Copter Finds Potted Pot Behind Molino Man’s Home

June 23, 2012

A 59-year old Molino man was charged after deputies discovered that he was growing marijuana in his backyard and that he had a stash in a freezer.

Johnnie Ray Darby of the 4000 block of Saunders Lane was charged with producing marijuana, a third degree felony.

An Escambia Sheriff’s Office helicopter air unit located about 10 marijuana plants growing in pots behind Darby’s residence Thursday afternoon, according to an arrest report.  A water hose led from the plants to Darby’s residence and power had ran from the residence to the area of the plants, the report states.

Darby gave deputies consent to search the inside of his residence. Deputies reported finding a quantity marijuana stored in his freezer and in a back office of the home.

Darby was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $1,000 bond.


36 Responses to “Copter Finds Potted Pot Behind Molino Man’s Home”

  1. Teresa on June 26th, 2012 12:24 pm

    Wow, I feel so much safer now…

    Fairlane63: That comment cracked me up! Good one!

  2. 429SCJ on June 25th, 2012 10:12 am

    Well Bamaboy at least it ain’t on a hand truck.

    I do not think the Lord will too hard on Mr Darby for a few pot plants.

  3. Staci R on June 24th, 2012 5:52 pm

    I think the state should vote on it also like other states. we vote for everything else.

  4. David Huie Green on June 24th, 2012 5:19 pm

    “Comparing murderers to pot smokers is like comparing apples and oranges. “

    Let’s see.

    Apples and oranges are both fruit.
    Apples and oranges both contain sugar.
    Apples and oranges are both formed on trees.
    Apples and oranges both spoil in time.
    Apples and oranges both have seeds.

    Okay, you CAN compare apples and oranges if you limit yourself to the similarities, understanding there WILL be differences such as color, taste, acidity, longevity, location, taste in a pie or else you are just talking about the same exact thing.

    Murderers kill people.
    Some of the money that marijuana users spend is often used to kill off competitors. (Note: this comparison falls apart for those who grow their own for their personal consumption, but it holds up for those buying from gangs and cartels.)

    Murder is illegal.
    Marijuana usage is illegal. (It probably SHOULDN’T be illegal, but it is. Hurting people because of its use should always be illegal and not a legal defense.)

    Murder may be expensive if you are caught because lawyers are expensive and prison doesn’t pay well for inmates.
    Marijuana dealing may be expensive if you are caught because lawyers are expensive and prison doesn’t pay well for inmates.

    So, yes, even though there are differences, there are similarities for comparison.

    David for vision and comprehension

  5. 429SCJ on June 24th, 2012 5:03 pm

    I think pot legallization should be put to public referendum, if its voted legal great, if not no big deal.

    Is that a Bell 206 Longranger Sheriff Morgan operates, it appears longer than the Jetranger and the tubine/s have a differnt sound, louder? Might be a Twinranger, anybody know?

  6. David Huie Green on June 24th, 2012 5:01 pm

    “I never have understood the fact that in this country you can buy enough alcohol to drink yourself to death or more likely get in a wreck and (kill) yourself and others but you can’t legally possess marijuana.”

    Alcoholic beverages have a better lobby and a long tradition of drinking alcoholic beverages both socially and in religious ceremonies. Marijuana doesn’t have a big lobby pushing for its legalization and the suppliers know their profits would go away if it were legal.

    David contemplating socioeconomic factors

  7. Dr. Green on June 24th, 2012 3:30 pm

    How about instead of arresting the pot smokers, u arrest the store owners that but the “bathsalt&spice” on our streets. Oh yea they want cause our governments using that so people will not see whats really going on. That stuff made with acetone, pots natural. The government is responsible for the makings of bathsalt and spice thats why its still legal its to make people crazy and not see whats really going on in this corrupt world!

  8. sommer on June 24th, 2012 1:46 pm

    Ok let me create a scenario for you. A group of scientist are deep in the forest looking for new plants to test for medicinal purposes that’s where we get most of our medications like different heart meds and such when they come across an interesting plant that turns out after testing has proved to eradicate breast & brain cancer slow Alzheimer’s progression, reverse diabetes yes all in one plant. Say your child is dying with a brain cancer in agony, you would be so excited they found a cure right? Well did you know the oil from some marijuana plants have been proven to do that. Why not legalize for medicinal use. There are so many things it can treat also hemp is stronger than any other fiber. One acre can be replaced in months as when we cut down an acre of trees it takes 30 years to replace. And you people think your smart please…. Just wait till your loved one is dying what will you do to help them?

  9. paul on June 24th, 2012 11:31 am

    Caffeine is the number one gateway drug..let’s outlaw it and we’ll stop every addiction..

  10. JM on June 24th, 2012 9:02 am

    Boy your sure a hard group to please.

    The law see’s what the law see’s. If you don’t want to go to jail don’t break
    the law. I say bust them all. Lets also keep working on the the prositutes
    I see around town. I am really sick of kids seeing them at 5 o’clock when
    their mom gets off work and picks them up.

    If you can’t afford legal help and fine’s don’t do drugs, steal, murder, rape,
    or speed. GOT IT~

  11. Jeff on June 24th, 2012 8:08 am

    How much to keep that chopper in the air per hour?

    To bust the man for ten plants that occur naturally.

    All he wanted was to chill, munch some Doritos while jamming some Willie Nelson and smile.

    Meanwhile, Big Tobacco spends $880,000,000 every year in the state of Florida to advertise their legal product that kills 88 Floridians daily.


  12. tj on June 24th, 2012 7:48 am

    Lets just tell on the ones that we know that are growing this stuff and that cops can come and get them, I had some punk try to give my 12 year old some one day,He will not to that to my child again,,and he still lives close by So it’s not just them growing it for them self,,, so do you think the Meth man was just making for his self well no,,, One thing then another,,,,

  13. Sam on June 24th, 2012 5:28 am

    If they looked as hard for child molesters and child rapists, as they do people growing a few plants, just think how much safer the children would be. What a waste of a helicopter, gasoline, manhours and tax dollars to look for plants that don’t really harm anyone but the user. TO LAW ENFORCEMENT: Use our tax dollars to stop people from harming other people, and try using your brain from time to time. I know it’s a lot to ask.

  14. Barack Reagan on June 23rd, 2012 9:01 pm

    There is a simple solution for all you stoners: grow your pot plants INSIDE in a windowless room.

  15. Rex St. Charles on June 23rd, 2012 7:04 pm

    War on Drugs. We’re fighting a war. Against people on drugs. And we are LOSING!
    Why are we even fighting? Law enforcement patronage? Dept. of Justice budget reinforcement? Salaries for courtroom employees? Profit for privatized prisons?
    Who is making the money here? That’s why we are fighting a war on drugs. And losing.

  16. peggy sue davis on June 23rd, 2012 7:04 pm

    man made Alcohol… man made pills…GOD made WEED who do you TRUST ??

  17. paul on June 23rd, 2012 6:02 pm

    Just because something is legal or illegal doesn’t make it right or wrong.. Like I already said alcohol and tobacco are known to cause more harm so I guess that makes it to use to for some.. just like abortion.. it’s legal so what the heck, lets kill babies….

  18. dad on June 23rd, 2012 5:40 pm

    Arrest all law breakers. Does that include speeders?

  19. Otto on June 23rd, 2012 5:29 pm

    This is an absolute waste of time and resources. It should be handled like alcohol, legal and taxed. It appears that the lessons of the prohibition of alcohol in this country were not learned. Then you had the bootleg kingpins like Al Capone; now it is cartels like the Zetas and Sinaloa in Mexico that reap the rewards from the prohibition. Pot would be much easier to deal with, on a governmental level, if it were legal instead of ilegal.

  20. M.H. on June 23rd, 2012 4:27 pm

    Comparing murderers to pot smokers is like comparing apples and oranges. Gonna get a lot sicker and a lot tireder because there are a lot of people who think tax money should be spent fighting more serious crimes( like murderers). Arrest all law breakers? Thats a lot of people in jail. They can’t hold em all now.

  21. My2Cents on June 23rd, 2012 4:01 pm

    Helicopter or not! No matter what our LEO’s are doing in the communities, someone will always find a reason to gripe! Rather it’s dope, meth, rapist, or a murder, something negative will still be said.

    Don’t have a problem with the LEO’s, it needs to be with the Sheriff himself. The LEO’s are just doing their jobs in which they were sworn in to do. Better yet, I strongly believe it’s time that someone, an average Jo, needs to take office for once. Only then do I believe we will see real changes in our communities.

  22. dnl on June 23rd, 2012 3:25 pm

    So an officer who sees someone with marijuana( an illegal substance, no matter how much people thinks it should be legal) should just turn a blind eye to that and look for something more illegal or more against the law.

    I say good job and keep arresting all law breakers.

  23. bamaboy on June 23rd, 2012 3:05 pm

    He is breaking the law! I get sick and tired of everybody who thinks resources need to be spent somewhere else. What if I thought killing somebody was ok? Its just one person. There are billions on the earth why dont cops focus their energy on serial killers? The law is the law. Period. Another reason why so many are headed to hell and doing it by choice is because somebody is not going to tell them what to do.

  24. Sophie on June 23rd, 2012 2:31 pm

    And could that chopper not see people standing on street corners selling crack. REALLY this is just dumb. Atleast he was not smoking spice wanting to eat someones face.

  25. Fairlane63 on June 23rd, 2012 2:23 pm

    Wow, I feel so much safer now…

  26. CW on June 23rd, 2012 12:05 pm

    They need to be worried about the meth users, and not people with a few pot plants. At least pot users don’t have rotting teeth and sores all over their faces, nor do they risk blowing themselves up.

  27. RP on June 23rd, 2012 11:48 am

    This country needs help. What a waste of resources, and for what??? To throw this old timer in jail and give him fines he cannot afford. 10 plants isn’t but enough for personal use, but even if it was 100 plants at least a man in cantonment would be making the money, and not a drug cartel from mexico.

  28. kevin on June 23rd, 2012 10:47 am

    who cares i mean really. he will get a slp on his wrist while the ones who the cops realyl need to be after get away and hurt others. what has this come to

  29. mnon on June 23rd, 2012 10:40 am

    It’s illegal because of 3 words, “Christian Women’s Coalition” they needed something to demonize after prohibition and marijuana was their target.

    Times are changing, education is changing, people are actually realizing the impacts of alcohol and tobacco on our culture and knowing how much more harmful it is over a natural plant.

    The war on drugs is a big scheme and a joke. Since its inception in the late 1960’s it has not completely stopped or made much of a dent in anything.

    My philosophy, take the billions spent on this “war” and build rehab centers for those who want to get clean. Use the funds on more legitimate education for the masses, etc. Instead of spending on something that will never go away.

    The times are changing, it will not be long before marijuana is legal at least for medical purposes and that is a step in the right direction.

  30. mc on June 23rd, 2012 10:24 am

    We’re living in an electronic, high tech dictatorship. They don’t care how much it costs to control you. You think your free but your being watched everywhere you go. Just step out of line. You will be reprogrammed, not in a scifi movie way, but incarceration and fines will keep you on the right path. This guy already got more time than the bankers that stole billions from us.

  31. paul on June 23rd, 2012 10:04 am

    I do recall morgans campaign speech about the high cost of the chopper and now he’s at the same game as ronnie, I guess he’s trying to get votes but he sure won’t getting my vote this time..he’s putting the resources in the wrong direction..

  32. paul on June 23rd, 2012 9:10 am

    Meanwhile alcohol and tobacco both of which are known killers are available over the counter at store near you..I think wasting the fuel and use of that chopper is more of a crime than growing a natural herb that’s harmless..

  33. 429SCJ on June 23rd, 2012 9:00 am

    With Millions of acres in this area, this joker sticks these plants in his backyard.

    I know this man is 59 years old, but it is just pure laziness in my book.

  34. barrineau on June 23rd, 2012 8:55 am

    Our country really needs to reevaluate its marijuana laws. I wonder how much it costs to fly that copter around and find these menacing pot plants.

  35. meemee on June 23rd, 2012 8:11 am

    man it took twenty dollars to take him to pensacola and he paid one hundred to get out why did they arest him oh sorry ten plant at 10 dollars each okay….

  36. M.H. on June 23rd, 2012 8:04 am

    It doesn’t sound like he was running a large scale operation, probably for personal use. At his age he probably isn’t willing to deal with “drug” dealers and the risk involved in associating with them. Or he can quit fooling with that stuff, thats what I did. Considering the problems he is facing that his best option.That being said, I never have understood the fact that in this country you can by enough alcohol to drink yourself to death or more likely get in a wreck and yourself and others but you can’t legally possess marijuana. I know plenty of people disagree and consider pot a gateway drug but In my opinion people who take prone to take things to the extreme(drugs, alcohol, gambling, food etc.) are going to do so whether they ever smoke pot or not. No I do not support man made drugs. I feel like anytime we put “things” in front of God we are doomed to fail. Thats my opinion everyone else is entitled to theirs.