Feds, Florida In Dueling Lawsuits Over Voter Purge

June 12, 2012

The U.S. Department of Justice said Monday it will go to federal court to block Florida’s controversial effort to purge ineligible voters, ratcheting up a feud between the Obama administration and Gov. Rick Scott.

Word of the Department of Justice’s planned lawsuit came on the same day that Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner sued the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to gain access to a federal database in the ongoing effort to remove ineligible voters from statewide registration rolls.

In a five-page letter, however, Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez said Florida is not complying with federal laws aimed at “ensuring that state efforts to find and purge ineligible persons from voter registration lists do not endanger the ability of eligible U.S. citizens to register to vote and maintain their voter registration status.”

“The federal statutes that the department has called to Florida’s attention here are longstanding requirements of which the state is certainly aware,” Perez wrote in the letter addressed to Detzner. “Because the state has indicated its unwillingness to comply with these requirements, I have authorized the initiation of an enforcement action against Florida in federal court.”

The controversy stems from the state Division of Elections earlier this year sending a list of about 2,600 names of potentially illegal voters to local supervisors of elections. The division used what it has acknowledged was an imperfect list put together from a state Highway Safety database of people who had a certain degree of likelihood to be in the country illegally.

Detzner said the agency would have liked to have sent a more reliable list but couldn’t get access to the federal Department of Homeland Security database. Local officials, he stressed, would ultimately be the ones to purge those voters who didn’t respond to a letter questioning their status.

But in the last few days, the Division of Elections released a list of the names of 86 voters it says have been removed by local supervisors because they were non-citizens between April 11 and June 8. About half of them are listed as having voted.

Detzner filed a lawsuit Monday in federal court in the District of Columbia to seek to force the federal agency to share citizenship information. Detzner said the state has been trying for nearly a year to gain access to DHS’s Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements Program (SAVE) database, which tracks citizenship and alien status.

“We can’t let the federal government delay our efforts to uphold the integrity of Florida elections any longer,” Detzner said in a statement. “We’ve filed a lawsuit to ensure the law is carried out and we are able to meet our obligation to keep the voter rolls accurate and current.”

But in the letter Monday, Perez said the state had not provided needed information to be able to use the SAVE database. The letter said that information involves what are known as alien registration numbers or certificate numbers found on immigration documents.

“In short, your claim that the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security have worked in concert to deny Florida access to the SAVE program is simply wrong,” Perez wrote. “By your own admission, Florida has been on notice for at least eight months that the SAVE program can verify naturalized and derived United States citizens only if Florida provided the appropriate numeric identifiers, and where necessary, the underlying documentation.”

The Department of Justice lawsuit likely will center on two federal voting laws, the National Voter Registration Act and the Voting Rights Act.

Department officials argue that the National Voter Registration Act prevents states from systematically purging voters within 90 days of an election. With Florida hold primary elections Aug. 14, that 90-day period would have started May 16.

The Voting Rights Act, meanwhile, requires Florida to get approval from the U.S. attorney general or a federal court before making election changes in five counties that have a history of discrimination. Florida has not received such approval for the purge effort.

Despite the Department of Justice arguments, Scott has continued to push the effort — and has received hundreds of e-mails in support from across the country.

“My job is to enforce the laws of Florida,” Scott said on Fox News on Monday. “I’m the governor of Florida. That is what I got elected to do. I expect every other elected official to do their job and I expect they will.”
Opponents of the purge have criticized it as too broad-brushed, and note that the 86 voters identified as ineligible would only be about one-third of one percent of all those on the list sent to supervisors.

It’s also not clear how many of the 86 voters were among the 2,600 names that have been sent to local supervisors of elections for possible removal.

Local press reports have said some of the voters who have been removed in recent weeks were taken off voter rolls after they voluntarily came forward or were sought out by local officials not using the list sent to them by the state. For example, the Palm Beach Post reported that the one purged voter from Palm Beach County who was removed, Anabel Gomez, had to have come to the local supervisors and asked to be removed, because the local supervisor, Democrat Susan Bucher, never sent out any letters seeking to remove voters identified by the state.

It is a felony for non-citizens to register to vote, and at least some of those removed are likely to face charges if local prosecutors pursue them.

Of the 86 registered voters the state said local supervisors had removed in the last couple months, more than half – 44 of them – were in Lee County. No other county came close – Miami-Dade was next with 15 – suggesting the Lee County Supervisor of Elections office was much more aggressive during the period in culling the voter rolls of ineligible voters.

By The News Service of Florida


13 Responses to “Feds, Florida In Dueling Lawsuits Over Voter Purge”

  1. David Huie Green on June 13th, 2012 11:32 pm

    “No, but several have been found and purged from the voter’s rolls. Strangely, several of them “voted” in the last election, even though they were dead. I wonder how that happened?”

    Improper identification?
    Bad record keeping?
    Died since the last election?

    no sarcasm involved. I don’t know the details and know crooked people exist and are drawn toward politics. If you know this for a fact and all the details surrounding it, then we have people we need to put in prison: the one who falsely voted and the ones who allowed a person without proper identification to vote.

    If you are simply taking the word of another political operative for it, it may not be completely honest and accurate.

    David distrustful of all sides

  2. No Excuses on June 13th, 2012 7:19 pm

    @ David,

    No, but several have been found and purged from the voter’s rolls. Strangely, several of them “voted” in the last election, even though they were dead. I wonder how that happened? (Sense the sarcasm).

  3. David Huie Green on June 13th, 2012 8:39 am

    “No, maybe illegals aren’t lining up to vote but DEAD PEOPLE are!”

    Have you REALLY seen any dead people lined up to vote?

    David for low odor voting

  4. No Excuses on June 12th, 2012 7:53 pm

    @ Hmmmm

    No, maybe illegals aren’t lining up to vote but DEAD PEOPLE are! Now I have a real problem with that! Secondarily, if you aren’t a citizen, you have no say in our government or it’s processes and should not be allowed to vote! In fact, illegals are not allowed to vote. Why do the Democrats want all these people left on the rolls? If they want to win the elections, then it should be done fair and square, not by votes from dead people and illegals.

  5. bob hudson on June 12th, 2012 5:21 pm

    So no one wishes to commit on what ACORN did as far as voter fraud? Amazing.

  6. bob hudson on June 12th, 2012 5:18 pm

    And they are now calling for Eric Holder A.G. to resign. Good, it is about time. Well there is still hope for this country.,

  7. David Huie Green on June 12th, 2012 4:40 pm

    “It shows the lengths a GOP will go to in order to be re-elected.”

    Yep and that politician who denied fathering his own daughter just so he could be President. Oh wait, he wasn’t a Republican was he?

    My bad.

    David briefly forgetting it’s only Republicans who use dirty tricks

  8. Bob hudson on June 12th, 2012 11:41 am

    I can give you one shining example on why this such be done in every state. Look up the charges that were brought up against ACORN for voter fraud. Neither party should be able to get away with this. So just do in. Show some I.D. if that is what it takes. And by the way there SHOULD NOT be ANY illegals in this state or any other state.By the way, Democrats believe this should be done also.

  9. Kathy on June 12th, 2012 9:59 am

    The home land security list won’t do anything to rid Fla of illegal voters. Besides use your brain who is gonna be an illegal and attempt to vote and be found. Just stupid to think this an exercise of intelligence. The list Scott wants only has a listing of names from Mexico who were caught and sent back. IF you get rid of every illegal in Fla there is no one to pick veggies or fruit. Scott is just trying to look good to the idiots who fall for this crap all the time like repubs.

  10. hmmm on June 12th, 2012 8:54 am

    I really doubt illegal immigrants are lining up to vote. Looks like to me he’s pruning out any Democrats that are going to vote against him & Romney in future elections. We should all remember Watergate. It shows the lengths a GOP will go to in order to be re-elected.

  11. Bob hudson on June 12th, 2012 8:54 am

    Just another fine example of how the current federal government is working against the states to do the right thing for the American people. They do not wish to protect our borders,or enforce immigration laws the states wish to pass, force states to take the Obamacare, which we can not afford or want. I thought the federal government was suppose to be for the people by the people, seems they are getting to big,and out of control.

  12. mlw on June 12th, 2012 6:29 am

    I am glad to see someone stand up and try to assure that it is legal registered voters that are deciding who runs our country. Go to a foreign country and try to vote, see how far you get, There is a difference in being the land of the free and the land of the stupid.

  13. jp on June 12th, 2012 3:35 am

    Justice Dept.! Where are they when it comes to justice for the people and their families who have lost their lines due to “fast and furious”? How many more, on both sides of the border, are yet to die because of this? The hypocracy is incredible!