Disney to Eliminate Junk Food Ads from Radio, TV, Web

June 6, 2012

[VOA] The Walt Disney Company will become the first U.S. media giant to ban junk food advertising on its radio and television networks, and on its Internet website.

The company announced Tuesday that starting in 2015, it will eliminate commercials for candy, salty snacks and sugary cereals. Instead, Disney programming will promote diets rich in fruits and vegetables, and limit calories, fat and sugar.

Menus at Disney theme parks will feature “Mickey Checks” — pictures of Mickey Mouse that will highlight healthy foods.

First lady Michelle Obama, who is leading a national crusade against childhood obesity, calls Disney’s new policy a “game changer” for the health of American children.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 17 percent of children in the United States are obese — triple the rate of a generation ago — in part, because they consume too much junk-food.


3 Responses to “Disney to Eliminate Junk Food Ads from Radio, TV, Web”

  1. Bama54 on June 7th, 2012 7:57 am

    Physical work use to control the obesity problem in the 40’s to the early 70’s. Now, we just sit behind a desk and produce “NO” excise!! In plain English we just “Sit on our Butts”!!

  2. Rufus Lowgun on June 6th, 2012 4:53 pm

    In answer to mq, because the parents don’t take responsibility, or we wouldn’t have a 17% childhood obesity rate. A big part of the reason that health care costs are spiralling out of control in this country is because people don’t take responsiblity for eating right and excercising, and we all end up paying for it in higher insurance premiums and medical expenses. That’s why Republicans called the mandate the “personal responsibility initiative” when they came up with it. I’m tired of my money paying for people to be fat and have diabetes and heart disease and what have you just because they’re too lazy to go to Wal-Mart without using the electric shopping cart, aren’t you?

  3. mq on June 6th, 2012 9:42 am

    Why does the government, Disney, McDonald’s,tv etc have to be the people to change our eating habits? It is the PARENT’s responsibility to take care of their children. You can limit, ban, etc, BUT, in the end it all is going to be followed through or abandoned in the home. If America doen”t know how to eat right by 2012, it is never going to know how!!! But, Thank You Disney for trying. And one more thought – the kids don’t buy the food at the store or theme park – the adults/parents do.