FDLE Clears Scott Team For Records Loss

June 21, 2012

Following months of investigation culminating in 33,000 pages of documents, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement on Wednesday cleared Gov. Rick Scott and members of his transition team for emails that went missing shortly after Scott took office.

State law enforcement officials found nothing criminal in the loss of at least 4.5 gigabytes of data from the email server used during Scott’s transition into office.

“During this inquiry, no evidence was found which would indicate that Governor Scott or any (transition team) member instructed Harris Media, Rackspace or any other person or entity to delete or otherwise destroy transition emails,” the FDLE report concludes. “Additionally, no evidence was discovered which would indicate that Governor Scott or any member of the (transition team) was aware that email data would be permanently deleted….”

The governor came under fire for the missing emails, which were created during the first few months following his November 2010 election but before he was officially sworn in as governor.

“By casting the widest possible net and using cutting-edge technology, the transition team, in cooperation with FDLE investigators, ultimately produced the most comprehensive collection of gubernatorial transition documents in Florida history,” Scott’s office said in a statement issued Wednesday.

By The News Service Florida


6 Responses to “FDLE Clears Scott Team For Records Loss”

  1. David Huie Green on June 23rd, 2012 8:21 am

    actually, you are right. If the FBI under the Obama Administration said there was no wrongdoing by the Scott Administration, you can be fairly sure it is true. On the other hand, if they said there WAS wrongdoing, you would have to wonder if it were politically motivated.

  2. 429SCJ on June 22nd, 2012 8:16 pm

    Why not let the FBI give the Gov a clean bill of health, that way there can be no doubt, not as much anyway

  3. David Huie Green on June 22nd, 2012 9:56 am

    “I cannot imagine why ANYONE would have voted him in there to start with.”

    He is a Republican. He was running against a Democrat. President Obama is a Democrat. Voting for any Democrat might imply agreement with the actions and policies of President Obama.

    Ergo, many voted for Governor Scott as a protest vote against President Obama.

    It isn’t COMPLETELY rational but it is pretty much the same as those who see the failings of — let us say — President Bush and vote out all Republicans they can also as a protest vote.Voters don’t have to be completely rational as you or I define rationality, they just have to vote.

    David for better candidates

  4. Mike on June 22nd, 2012 8:23 am

    Kathy, you are exactly right. I worked in state law enforcement for 33 years. I can imagine form experience that the investigation was nothing more than running through the motions to satisfy critics. Remember the Governor appoints the director of the FDLE.

  5. Sara on June 21st, 2012 10:12 pm

    For the love of God, when will this man be out of office. I cannot imagine why ANYONE would have voted him in there to start with.

  6. Kathy on June 21st, 2012 5:41 am

    IF they found anything no one in FDLE would be working!!