raising?”

    At a wild guess, he was expecting some legal expenses associated with being tried for second degree murder and hoped to get money for his defense. (Either that or he hoped to raise enough money to go to Peru and put all behind him).

    David wondering
    why any would wonder
    why any would want money

  5. JM on June 13th, 2012 10:54 am

    What was going on with this guy that he had a web site for fund raising?
    Guess I missed that one.

    The horrible thing here is a kid is dead and these people seem to lie
    about everything. I have never been able to believe liers about anything.
    It always seems they just have instincts for themselves (cover their
    own butts) and it’s been my experience with people that that they do
    that because they are ALWAYS in trouble.

    At first I thought how stupid it was to be wearing a hoodie in the dark
    in an area that has problems so they have a posted neighborhood watch.
    Thats just asking for trouble, but this case is all over the place.

    I’m beginning think TWO WRONGS STILL DON’T MAKE A RIGHT!
    The Boy is gone and this Guy will also soon be gone.

  6. David Huie Green on June 13th, 2012 9:24 am

    “Is there now doubt ”

    The doubt is regarding another person lied on another matter. Besides, GZ MAY have lied about shooting, everything’s up in the air until a court rules. It isn’t likely but people DO sometimes lie about who actually shot whom. (Remember when John Wayne shot Liberty Valance and Jimmy Stewart thought HE did?)

    David for separated questions

  7. TW on June 13th, 2012 8:41 am

    George Zimmerman is not the alleged shooter, he is the shooter. I thought what was alleged is whether it was self defense? Is there now doubt about him shooting Trayvon?