Ernest Ward – Sixth Grade Awards

June 7, 2012

The following sixth grade students received awards recently at Ernest Ward Middle School.

Overall Most Outstanding Student

  • Triston Long

Overall Most Improved Student

  • Myisha Syria

A Honor Roll

  • Korbin Bryan
  • Kayla Galvan
  • Bailee Hinote
  • Triston Long
  • Hannah Nelson
  • Celeste North
  • Sarah Perritt
  • Olivia Reber
  • Sabra Stewart
  • Tara Windham

A/B Honor Roll

  • Anna Belle Barberree
  • Alayna Brown
  • Dawson Brown
  • Logan Calloway
  • Rhayeshawanna Davidson
  • James Davis
  • Aaron Dees
  • Eli Deese
  • Breanna Deloach
  • Logan Doremus
  • Jason Fischer
  • Austin Ging
  • Kayla Godwin
  • Logan Hall
  • Abby Hammond
  • Raegan Harrell
  • Cole Hassebrock
  • Madelyn Lathan
  • Cheyanne Lee
  • Lari McCann
  • Kamryn Mothershed
  • Robin Nahkala
  • Patience Newsome
  • Andrew Sharpless
  • Trevor Singleton
  • Fisher Spence
  • Hunter Spence
  • Jayda Warner
  • Destiny Watson
  • Jake White
  • Brandy Wooten

Golden Eagle Top Gun Award — Students who receive this award are recognized for maintaining grades of C or higher on report cards, having 10 or less absences, and receiving no referrals during the course of the school year.

Golden Eagle Top Gun Award

  • Josh Bailey
  • Anna Belle Barberree
  • Alayna Brown
  • Dawson Brown
  • Korbin Bryan
  • Logan Calloway
  • Jerni Crabtree
  • Aaron Dees
  • Eli Deese
  • Logan Doremus
  • Jason Fischer
  • Kayla Galvan
  • Austin Ging
  • Hannah Godwin
  • Clint Gunter
  • Logan Hall
  • Abby Hammond
  • Wesley Hardin
  • Raegan Harrell
  • Cole Hassebrock
  • Bailee Hinote
  • Cody Kite
  • Madelyn Lathan
  • Mallory Lathan
  • Cheyanne Lee
  • Triston Long
  • Elizabeth Mbeng
  • Lari McCann
  • Jacob McCullough
  • Kamryn Mothershed
  • Anna Nelson
  • Hannah Nelson
  • Patience Newsome
  • Savana Nielsen
  • Celeste North
  • Sarah Perritt
  • Angel Philyaw
  • Olivia Reber
  • Mary Sanders
  • Heath Sheldt
  • Trevor Singleton
  • Tori Smith
  • Fisher Spence
  • Hunter Spence
  • Sabra Stewart
  • Evan Till
  • Jayda Warner
  • Kirsten White
  • Tara Windham
  • Brandy Wooten

Glenda Bell’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Trevor Singleton-Advanced Reading
    • Jenna Black-Reading
  • Most Improved Improved Students
    • Jaquarius Thomas-Advanced Reading
    • Shavon Hall-Reading

Laura Chaver’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Triston Long-Geography
    • Logan Hall-Geography
    • Bailee Hinote-Geography
    • Hannah Nelson-Geography
    • Tara Windham-Geography
  • Most Improved Improved Students
    • Myisha Syria-Geography

Kathleen Ellis’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Jake White-Health Career Wheel
    • Robin Nahkala- Health Career Wheel
    • Triston Long- Health Career Wheel
    • Korbin Bryan- Health Career Wheel

Vickie Grant’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Jake White-Advanced Science
    • Kamryn Mothershed-Science
    • Rhayeshawanna Davidson-Science
    • Bailee Hinote-Advanced Science
    • Patience Newsome-Science
  • Most Improved  Students
    • Logan Calloway-Advanced Science
    • Jarrod Davison-Science
    • Chase Gifford-Science
    • James Davis-Advanced Science
    • Tori Smith-Science

Jeremy Greenwell’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Austin Ging-P.E.
    • Hunter Carter-P.E.
    • Heath Sheldt-P.E.

Dee Hendrix and Mary Johnson’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Hannah Godwin-Reading
    • Most Improved Improved Students
    • Levi Wagner-Reading

Julie Lowery’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Jacob McCullough-Reading
    • Triston Long-Advanced Reading
    • Sarah Perritt-Advanced Reading
    • Kayla Galvan-Advanced Reading
    • Hannah Nelson-Advanced Reading
    • Anna Belle Barberree-Advanced Reading
    • Kayla Godwin-Advanced Reading
    • Anna Belle Barberree-Research
    • Mallory Lathan-Research
    • Tori Smith-Reading
    • Lari McCann-Reading
  • Most Improved Improved Students
    • Myisha Syria-Reading
    • Aaron White-Reading

Regene Martin’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Shay Kidd-Science
    • Heath Sheldt-Science
    • Anna Belle Barberree-Geography
    • Trevor Singleton-Geography
    • Clayton Findley-Geography
    • Kamryn Mothershed-Geography
    • Austin Ging-Geography
    • Jake White-Geography
    • Kayla Godwin-Language Arts
    • Kamryn Mothershed-Language Arts
    • Rhayeshawanna Davidson-Geography
    • Hannah Godwin-Geography

Robin McCall ’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Kamryn Mothershed-Math
    • Mallory Lathan-Math
    • Clayton Findley-Math
    • Patience Newsome-Math
    • Jayda Warner-Advanced Math
    • Trevor Singleton-Advanced Math
    • Hannah Godwin-Math
    • Jake White-Advanced Math
    • Tara Windham-Advanced Math
    • Cheyanne Lee-Math
    • Jarrod Davison-Math
  • Most Improved Improved Students
    • Jack Nielsen-Math

Brenda Rutherford’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Kayla Galvan-Orientation to Technical Occupations
    • Triston Long- Orientation to Technical Occupations
    • Hannah Nelson-Exploratory Wheel-Keyboarding
    • Jake White- Exploratory Wheel-Keyboarding
    • Sarah Perritt- Exploratory Wheel-Keyboarding
    • Anna Belle Barberree- Exploratory Wheel-Keyboarding

Ashley Salter’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Hannah Nelson-P.E./Cheer
    • Triston Long-Science
    • Sabra Stewart-Science
    • Trevor Singleton-P.E.
    • Destiny Watson-P.E.
    • Jordan Parham-P.E.
    • Michael Harrelson-P.E.

Charles Tucker’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Triston Long-Beginner Band
    • Sabra Stewart-Beginner Band
    • Kayla Galvan-Chorus
    • Anna Belle Barberree-Chorus
    • Celeste North-Chorus

Ron Wark’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Shay Kidd- Math
  • Most Improved Improved Students
    • Jenna Black-Math

Katie Ward’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Tori Smith-Language Arts
    • Patience Newsome-Language Arts
    • Cheyanne Lee-Language Arts
    • Tara Windham-Advanced Language Arts
    • Kayla Galvan-Advanced Language Arts
    • Anna Belle Barberree-Language Arts
    • Rhayeshawanna Davidson-Language Arts
    • Triston Long-Advanced Language
    • Brandy Wooten-Advanced Language Arts
  • Most Improved Improved Students
    • Hunter Carter-Language Arts
    • Lari McCann-Language Arts
    • Mallory Lathan-Language Arts

Cindy Wilson’s Awards

  • Most Outstanding Students
    • Bailee Hinote-Ag
    • Cody Kite-Ag

Students of the Month

  • Celeste North, September
  • Bailee Hinote, October
  • Cody Kite, November
  • Hannah Godwin, December
  • Josh English, January
  • Jake White, February
  • Rhayeshawanna Davidson, March
  • Hannah Nelson, April
  • Fisher Spence, May

The Principal’s Award, presented by Nancy Gindl-Perry, is awarded to students who show overwhelming improvement in their behavior, attitude, or academic status over the course of the school year.

Principal’s Award

  • Sabra Stewart


7 Responses to “Ernest Ward – Sixth Grade Awards”

  1. marie gibson on June 9th, 2012 9:07 am

    Nana and Papa are extremely proud of your accomplishments. Keep up the hard work. We love you.

  2. Lesa and Tray D on June 7th, 2012 2:36 pm

    Way to go Rhayeshawanna!!!!!! We are proud of you. Continue to trust in God and he will always lead you in the right direction. I know your Mother is proud!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!

  3. Lisa on June 7th, 2012 1:50 pm

    We are so proud of you Lari Alyxs! We knew you could do it, just got to have faith in yourself, and keep up the good work. We love you momma, daddy, Rora, Ava & Chloe

  4. Michelle Hinote on June 7th, 2012 11:03 am

    we are so very proud of you, not only for all of your accomplishments, but for being the sweet girl that you are. Congratulations on all of you sucess this year, all of your hard work shows through your grades. Always remember that we LOVE you unconditionally!!!
    “JUNE BUG”

    Love, Mom and Dad

  5. Ashley on June 7th, 2012 9:44 am

    We are so proud of you Triston! You have worked so hard all these years and it shows in your accomplishments. We love u – mom and dad

  6. Allison Graham on June 7th, 2012 8:56 am

    Great Job Myisha! Keep up the hard work!
    Ms.Stuckey 2nd grade teacher!

  7. Laura on June 7th, 2012 7:18 am

    So proud of you Sabra! Keeping straight A’s in advanced classes after all our family has been through is worthy of every accolade. I can’t wait til next year. I am one proud mama!