Bad Golfers, Bad Timing and Bad Economy Lead To Century Park Changes

June 7, 2012

There are three changes coming to all of Century’s parks — one caused by bad golfers, another caused by bad timing and a third due to the bad economy.

Mayor Freddie McCall said the parks will soon have “No Golfing” signs erected because bad golfers are breaking out lights. “People are knocking out the big globes when they don’t get a good chip shot,” he said.

Late night music is leading to a loud music and noise curfew in the town’s parks of 8 p.m. McCall said the town and the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office has received reports of loud music at parks late at night.

And the  bad economy and rising electric rates has forced the town to up the cost for using field lights  The town has charged everyone but non-profits $10 per hour to use lights at ball fields for numerous years. Now, the town had voted to up that rate to $15 per hour. That’s still cheaper than the neighboring town of Jay, McCall said, which is at $25 per hour.


2 Responses to “Bad Golfers, Bad Timing and Bad Economy Lead To Century Park Changes”

  1. JM on June 9th, 2012 7:43 am

    Really, you think because people golf they are somehow more mature
    than the yahoos I see raming down the road in their raised up SUV’s
    trying to run us off the road with our grand children in the vehicle.
    Golfers drink, drive badly, have bad tempers and much of the same
    behavior as to many of our suppose’d grown up men out there who doesn’t care about anyone but themselves.

    Some so called adults need to GROW THE HECK UP

  2. Oversight on June 7th, 2012 7:14 pm

    Really, bad golfers? Has anyone actually seen this? Actually, I’d go for juvenile deliquents chunk’n rocks.