Eyes On The Gulf: Tropical System Could Form Today

June 22, 2012

The National Hurricane Center is now giving a broad area of low pressure centered near the northern coast of the Yucatan a good chance of developing into a tropical cyclone in the next 48 hours.

The area of low pressure is producing a large area of showers and thunderstorms from the Yucatan to Cuba and southern Florida. Upper level winds are becoming more favorable for development.

All interests along the entire United States Gulf Coast should monitor the progress of this system through the weekend, according to the National Hurricane Center.


7 Responses to “Eyes On The Gulf: Tropical System Could Form Today”

  1. Bruce Weeks on June 22nd, 2012 3:19 pm

    What are the chances that this storm will come to Texas coast line, and when?

  2. mnon on June 22nd, 2012 12:03 pm

    I don’t think I mentioned anything about sitting in the dark… and a generator is nice if you want to drive to the gas station and wait in 1h lines every other day (since most places ration gas during a hurricane) just to run a small TV or fan with a couple lights. I know you wanted to add something witty and smart like you know how it is to live on the Gulf Coast after major hurricanes, so it is okay. Having a generator also has nothing to do with being prepared.

    Being prepared would be having plenty of clean water (check), food with a shelf life (check), candles (check), and an emergency radio to keep track of flooding, road closures, and storm progression. Also making sure you have nothing outside that is going to fly around and damage your property, yourself, or others.

    Lastly like a previous commenter I have more important things to pay my insurance deductible on then repairs. Of course we live on the gulf coast and enjoy where we live, and hurricanes happen, but I stand by my statement to welcome it is ignorant.

    One last thing, helping the housing market by putting people who can’t afford it because of the state of the economy to begin with out of their homes? Yeah good plan.

  3. Pineville PI on June 22nd, 2012 11:40 am

    I also have insurance but would rather spend a $3500 deductible(2%) on something rather than home repairs. I admit we are all spoiled by creature comforts and could survive harder times if forced too, but not because of a hurricane. They come often enough without boneheads wanting them.

  4. E on June 22nd, 2012 10:38 am

    I have plenty to loose and I would welcome a storm. I also have something called insurance and it would help the housing market in a huge way like it did after Ivan. If you have been through every storm since the 60’s and your still sitting in the dark, may I suggest you do a little preparing like getting a generator maybe.

    We live in the panhandle, of course were going to have storms, dont sit around and be surprised when it happens.

  5. Just Me on June 22nd, 2012 9:27 am

    Only someone who has NOTHING to lose, would ever say “come on baby” to a hurricane.

  6. mnon on June 22nd, 2012 8:54 am

    “Come on baby” are you serious? really? I’ve sat through every hurricane since the 60’s right here in Molino and the last thing on my mind each time is “come on baby.” You need your head examined… The last thing I want to do during this sweltering summer is sit at home with no power for 2 weeks, living off MRE’s, and drinking bottled water. Also all the elderly in the community going through the same thing.

    Grow up.

  7. MIKE O. on June 22nd, 2012 8:37 am

    COME ON BABY!!!!!!