Supreme Court Upholds Federal Health Care Law (With Reaction)

June 28, 2012

Congress was within its power in passing Affordable Health Care Act, including the “individual mandate,” requiring nearly all Americans to purchase health insurance, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday.

The ruling is a rebuke to Florida, which had challenged the law beginning with a case in federal court in Pensacola.

The ruling coming on the final day of the court’s term, is a win for the Obama administration, with the law being its signature initiative, though many Republicans said it would motivate that party’s base in the November election.

To read the complete 193 page ruling, click here.

Reaction statements received by today include:

President Barack Obama

“These provisions provide common sense protections for middle class families…Whatever the politics, today’s decision was a victory for people all over this country.”

U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)

“What’s important to remember is that what the Court rules on is whether something is constitutional or not, not whether it’s a good idea. And while the Court has said that the law is constitutional, it remains a bad idea for our economy, and I hope that in the fall we will have a majority here that will not just repeal this law, but replace it with real solutions that will insure more people and cost a lot less money.”

Congressman Jeff Miller (R-Chumuckla)

“The Supreme Court’s ruling to uphold the individual mandate in Obamacare is a monumental obstruction of personal freedom and liberty.   It is a tragedy for patients and health professionals across the nation and a major setback for our free-market system.

“The Court reaffirmed in its decision what the Administration vehemently denied during the debate of the bill – that Obamacare is a massive tax increase on the American people, parading as reform.  The President’s health care law does nothing to reduce the cost of care for working American families and only puts our nation further in debt.

“Now that the Supreme Court has rendered its decision, we will explore every legislative option to repeal and replace this flawed law, putting families and their doctors in charge of medical decisions instead of Washington bureaucrats.

“We need to focus on reducing the cost of the delivery of care, not simply masking it.  Reducing the cost of care will help those who are involuntarily uninsured because they cannot afford health insurance.

“The American people deserve better than this, and I will continue work to replace this tax increase with real reform.”

Florida Sen. Don Gaetz (R-Niceville)

“The decision to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is disappointing.  I respect the decision of the Supreme Court, but I agree with Justice Kennedy and others who found the law unconstitutional in its entirety.  More importantly, I am convinced the law is detrimental to our common goal of affordable quality health care.

“The court’s 110 page opinion is in some ways as complicated as the law itself.  Like others we will be tweezering through the ruling to fully understand all of the implications for Florida taxpayers, patients, providers and businesses.

“While this law remains on the books, states will confront many difficult decisions and in an effort to fully understand all of the implications and costly burdens.  Foremost among these difficult decisions will be the choice the Court appears to have given States regarding participating in the mammoth Medicaid expansion authorized by the federal law.  We have reason to be concerned about the impact of this expansion.  Medicaid enrollment will double in the next few years; the state’s discretion in program design will be further curtailed; and even with a temporary enhancement of federal funds, the state’s financial burden for Medicaid will increase significantly.

“Other provisions of PPACA raise additional serious questions.  The law undermines the state’s traditional role in regulating insurance.  Unless this law is changed by Congress, the federal government will decide what insurance products may be sold, at what prices, and under what conditions.  Additional requirements of PPACA will affect the state’s purchase of health coverage for its employees—raising costs and limiting choices.”

Florida Sen. Greg Evers (R-Baker)

“I am stunned and angry that politics prevailed over our Constitution in today’s shocking Supreme Court decision upholding the federal health care law. In affirming the individual mandate, the Supreme Court has allowed the federal government to intrude upon what is perhaps our most fundamental freedom  - our right to make personal choices on health care for our own bodies and our right to spend our money as we choose.   The Court agreeing to the nationalization of health care by the federal government violates the sovereignty of the State of Florida to establish health care policies tailored to the unique needs and population of Floridians.

“ObamaCare’s demand that Florida expand its Medicaid budget by billions of Florida tax dollars is a clear attempt to force Washington’s irresponsible economic policies onto our state.   While I commend the Court’s removal of the extortion terms that would force a state out of Medicaid if the state refused to succumb to this Medicaid expansion, I am extremely disappointed that the Court was unwilling to expose and overturn the tax increase tied to the individual mandate.

“Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote in his dissenting opinion on behalf of the Justices in disagreement with today’s ruling:  ’In our view, the entire Act before us is invalid in its entirety.’  Justice Kennedy’s words, in my mind, were also written on behalf of myself, my family and my constituents; on behalf of the sovereignty of the State of Florida; on behalf of our God-given inalienable rights; on behalf of the Constitution and on behalf of freedom itself.

“It is critical that we as citizens now speak for ourselves in voices clear, loud and strong in November and beyond. You have my commitment that I will work as hard as I can to right this terrible wrong and urge Congress to repeal ObamaCare and its threat on our fundamental freedom as individuals and economic freedom as a nation.”

Florida CFO Jeff Atwater

“As we sort through the complexity of the recent Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Health Care Act, two issues of vital concern to all Floridians emerge.

“The Court made very clear that the overreaching extension of the commerce clause into free market behavior by this administration was unconstitutional. I applaud their decision in this regard.

“I remain deeply troubled, however, that Congress and the Obama administration would use an issue of such importance to the American people to disguise their intentions to add further tax burdens on our fellow citizens. Pushing a tax and spend agenda through dissembling and subterfuge is fundamentally dishonest and should not be tolerated in a free and open society.”

Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi

“All of us who are disappointed with the ultimate outcome today cannot lose sight of what we accomplished. We fought for the principle that the Constitution limits Congress’s power to direct the lives of our people, and on that point, we won.

“As Chief Justice Roberts wrote in his opinion for the majority: “The Federal Government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance.”
Seven Justices agreed with our position that Congress could not force the States to make the unacceptable choice between losing all our Medicaid benefits or accepting a massive, unaffordable expansion of the Medicaid program.

“The most sobering lesson from this ruling is that our republican system of government only works when our leaders are honest with the American people. Before Congress passed his healthcare law, President Obama told us that the insurance requirement was not backed by a tax. And yet, here we are, reading an opinion that upholds the healthcare law on the basis of Congress’s taxing power. It amounts to a $4 billion tax on the American people.

“In this case, the Constitution’s limits on government power did not fail—political accountability failed, because the President and the supporters of this law apparently were not straight with the American people.

“The American people will have their say in November, and I am confident that they will join me in rejecting a law that is so harmful to individual liberty, to our economy, and to the welfare of our people.”

Santa Rosa Medical Center

“Santa Rosa Medical Center provides compassionate, high quality care for our patients, and nothing in today’s ruling affects that. Our outstanding quality results as measured by national standards combined with our high level of efficiency prepare us for tomorrow’s marketplace. Our focus will remain on our patients and our ability to provide for their needs. As for the ruling, it does remove some legal uncertainty that has been a headwind for the industry, but we also know this discussion will continue, politically, through the Fall. We stand ready to work with Congress on any meaningful changes they choose to consider.”

Pictured top: A crowd outside the U.S. Supreme Court Thursday morning awaits word of a decision on the Affordable Health Care Act. photo by Luke Killam, click to enlarge.


60 Responses to “Supreme Court Upholds Federal Health Care Law (With Reaction)”

  1. bob hudson on July 1st, 2012 3:14 pm

    So the Supreme Court has ruled it a TAX!!!!!!!!!!! That is the only way in survived. Now any of you supporting this rule Please explain how it is not a tax that will basicily affect the middle and lower income earners. Yes the largest tax ever passed by a sitting president.

  2. jesse on July 1st, 2012 8:06 am

    Jack, I said most of the liberals do not work. If you are a liberal that has worked all of your life and not asked for anything, you are the exception.

  3. David Huie Green on July 1st, 2012 1:13 am

    won’t-will not

    There-that place not here
    Their-that which they own

    “Nobody has shown that there is a tax for health care only that you will have to purchase and pay for your own with no “loopholes” or pay a penalty if you don’t.”

    The Supreme Court has ruled the penalty is constitutional as a tax. They are never wrong, so they HAVE shown there is a tax. One of the main worries was that the justification was that the government had the power to compel anything. What if a conservative republican tea party person came to power and insisted you buy something you didn’t want to buy? Would it still seem like a good thing to you?

    Assistants- a worker who assists you

    Are-plural tense of be

    David for literacy and reason

  4. Jack on June 30th, 2012 3:32 pm

    Jesse you hit the nail on the head about most problems with conservatives.”The conservatives are mad because they are now going to have to start paying some taxes that they cannot find a loophole for”. That’s the issue they won’t to keep all there money but won’t all the benifits free with “loopholes”. Nobody has shown that there is a tax for health care only that you will have to purchase and pay for your own with no “loopholes” or pay a penalty if you don’t. As for as your opinion of “The liberals are gloating as they should since most of them do not work anyway and the rest of us are paying their bills”. I am one of those “liberals” that’s worked all my life and retired without ever getting any assistants of any kind including unemployment, food stamps etc.. I think that most with those harsh views don’t really know what there talking about and are still living in the 50s/60s are was influenced by people from that time.Also I know one of thoes conservative republican tea party people thats first in line for all thoes benifits you pay for. I think the correct view is conservatives won’t liberals to pay for them it’s always been there view.

  5. jesse on June 30th, 2012 6:48 am

    Batack Reagan: No you do not have to listen to anyone. Do not read the paper. It is your right. This country was based on freedom. You just lost some of that.

    The liberals are gloating as they should since most of them do not work anyway and the rest of us are paying their bills,

    The conservatives are mad because they are now going to have to start paying some taxes that they cannot find a loophole for.

    We all should be mad because this mess is the result o the greed of the insurance company’s. They always give you a fit when a claim is filed and the CEO of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida has an annual salary of over 4.5 million dollars.
    If they made health care affordable, and if they paid the claims without trying to finangle their way out of it this would have never been an issue.

  6. bmr on June 29th, 2012 4:53 pm

    Amen Jane

  7. Jane on June 29th, 2012 7:06 am

    Yes, our health care system is broken, but forcing people into a system that rations care, not by doctors or even qualified people, but by some board of unqualified people is not right. My insurance never paid one red cent for my hospitalization several years ago and I am still paying for it, so just saying you have insurance doesn’t mean they will pay for anything. Read the bill online and it will terrify you when you find out what is really in it. Why do you think they passed it without letting anyone know what they put in the bill??!!

  8. 429SCJ on June 29th, 2012 4:41 am

    Now that the Democrats see they can circumvent the constitution, a gun grab will be next.

    Mr Evers NWF is going to need you soon and hopefully everyone will be ready to serve the cause.

  9. SHO-NUFF on June 29th, 2012 12:26 am

    We will become more of a divided Nation, more than we were during the Civil War. It will not be a North/South thing this time, but Conservatives vs Liberals.

    There is no such thing as a free lunch. Someone pays. In fact, nothing in life is free but salvation, and that requires a commitment.

  10. Stephen on June 28th, 2012 11:14 pm

    Furthermore, everyone is going to pay for it. That’s the point. Right now, people without health insurance are a burden on the system. These people do not go without treatment — these people use the emergency room, where the doctors are *REQUIRED* to treat them and ask for insurance/payment later — payment that usually goes uncollected. As a result, paying customers are charged more to counter these unpaid accounts. Assuming this whole thing works, and everyone actually pays, then chances are, you will see your rates either drop or stay exactly the same.

  11. Stephen on June 28th, 2012 10:48 pm

    I’ll say it in the midst of the majority of the right wing conservative Florida – I approve. Heaven forbid I get struck down by cancer or some other illness, insurance companies can’t max out my benefit payouts. This happened to a friend of mine, who was diagnosed with cancer and after capping out the amount of eligible payouts through our insurance THROUGH HEALTH CARE, was forced to pay $600 a month for COBRA if she wanted to keep her insurance to continue treatment. And if I have a kid, and they are born with a “pre-existing” condition, insurance companies can’t tell me they’re not going to insure them, and they can’t give me an outrageous rate based on that condition. Sure, the new health care plan isn’t perfect. Call it socialism if you must. But for the people I love and care about who will FINALLY be able to get treatment for their illnesses without so much stress and worry, I say it sure as hell is better than nothing.

  12. hmmm on June 28th, 2012 9:46 pm

    This is the beginning of the end, or another step closer, to destruction. I see many aspects on both sides of many peoples opinion. But. . . The main thing to keep in mind & serious consideration is that we as ” AMERICA” BEAUTIFUL LAND OF THE FREE” umm another right taken from us, another freedom, its one thing for law and order to ensure a “civilized society” but we are now forced to purchase something, or be penalized buy paying a tax” punishment of our hard earned $$$”. Please sit and think what’s right is next? What else will we be forced to do or not do as AMERICA? REALLY WISH OUR POLITICIANS WOULD READ, RECITE, & MEMORIZE ALONG WITH FOLLOW “THE CONSTITUTION” what our country was build and based on for hundreds of years and it worked!

  13. V. Baggett on June 28th, 2012 9:33 pm

    Alright, let’s look at this from a different angle. Chief Roberts actually ruled that the individual mandate, relative to the commerce clause, was unconstitutional. This means that Congress CANNOT force American citizens to purchase anything. Ever.

    Then he said that because Congress doesn’t have the ability to mandate, it must rely on its power to tax, in order to fund Obama-care. Therefore, he made it clear that funding Obamacare is really a TAX. Democrats now must justify a tax increase in order to fund Obamacare.

    Finally, and probably most importantly, Chief Roberts said that the federal government cannot bully states into compliance by taking away their existing Medicaid funding. If a state takes the money, then yes, they must follow Obamacare guidelines. But states have the right to opt out. When over 20 to 25 of our states are opting out, this is not National Healthcare. Right?

    Actually, this was pretty brilliant of Roberts, when you think about it.

  14. bmr on June 28th, 2012 9:12 pm

    Hey , Barack Regan, Are you in the health care buisness?, I happen to be in healthcare, and if you would get rid of all the stupid lawyers, and throttle the insurance companies, you could have affordable healthcare, the insurance companies do not want to pay us for what we do, do in the first place,so no this is not a fair bill for anybody,we need less government, and less stupid frivoless laws, the Constitution says”,We the People”, not they the government.Getting back to affordable healthcare, we in America have the best healthcare in the world, so it is not the healthcare that needs to be reformed, it is the insurance companies.that need to be reformed.they are the ones that are calling the shots.and they are the ones that are going to get richer and your gonna find , they are gonna keep finding ways that they dont have to just like they do now.You need to wake up, and start doing some research in the matter before shooting off at the mouth. It is the insurance companies that have to much power,not the healthcare. Thank-you.

  15. Seth on June 28th, 2012 8:56 pm

    The point that everyone seems to be missing is that one of our freedoms has been taken away. Some of you have made valid arguments about why this is good for everyone, but at the same time you fail to understand that liberty has been diminished because you are now no longer able to make this decision for yourself. The government is going to make you pay something, whether it be an insurance plan or a tax. If for whatever reason you don’t need health insurance, you are either forced to buy it anyway or pay a tax against your will. This may not seem like a huge loss of freedom to many of you, but my concern is that if we keep letting government decide what’s best for us, where will the line be drawn? How many more decisions should we let them make for us?

  16. Mic Hall on June 28th, 2012 8:23 pm

    Now that the government can require you to purchase anything they want I can’t wait until we have an conservatives in charge of all three parts of the government. Then we can have a law that requires every adult to purchase a 45 cal handgun and shotgun. If the person does not have the right to purchase there money will go to building shooting ranges and shooting lessons.

    In the future we may have a all liberal congress that passes a law that requires everyone to buy an electric car.

    Less freedom. Fewer doctors. ONLY THE RICH WILL HAVE GOOD HEALTH CARE.

  17. an 'intelligent' person in Walnut Hill on June 28th, 2012 8:15 pm

    @ TEC
    I am a middle aged woman who was diagnosed with a chronic incurable condition when I was in my early twenties. I had no health insurance, but I had a job, a husband who worked and, most importantly, the grace of God. It took us years and our credit score took a hit but we paid every dollar of my medical bills. Later, my husband was blessed with a better job and, despite my ‘pre-existing condition’, I was able to obtain health insurance. Over the last twenty odd years we have had various health insurance plans, some with wonderful coverage and some not worth the money we paid for them. There was one year we paid our health insurance premium, the 20% deductible, and an additional $10,000 in out of pocket expenses. I KNOW what I’m talking about when I say we, as a country, can not afford The Affordable Care Act. Everyone who needs health care in this country gets it already. It’s just a question of who pays for it. The cost of paying for the uninsured is already passed on to those of us who pay our health care premiums and medical bills. Unfortunately, we will now be ‘taxed’ in addition when our employers drop their sponsored plans and we have no choice but to buy in to the government sponsored plan.

  18. Bobby on June 28th, 2012 7:13 pm

    It’s amazing how many don’t understand anything about the Health Care law. Great job President Obama.

  19. TEC on June 28th, 2012 6:41 pm

    All the intelligent folks that are so eager to make statements regarding this ruling should take a little time to come back to the real world. Have you known someone that had insurance (with premiums of $700.00 a month) and after many years of paying this money found they had cancer of heart problems only to find out as soon as the first round of treatment was over the INSURANCE company sents you a letter that due to your condition you are no longer qualified for their insurance. Then you try to get coverage with another company to find “you have a pre-existing condition that does not qualify you for coverage. NOW in addition to your health problem you are having to seek medical aid at your expense…many times leaving you bankrupt….Well this happens on a daily basis and with this “OBAMA” insurance you would no longer be subjected to this problem. Also, what about your children that you are helping to get an education and find you can no longer do this because now you must pay for their medical problems because they have become to old to be covered by your coverage….Again, this takes care of that…..SO ASK yourself have you tried to understand this new policy or have you just become absorbed into the hate mongers that are so uninformed they only know what to run their mouths without out knowledge. PLEASE get yourself informed and do not continue to fall in this rage.

  20. just me on June 28th, 2012 6:14 pm

    This is just SICKENING!!! The middle class America are the ones paying for bozos illegal friends. And mussies are 100% EXEMPT from all off this!! This is bozos FIRST step to moving us to a mussie DICTATORSHIP!! Vote them all OUT!!

  21. SEL on June 28th, 2012 5:54 pm

    My husband and I have not had insurance for 12 years, and I have paid EVERY PENNY of my bills. It is a choice that is being taken away from me and it is a tax that is being imposed by a President that PROMISED no additional taxes if he got elected. He is a liar and THE WORST President we have ever had.

  22. joe on June 28th, 2012 5:54 pm

    so long to decent health care and welcom to socialized medicine.
    for some this sounds good, but those of us who have good insurance will get the raw end of the deal.
    I do not understand how congress can pass legislation that clearely oversteps the constutition.
    what next a law that says all citizens must spend a period of time working with a gov program (military, job core, peace core, Etc)

    Welcome to the United States of socialism!

  23. David Huie Green on June 28th, 2012 5:51 pm

    ” “Mr. Obama just lied to the middle class and made the largest tax hike in the history of presidents.”

    “Perhaps you’d like to share with us how you support this bogus claim?
    Oh, you can’t?”

    President Obama said the provision in the health care act was not a tax even though it uses the power of taxation to penalize those who do not comply.

    The Supreme Court ruled that it IS a tax and that the Congress has the power to tax, therefore as a tax it is constitutional and President Obama‘s claim is overruled.

    The Supreme Court is never wrong.
    (Article III, Section 1 The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services a Compensation which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office.)

    Since under the Constitution nobody else can judge the Supreme Court wrong, they are never wrong. The laws can be changed but only in agreement with the rulings of the Supreme Court. The Constitution can be amended, but until it is, the rulings of the Supreme Court stand as given.

    David for truth

  24. huh on June 28th, 2012 5:39 pm

    Its sad that Obama didnt get full Government healthcare for America, but this is good enough for now. The insurance companies were ripping off America and doing all they can to not cover anything so i’m happy they will be regulated.

    Also the idea is that people with no insurance have to pay, because those same people go to the ER run up a high bill and never pay it anyway. Think about that for a moment

  25. Bobby on June 28th, 2012 5:21 pm

    Sara, State mandates are a whole lot different than Federal mandates. This SHOULD be on a state level, not by a Prseident looking for votes. NObama 2012!

  26. bob hudson on June 28th, 2012 4:57 pm

    Thank you Mr.Obama, for running up the highest national debt( 5.5 trillion and climbing) and for giving us the largest tax increase of any president we have ever had.Your a winner.

  27. Rufus Lowgun on June 28th, 2012 4:55 pm

    If you don’t want to pay this “tax”, buy health insurance. It’s that simple, really. I’m tired of paying for it when some uninsured 20 year numbskull old crashes their motorcycle while trying to pop a wheelie, or when some overweight redneck with no insurance falls out of their hoverround while reaching for the cheetohs and has a coronary. Those people get taken to the hospital and treated, and all the rest of us pay for it. Since the age of 18, I have never NOT had health insurance, so take some personal responsibility and make sure you are covered, and you won’t have to worry about paying that “tax”. You not having insurance directly affects my wallet, so suck it up and take care of your business.

  28. James Broel on June 28th, 2012 4:53 pm

    I am proud of our President and the U.S. Supreme Court for its decision today!! It’s a great day to be a citizen and having healthcare regardless of circumstances that happen in your life. Thank you President Obama!!

  29. Jackie Alston on June 28th, 2012 4:52 pm

    I have always had health care, vision and a great dental plan. I am tired of paying for people who treat our emergency rooms like it is a primary care physician visit. I am willing to pay extra so we can all be insured. I will always have a problem with the fact that anyone of us can be turned away because of a pre-existing condition.

  30. Sara on June 28th, 2012 4:36 pm

    Since Republicans are opposed to government subsidized healthcare, let’s end Medicare & Medicaid, so you can pay cash for your parents & grandparents healthcare with cash. Isn’t it ironic that Gov. Romney created universal healthcare in the state of Massachusetts, but now he is against it? What a hypocrite!

  31. PSU1Earl on June 28th, 2012 3:47 pm

    Bob Hudson,

    You’re right and S.S. would be a lot better off if the GOP in their efforts not to increase taxes and still get their pet projeccts didn’t raid the S.S. funds. Not saying there isn’t a systematic problem due to inflation and population fluctuations. However, the party of “no” isn’t doing S.S. any favors excepting using it for their favorite cookie jar.

  32. Barack Reagan on June 28th, 2012 3:05 pm

    Ok I’ll stop but SOMEBODY needs to counter the inevitable crazy untruths that these yokels will be putting up here!

    Otherwise they all think they’re telling the truth.

  33. bob hudson on June 28th, 2012 2:46 pm

    Sir barak S.C. is short for the Supreme Court. Please try to keep up. Now , he went to Harvard, he is the one that was suppose to study constitutional law. So he was either going directly against the constitution,and going to force it on us, or he lied about it being a tax. So which is it?

  34. Bobby on June 28th, 2012 2:40 pm

    Direct quote from Obama’s campaign speech: “I can make a firm pledge under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes.” And he’s not a LIAR??? NObama in 2012!!!

  35. William on June 28th, 2012 2:32 pm

    Respectful, civilized comments are welcome on this story. Name calling will not be tolerated and will be enforced in future comments. Additionally, this is a *comment* section, not a discussion forum. A large number of multiple comments will not be accepted for one person or IP address.

  36. bob hudson on June 28th, 2012 2:32 pm

    Was this not the grand plan of S.S.? Well they had no problem blowing that, I am sure this is going to end up the same way.

  37. Barack Reagan on June 28th, 2012 2:27 pm

    “…the pool of people that are covered will be smaller in the program making the cost of health care rise…”

    Now, you’re ALMOST understanding why this health care plan is a good thing for the MAJORITY of people.

    Those who are un-insured cannot be denied care under the law.
    So they get treated. Expensively. But who pays for their treatment?
    The insurance companies do, and they pass that bill on to you in the form of higher premiums.

    And THAT my good Republican friends (most of whom around here probably live at the bottom edge of the middle class) is why YOUR health insurance keeps getting more expensive.

    So it is very easy to comprehend that if MORE people were insured (or pay a tax if they selfishly or stubbornly decide not to be) then your health care costs will stop rising at astronomical annual rates. This isn’t the whole solution but it is a big step in the RIGHT direction.

  38. Kathy on June 28th, 2012 2:21 pm

    Have you ever heard so much crap from the repubics? They will continue to spew their unbridled hatred. Their ignorance will show like a slip on a 90 year women.

  39. Barack Reagan on June 28th, 2012 2:20 pm

    Defying South Carolina? Walking all over the Constitution? Rule of the land on Immigration? Lying about it being a tax?
    Bob you need to sit down because you’re all OVER the place.

    It’s ok, it really is. Your world is not going to end. Your country is not going to end.
    This is called change, and if you don’t like change, move to Iran. They don’t like change over there either.

  40. PSU1Earl on June 28th, 2012 2:13 pm

    Wathc what you wish for… In the states that do not expand Medicaid will have the highest rates for health care since the pool of people that are covered will be smaller in the program making the cost of health care rise in those states and passed on to you…

  41. bob hudson on June 28th, 2012 2:00 pm

    Well the S.C ruled the Feds can not force you to buy a product. So it is a tax. SO he lied. Seems to me Obama had no problem of walking all over the Constitution, if that is what it took.Now you do not think he would do that would you? I mean he already will not enforce the rule of the land about immigration, So one would have to say that if he really believed it was not a tax, then he set out to directly go against and the S.C and the constitution. So die he Lie? Or does he really despise the constitution of the U.S.A.?

  42. Barack Reagan on June 28th, 2012 1:57 pm

    “Mr. Obama just lied to the middle class and made the largest tax hike in the history of presidents.”

    Perhaps you’d like to share with us how you support this bogus claim?
    Oh, you can’t?

    It’s very ingenious how conservatives are twisting this outcome into “Obama lied, it IS a tax.”

    Hey brainy Bob: it’s only a “tax” if you choose not to be insured! And i have very little sympathy for those folks because their health care (which they don’t even pay for) is what has driven the costs up for all the rest of us. Nope, I’ve got no sympathy at all.

  43. bob hudson on June 28th, 2012 1:41 pm

    Well Mr. Obama just lied to the middle class( are you surprised ? ) And made the. largest tax hike in the history of presidents.Nice thing is the occupy wall street crowd will now have buy insurance, Hopefully Gov,Scott will just say no thank you. along with the other states who do not wish to be in it. But really if Mr.Obama said it was not a tax,and it turns out it is a tax, he should just kill the whole thing , Right?

  44. Barack Reagan on June 28th, 2012 1:28 pm

    Bamaboy: you don’t have to dumb anything down for me. Your “explanation” doesn’t explain your first rant about Gettysburg in the least.

    Anyway, thanks for at least making it clear what we will all have to listen to for the foreseeable future: Obama said it wasn’t a tax. It’s a tax. He lied.

    Pretty lame argument there. Especially considering the fact that it was the Supreme Court who decided to consider it a tax. They didn’t have to do that. They aren’t Obama. So how exactly does that make HIM a liar?

    I could come up with an easy analogy but i honestly don’t feel like wasting my time.

  45. Barack Reagan on June 28th, 2012 1:22 pm

    Devastating Dave:

    This comment “…now I am at the mercy of politicians who hate me and wish to enslave me. Goodbye everyone. I go to face the death panels.”

    is based on lies and false assumptions. On top of those little facts it makes no sense.

    If you can’t be part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

    Thanks for contributing nothing.

  46. Bamaboy on June 28th, 2012 12:54 pm

    Ok Barack Reagan let me dumb this down for you. Obama said it was not a tax……for it to not be un constitutional it had to be ruled a tax. It is a tax…… It is a lie….. I bet you think legalizing weed and abortion are genius ideas too…….

  47. Devastating Dave on June 28th, 2012 12:27 pm

    As a person with health problems, I am terrified of this. Up to this point my care has been in my hands, now I am at the mercy of politicians who hate me and wish to enslave me. Goodbye everyone. I go to face the death panels.

  48. Michelle on June 28th, 2012 12:01 pm

    DEFINITION of Uphold:
    a) To give support to.
    b) To support against an opponent.

    Whose side were the Supreme Court and Congress on? It sure as heck was not for US.

    Like I’ve heard a few time from different people “the opposite of progress is Congess.” Rather fitting is it not?

    Just remeber the Postal DMV and the IRS are only 2 that they control. Look how well they are run. Good luck (In GOD we/i trust)

  49. bob hudson on June 28th, 2012 11:19 am

    Not to worry, the feds will rack up trillions in cash, then they will make it part of the (general fund) , just like they did S.S. and it will be broke in no time. Well with this being done may be we can get the other 46% of those who pay no taxes to put in their fair share.Better get all those illegals rounded up so they can pay their fair share also.

  50. Barack Reagan on June 28th, 2012 11:16 am

    Greg: Your comment is really quite immature, and Bamaboy? Well there’s just no explaining whatever the heck it is that YOU wrote.

    Here’s some factual info for all you hotheads:

    “For individuals who choose to not comply with the individual insurance mandate, Congress deliberately chose to make the penalty fairly weak: only $95 for 2014; $325 for 2015; and $695 in 2016.

    After 2016, that $695 amount is indexed to the consumer price index.

    Congress specifically did not allow the use of liens and seizures of property as methods of enforcing the penalty.

    Non-compliance with the mandate is also not subject to criminal or civil penalties under the Tax Code and interest does not accrue for failure to pay the penalty in a timely manner, according to the congressional Joint Committee on Taxation.”

  51. Susan on June 28th, 2012 11:15 am

    One more step toward Socialism. Hey, Batack Reagan…… WE have to listen to a bunch of overbearing, loud mouthed, morally corrupt, entitled, system abusing Democrats celebrating another win.

  52. Greg on June 28th, 2012 11:01 am

    To: Founding Fathers,

    We liked what you did, the sacrifices you made and how great of a country you created. But, we now understand that you were all wrong and now we are going to try a new direction that has never worked before in any other society called Socialism. It took 236 years to realize how foolish you were in trying to make people responsible for themselves and now the government will step in and take the individual citizen’s and state’s rights back.

    Just thought you would want to know that in spite of your success, you must have been wrong…

  53. bob hudson on June 28th, 2012 10:58 am

    So it is a tax, And what a tax it will be. But if the state’s opt out against the expansion of medicaid program, they will not be penalize. Good. At least the court ruled that the federal government cannot force you to buy a product. But they can sure TAX you to death.

  54. Bobby on June 28th, 2012 10:51 am

    It’s amazing how people react by running and hiding instead of giving an openion. Why can’t people realize they are already paying for healthcare that people get that don’t have insurance through taxes state and federal. Also I believe the government should get involved in services billed to people that do and do not have insurance. For instance I was billed over $5,000.00 for services that my insurance paid $450.00. If I did not have insurance I would never have been able to pay the $5,000.00. In my openion the majority of republicans would rather see you die than receive any health care. I got to go now and watch Romey whine about healthcare for all Americans that he helped his state pass as Govener. I call Romney a flip flopper.

  55. Bamaboy on June 28th, 2012 10:44 am

    Mistakes at Gettysburg! We owe every solidier an apology for dying for this kind of crap. Also, I am tired of people saying politics and religion does not mix. Go in the Old Testament and see what happened to Israel when the Kings in place did not obey God. The Old Testament is a testimony to God in government. Read it.

  56. Jerry on June 28th, 2012 10:23 am

    The individual mandate was upheld as long as it is referred to as a tax and not a fine.

  57. Concerned citizen on June 28th, 2012 10:23 am

    I guess 17 trillion was enough debt for our president. Who will fund this if the people can’t pay??? Time for change!!!

  58. PSU1Earl on June 28th, 2012 10:17 am

    Prepare for endless Liberal gloating on MSNBC and a Conservative melt down on Fox News… I think I will just turn off my tv for a few months and just get my news here from William… :)

  59. Bobby on June 28th, 2012 10:06 am

    We new the “no,no,no” republican good ole boys will whine untill the Cowboy or Cowgirl use the toilets at the new tax office. It’s great that we all have to pay for health care.

  60. Batack Reagan on June 28th, 2012 9:45 am


    Now i have to listen to a bunch of whiny conservative Republicans spew off at the mouth for the next 5 months!