Dear Dad: Father’s Day Wishes

June 17, 2012

For Father’s Day, invited our readers to submit stories about their fathers. We’ve randomly selected a few and included them below.

If you would like to tell your father’s story, or just wish dad a (late)  Happy Father’s Day, please do so in the comments section at the bottom of the page.

Earl Hilburn
submitted by Katie Hilburn

My daddy’s name is Earl Hilburn, and he is from the Molino community. If you ever heard the song “Because You Loved Me” it describes my dad in every way. My dad has always been there for us no matter what. He’s always lifted us up when we were down, and told us we could do anything we set our minds to do. He has always taught us right from wrong. He taught all of us to respect elders, and always stand up for what we believe in. M

y dad is a very hard worker; he’s a truck driver and has been since he was 18 yrs old. If you knew my daddy, you know he’s a good man, and a man who would give the shirt right off his back for you. I’ve watched people hurt, and mistreat my dad, but he has always turned the other cheek. There’s not a lot of men like my daddy,

I’ve watched that man do whatever he had to do to provide for his family, rather it be driving days without sleep or going 2-3 weeks without seeing his family. My dad has eight children,and six  grandkids.

I could go on forever about my daddy, but if you listen to the song, it truly does describe my dad and how wonderful he is. God has blessed us with an amazing dad with a huge heart!

Dale Findley
submitted by Katie Findley

My father is the epitome of what a Dad should be. His name is Dale Findley, and I have been blessed because he showed me how to be a successful adult by being a hard worker and finishing something.

He has been married to my mom for almost 49 years  and gave me and my three siblings a great example of how to make marriage and family work.

He is a grandfather to four and he shows them everyday what a blessing life is and how merciful God is to us all. I love him so much today and always, and thank God that he gave me to him.

I know he has made God Proud!

Melvin Turner
submitted by Kim Turner Gafford.

My daddy’s name is Melvin Turner but didn’t know this until I was probably eight or nine years old. Everybody calls him Cowboy. When I was growing up, my house was the place to be. And it was all because of my daddy. All of my cousins and neighborhood kids loved to play at our house. One and all were welcome.

Daddy always had time to play a game of h-o-r-s-e in basketball, a game of baseball or football in the front yard. He never minded loading up a truckload of kids and taking them to the creek. I don’t even know how many kids he taught to swim.

Daddy has five children ranging from 30 to 54, 14 grandchildren ages 2 to 29, and a three-year old great- grandson. He has been married to my mama for 55 years. Even though daddy is getting on in age he still plants a big garden for everyone to enjoy.

Everyone still depends on dear old dad or granddad if they need something. He’s the kind of man who knows how to love his family and they love him back. Just a simple man who enjoys the simple things in life… a tomato sandwich made from a vine ripen tomato from his own garden, the laughter of children playing, holding hands with the woman he loves, helping his family and neighbors and of course, a good ole Alabama football game.

Glenn Wilson
submitted by Amanda LeeAnn Siler.

I remember when the man I call my dad first came in to my life I was an older kid of a single mom with two children. He came in my life, gave me his last name and is more father to me than the person who biologically created me ever was. He didn’t have to be the dad to me that he was but he did anyways.

He recently had a heart attack and still goes out of his way to do anything and everything for me and my son even though only part of his heart is still functioning. He’s the best!

Tim Godwin
submitted by Rebeccah Godwin.

My daddy, Tim Godwin is the best dad ever. He works hard and still makes time for me and Miracle League of Pensacola. He and his friends make sure we have a place to play baseball and he is the BEST coach and dad ever. Even when he had a cancer and heart problems he made sure I was not afraid. I love him!!!

Frank Zisa
submitted by Katelyn Zisa.

I remember when I was playing little league softball, he was always there as my coach. He would always say “Never give up, no matter what that scoreboard reads; you’re out there to have fun”. I also remember when I was in first grade and he would always help me learn my spelling words, even if it took all day. I love my dad, I’ll always be his little girl.

Thomas McGinty
submitted by Leslie McGinty Garner.

My sisters and I are very blessed with the daddy the good Lord gave us. I don’t think there are enough descriptions to describe him. Early on, he set his mind on what kind of life he wanted to live and the things he wanted to accomplish, and to my knowledge, he succeeded and excelled in both of those areas.

My parents will soon celebrate 48 years of marriage. In this day and time, that’s almost unheard of. Our home was always full of love and a lot of silliness.

Growing up, daddy always had the answers to whatever question you had. To this day, I still find myself calling him with certain questions and he always has “the” answer. My sisters and I are probably a bit spoiled. Not necessarily with monetary things, but just spoiled with the love and adoration from loving parents.

We will always be “daddy’s little girls” no matter how old we get and he will always be our Superhero Dad! We love you very much, Thomas McGinty.

Paul Allen Thomas, Sr.
submitted by Jessica Thomas.

October 27, 2009, God called my daddy, Paul Allen Thomas Sr., home. He was such a great man. Never selfish. Would help anyone. RIP daddy I love you with all my heart. I’ll always be daddy’s little girl…  July 9,1958 – October 27, 2009.

Jimmie Aden
submitted by Caitlin Roley-Lovely.

My dad is really my stepdad! He lives in Bratt, and his name is Jimmie Aden. He stepped up and was a dad to me and my sister when my dad wasn’t around. He has taught us everything from fishing to just general stuff a father should be there for.

And when I need anything I know that I can count on him to be there. I’m now out on my own and have a little girl that he also is the best pawpaw too. I love him more than words can describe and will always be thankful to have him as my dad!

Billy Jack Criswell
submitted by Marsha Criswell Maher

My Dad is a man of few words. And those words often times have to be beeped out, but his love is shown to us by checking our tire’s air pressure or oil in the vehicles and even by loaning us his treasured possessions. Day in and day out, year in and year out, he will always be my dad and I love him. Have a great day, Billy Jack Criswell… Happy Father’s Day!

Larry Enfinger
submitted by Kevin Enfinger

Dad has never given up on me no matter how thick or thin things have become. Love you dad.

Jerry Eugene Rolin
submitted by Deanna Ann Rolin

My dad is an amazing man.As long as I can remember my dad has been there for me and my brother. He has worked all his life to put food on the table and to support his family. The main thing is that my dad is a Christian man that has brought his children up in church and I thank him for that. Hhe may have not be the type that would discipline us but we knew better than to make him mad.

So this Father’s Day 2012 I am thankful that I still have my amazing dad still around with us. I Love You Daddy!!! Jerry Eugene Rolin. Love always your one and only daughter Deanna.

Jarvis Andrew Jackson
submitted by Susan Harris

My daddy is Jarvis Andrew Jackson. He is an amazing father to nine children who are all grown now.

He is an amazing grandfather to his grandsons. He is retired from the Marine Corps. He was hard on all us kids and loving at the same time. The song “Daddy’s Hands” really does go to my daddy. I couldn’t have asked for a better father. He is amazing.

I love and miss you daddy. He was living in Escambia County and just recently moved to Key West.

Submitted photos and stories for


10 Responses to “Dear Dad: Father’s Day Wishes”

  1. Amber Knight on June 18th, 2012 8:33 pm


  2. Candy Knight on June 18th, 2012 1:19 pm

    I would like to say Happy Father’s Day to my father Edward Knight. He passed away May 28, 2008. Anyone who knew my dad loved him. He was a man of few words, but had the biggest heart. If someone needed help, my dad would do whatever he could to help. I remember something he told me many years ago around the holidays. We were at his mothers home when a homeless man came to the door and asked for food to eat. My grandmother was a little reluctant but gave the man food anyway, but made him sit out on the front porch to eat it (she was a little apprehensive about letting a stranger in the house). I can remember looking at him thru the front window and not quite understanding what was going on. Later that day I was asking my daddy why nanny had given this man food. His reply was; “In the Bible it reads you should never turn away a hungry person asking for food because you never know, that person could be Jesus Christ himself”. To this day every time I see a person begging for food, I think about that.
    Thats the kind of man my father was. We all miss him everyday, even now, 4 years later. Our family is lost without him.
    As he was passing, we sat on his bed holding his hands and telling him what a great father he had always been and that we could not have asked for anyone better. He was everything to us. He was the glue that kept our family together. We no longer have that.

    My mother joined him in heaven on Aug 2nd, 2010 so I’m happy that they are together again after 51 years of marriage (as of Aug 1, 2011).
    For those who still have your father, tell him how much you love him EVERYDAY because you never know how much time you have left.
    RIP Daddy-I love and miss you.

    BTW (just a little humor to throw in)
    I was born July 31st at 11:45pm just 15 minutes before their 5th year wedding anniversary, so I think its safe to say – I WAS both mama and daddys favorite child !!!
    LOL! To Sherri, Marie and David!!!

    Love you Mama & Daddy!!
    Candy Knight

  3. Shelby on June 17th, 2012 2:09 pm

    I would like to wish my Dad Happy Father’s Day. Even though he’s at work he’s still in our thoughts! He’s the best Dad ever! We can’t wait for him to get home and go camping! :) Have a great day Daddy!

  4. Leslie on June 17th, 2012 1:48 pm

    Thank you for sharing my post about my father. It as a great surprise for him.
    Dad, I love you more than there are words for. Happy Father’s Day!!!

  5. Don Dixon Jr on June 17th, 2012 1:09 pm

    Happy Father’s Day to my dad Donald Dixon Sr. who is has been the greatest father
    one could possibly have. I can’t remember ever a time he was not there for me in good times and bad. Once a week we go out for a dinner just the two of us to spend a little time together and talk about life and just to laugh a bit. Even though My dad has never had to pay a power bill for me at 49 I still feel safe and sound when he is around. He is the last piece of unconditional love I have left on this planet so I’m going to enjoy him for as long as God will grant me that privilege. Thanks Dad for living till your hair turned nice and gray. I love you! Happy Father’s Day. Oh BTW what’s for supper?

  6. livin_in_molino on June 17th, 2012 11:40 am

    I hope that everyone will remember their fathers today. In a blink of an eye, they can be gone. Cherish them… for they are VERY special.

    I lost my father, Billie E. Bledsoe many years ago. And I miss him every day.

    Love you dad!!!

  7. Spann on June 17th, 2012 10:34 am

    Chris Spann is the best daddy ever. He’s always there for us no matter what. I’m so thankful to have a daddy like him. He’s amazing!!!! (: we love you daddy.

  8. katie on June 17th, 2012 8:53 am

    Thanks for posting the story on my dad, it meant alot to all of us! he couldn’t be home today, so I called him and told him about it, and he was shocked! thanks so much! :)

  9. Susan Harris on June 17th, 2012 8:08 am

    Thank you for posting my email about my daddy.. I’m so happy to be able to show him how much I love him and appreciate him with him being so far away. This is the first fathers day I have ever been away from him.. He is truly a hard working father.. I love you dad.. Thank you for everything you have done for all of us..

  10. KATIE on June 17th, 2012 12:49 am

    Thanks for posting my dad, Dale Findley! He and Melvin COWBOY Turner are neighbors and he is just as awesome as Kim describes! Oil Well Road has several great fathers! And I THANK GOD FOR THEM ALL!!!