Escambia, Santa Rosa Ranked In Top 10 Areas Losing Most Jobs In USA

June 18, 2012

The Pensacola metro — defined as being all of Escambia and Santa Rosa counties — is ranked number 10 on a national list of cities losing the highest percentage of  jobs.

The Christian Science Monitor said “for some regions, talk of a recovery is more wishful thinking than fact” in their recently published list. The list compiled according to the latest numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“While two in three metro areas in the United States saw the number of jobs increase, the number of jobs in greater Pensacola actually decreased – down 4,600, a 2.8 percent decrease in employment,” the article states.


3 Responses to “Escambia, Santa Rosa Ranked In Top 10 Areas Losing Most Jobs In USA”

  1. Jane on June 19th, 2012 5:38 am

    Maybe we need to look at why the County Commisioners aren’t welcoming businesses into this area. They have made it a priority to only get things that push tourism and not help farmers and get industry into the area.

  2. huh on June 18th, 2012 9:48 pm

    Well you have a Republican governor so whats the excuse? He hasnt created any jobs and instead has tried to expand state control of peoples personal lives. So much for limited government .

    Also handing out welfare for businesses and his rich buddies hasnt helped the economy.

  3. Anonymous on June 18th, 2012 9:32 am

    Another reason why no elected official should be re-elected. This includes judges down to the supervisor of elections. Very sad information.