Century Considers Cutting Back Fence Heights To Cut Crime

June 20, 2012

The Town of Century may consider an ordinance that would cut back the the height allowed for privacy fences in the town — partially in an attempt to cut back on crime.

Century Mayor Freddie McCall said he wants the town council to consider adopting Escambia County’s fence ordinances. McCall said four Escambia County Sheriff’s deputies have asked him to consider the ordinance because it would be a “great help to them fighting crime”.

McCall said when a resident has a high, solid privacy fence in front of their home “they are hiding something”.

The mayor said Escambia County’s fence ordinance limits the height of a solid fence in front of a residence to three feet and a chain link to a four foot height. Escambia’s ordinance allows for a fence to be up to six feet high along the side and rear yard of a residence. To view Escambia County’s fence ordinance, click here.

The Century council is expected to discuss the fence ordinance at their next regular meeting on Monday, July 2.

Pictured: The Century Town Council. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


31 Responses to “Century Considers Cutting Back Fence Heights To Cut Crime”

  1. someone who knows on June 23rd, 2012 5:01 pm

    Where are all the residences in Century with tall privacy fences across the front yard? And why is Freddie McCall worrying about what people are doing in their yards? And how will the height of a privacy fence help officers do their jobs. It might aid them in being nosey, but it will not help them do their jobs. And Mayor McCall you need to stop worrying about what may or may not be happening in someone else’s yard, and be happy that they are not infringing on your dealings.

  2. David Huie Green on June 23rd, 2012 8:16 am

    and if that failed, consider some of these whip antennae which go many feet in the air above the pick-em-up truck. Now picture some of these small cameras such as would go on the dragonfly drone but pointing down behind the privacy fence.

    You can’t stop the government from being able to keep an eye on you, but you might gain a little privacy from others, not that I care, just considering the concept.

  3. 429SCJ on June 22nd, 2012 8:01 pm

    The Department of Homeland Security has these little drones, some as small as dragonflys they say, that they just buzz around your property and look around.

  4. 429SCJ on June 22nd, 2012 5:47 am

    How in the world did Mayor McCall stumble into his post? He was elected by the citizens of Century.

    Has he ever been opposed in an election, is this some sort of senseless loop?

  5. Trina on June 21st, 2012 7:31 pm

    Ok I got Help for yall move to Beulah Code enforcement hahahah really what is that? Police NOT unless someone calls them and still you got atleast 20min to get yourself together. You can leave yor garbage cans out noone says nothing. Yes there is crime but the citizens controll it. And out here the POLICE would not dare behave the way they do in century or intown pensacola.I would love to see the day one stops one for sitting in their own yard and search them. We do however got a great FIRE DEPT who will help you and do prob more than any ambulance ever will. I guess what Im saying is unite your area like we have in BEULAH.

  6. nudo on June 21st, 2012 2:54 pm

    These people can’t even get a water bill right. Now they are experts on crime and how to reduce it. Laughable!!

  7. Ted Frazier on June 21st, 2012 8:51 am

    I like the ordinance. Privacy fences belong in the backyard, not the front. They are ugly and make the neighborhood ugly causing property values to decrease. If you want a tall privacy fence put it in the back yard.

  8. Thom on June 20th, 2012 10:40 pm

    OK…hold up up for just a minute. The Mayor wants to deprive me of my right to privacy so county deputies can watch me…a law abiding, tax paying, conscientious member of this community. Here’s a clue, we have those privacy fences so folks can mind their own business just a little easier. I work in the law enforcement arena and do not feel that being able to look into peoples yard when they want privacy will cut down on crime. Maybe I should just put razor wire on top of that privacy fence to let people really know how I feel about my privacy. If the council decides to pass this ordinace, I will be moving out of Century. That’s a promise. I have the resources to be able to do that. All citizens of Century should let the council know to NOT pass this ordinace.

  9. 429SCJ on June 20th, 2012 9:04 pm

    Front yard back yard what difference does it matter. I fail to see any logic in dictating what type fence a person may have around the property they pay taxes on.

    I feel county government owes the citizens who pay their salary an explanation for this madness, vote them out as this should have been put to public referendum.

    I am starting to get that us and them feeling and to tell you the truth I think I like it.

  10. CW on June 20th, 2012 7:33 pm

    Not that I think the proposal is right, but I think some people didn’t read all of the article.

    This is about privacy fences around the FRONT yard. Tall privacy fences around the back yard would not be affected.

  11. Ben Thar on June 20th, 2012 4:39 pm

    I’ve got a new Speedo for the summer. You guys cut back the fence height at your own risk.

  12. Escambia Native on June 20th, 2012 4:34 pm

    It would be a direct violation to our right to privacy. They cannot do it.

  13. billw on June 20th, 2012 12:33 pm

    Citizens of Century. Vote the rascal out.

  14. just saying on June 20th, 2012 11:02 am

    If I lived in Century, I’d want a 20 foot fence with razor wire and a moat to help keep the crime out. Besides prying eyes they also keep intruders out.

    Perhaps if the Mayor is worried about what people are hiding, he can make low level passes in his airplane.

    Just say no to the “Peeping Politicians”.

  15. Really? on June 20th, 2012 10:42 am

    What makes Century so special? (Well, OK, don’t answer that one, I get it)

    Read the story…Every other resident of Escambia County abides by the ordinance that Century might pass. Why can’t the citizens of Century, who so love to take our tax money to support them, follow the same rules as the 300,000 of us that live in the county or Pensacola?

    And, again, read the story. Some of you are complaining about skinny dippin’ or whatever in your back yard. You can keep you six foot fence around the pool in the back. It’s what you are hiding in your front yard we are worried about.

  16. Friction against the machine on June 20th, 2012 10:38 am

    Studies show a direct correlation b/w the number cops you have and the crime rate…want to lower crime? Get a police force DuH…
    Instead of passing ordinances putting the onus on the property owner get more policeman on the job.

  17. 429SCJ on June 20th, 2012 10:37 am

    Forget the fence ordinance I have an all seeing crystal ball and it sould be right up Mayor McCall’s alley.

    It is less expensive than that capactor system or any of the previous miricles in a bottle Century has signed checks for.

  18. Thinker on June 20th, 2012 10:21 am

    “Good fences make good neighbors.” English proverb…? High fences not only keep our prying eyes and property invaders, but also police, fire-fighters and emergency medical teams who would come to your rescue if needed. But the height of the fence should be an individual decision with the foregoing considered. Look at Asian and some European cities. High fences around homes helps maintain order, sanity, privacy and mutual respect. Get government out of our private lives !!!

  19. YELLARHAMMER on June 20th, 2012 9:45 am

    This is pure and simple dictatorship.

  20. Suzi on June 20th, 2012 9:24 am

    In Escambia County in Pensacola, you HAVE to keep vehicles you’re working on, extra lawn equip. etc. behind a 6 foot privacy fence or Code Enforcement will be at your door. You can’t restore a vintage auto in your driveway if it’s not running, tagged and licensed. I understand the reasoning of keeping an area from becoming a junkyard but it’s getting ridiculous. WTH??? You don’t really “own” anything. I understand keeping an area clean but lowering fences just means someone else can climb it easier and have access to you, your things and your family. D*mned if you do, d*mned if you don’t.

  21. David Huie Green on June 20th, 2012 9:11 am

    A three foot privacy fence?
    A three foot privacy fence??
    A three foot privacy fence???

    A non privacy fence.
    Oh, okay, now it makes sense, privacy should be outlawed because we want to see what our neighbors are doing.

    Freddy Wayne’s right. If you could see everything everybody was doing, you could see all their crimes. You might also feel like you were living in a fish bowl.

    Oops, that’s not enough. Some bad people don’t have fences but DO have bushes which give some privacy. Some are OVER 8′ high.
    This MUST end.
    All vegetation MUST be cut down below three feet high

    Oh wait, I have bushes for just that purpose.
    Never mind.

    David considering the benefit to voyeurism
    and to knowing who had something worth stealing

  22. Jessica on June 20th, 2012 8:47 am

    McCall said when a resident has a high, solid privacy fence in front of their home “they are hiding something”.

    —Can I just say “Puhleese”? Yeah, we have a six foot privacy fence around our backyard, and I would love to extend it to the front. The only thing I am hiding is the road out front that people seem to feel free driving 20 miles over the speed limit on. I’d prefer to limit my toddlers access to that as much as possible.

  23. wade barnes on June 20th, 2012 7:39 am

    If you have a pool,you need your privacy.If you cook out allot,you need your privacy. If you have children playing in the yard you need to know they are safe.My fence is to keep people from seeing the thing I have,so I can keep my stuff.

  24. snake n the grass on June 20th, 2012 7:13 am


  25. MeMe on June 20th, 2012 7:06 am

    I don’t live in the city limits of Century but my parents do and they have a fence around their property. They are in poor health and elderly so I guess you have nothing better to do than cause innocent law abiding citizens trouble! This is really ridiculous!! What’s next? Maybe everyone should give the cops and mayor a key to their front door or better yet take their front door off their homes because if their door is shut and locked they must be clearly hiding something!!!!! LoL This is crazy and intruding!!!!

  26. 429SCJ on June 20th, 2012 6:00 am

    What a crock of bull. Freddy you are going to wind up in Tuscaloosa if you keep talking like that. I personally know of residences that have 8ft fences with razor wire across the top. I have never heard of a fence ordinance in Escambia County and do not believe it exist.

    If a person wants to put a 10ft high stone wall around their property, that is their business, providing they did not sign an agreement with a homeowners association.

    Century residents you people need to elect a Mayor.

  27. Jen on June 20th, 2012 5:58 am

    Really?? they have nothing better to discuss…so the most important issue going on in Century right now is the height of privacy fences….Me personally I see bigger problems like NO JOBS, although the current council and mayor PROMISED, if we elected them they would make it happen…but hey what do I know I guess privacy fence height has taken lead to all the other issues we have..ROCK ON… you guys are doing a fabulous job. (Yes, that was a bit of sarcasm)

  28. poohbear on June 20th, 2012 5:46 am

    I don’t have a fence around any of my yard, but I can go online and bring up my address and see my yard, so I’m sure the sheriff’s department does that to house’s that have a fence around them..(if they want to see what is going on behind the fence.) We are getting to where the average citizen has less and less rights of what can be done on their “own” property.

  29. M on June 20th, 2012 5:39 am

    Didn’t know there were such restrictions. It seems we just keep letting all sectors of gov. have more and more power over us. We are truly becoming communist. It’s got to stop now, but I think most people don’t realize it and by the time they do, it will be to late. If people are hiding something on the other side of their “privacy fence” then it’s something “private”. That means it’s none your biz.Supposed to be a free country……NOT!

  30. Old Goldie on June 20th, 2012 2:25 am

    If they want to see what’s on the other side of a privacy fence, let them get a search warrant. The name of the fence should be a clue – “privacy”. This ‘ain’t’ no socialist or communist country yet!

    Freddie, maybe some people are hiding something but to say all are is just way off base. Most just want to get inside that fence and shut the would out for a little while.

    Personally I don’t a have a fence of any kind in front of my house. I want my neighbors to see if any mischief is going on in my front yard that I’m not aware of. I also want the cops to be able to see if there is any also when and IF they drive by. I also like to sit and watch what and who drives or walks by and I want all to know I’m watching. I’ve got some great neighbors – not the visiting kind – but the watching out kind that would be here in a heartbeat if I needed them and I would be there just as quick for them.

  31. SMH on June 20th, 2012 1:21 am

    Wow… it seems to me this country, little by little, county by county and state by state is slowly, but surely becoming a little more closer to becoming a communist nation every day.

    I don’t have a privacy fence, but I would like one… NOT TO HIDE ANYTHING Mr. Mayor. I live in a neighborhood where homes are so close together there is no privacy what so ever. I can’t go out in my yard in a swimsuit while my little girls play in their kiddie pool without the creepy neighbor peering over, or the complete strangers driving by… and that’s just one of MANY reasons. I don’t do drugs, smoke, drink, or anything illegal or anything that needs to be hidden and that notion made by the mayor is ridiculous and ignorant in my opinion. Working, bill paying, law abiding citizens with families who live on their own land deserve to have privacy if they want it!

    I’ve never commented on these things in the years I’ve been a reader, but this just struck a nerve. Some may not agree, but oh well… we’re all entitled to our opinions… even the Mayor.