50 Escambia School District Pickups And Vans Burglarized

June 13, 2012

At least 50 pickup trucks and vans inside an Escambia County School District fenced compound were burglarized.

Pensacola Police Officer Garland McKenzie said the burglaries were discovered around 6 a.m. Tuesday when employees arrived for work at the J.E. Hall Center on East Texar Drive.

Just two of the vehicles were unlocked; access to the remaining vehicles was made by smashing windows or breaking locks on vehicles,” McKenzie said.

At least three cell phones and eight laptop computers among other items were taken, and a 2003 white Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck was stolen from the compound.

The vehicles were kept in the district’s maintenance compound and were used in custodial, air conditioning, plumbing and other repairs for the school district. Access to the
compound was gained through a locked gate on Texar Driver where the chain and lock had been cut and removed from the scene, McKenzie said.

The fence surrounding the compound is about six feet tall and is topped with barbed wire.

Anyone having information on the incident is asked to contact Pensacola Police Department Detective James Gore at (850) 435-1979 or the Pensacola Police Department at (850) 435-1900.


17 Responses to “50 Escambia School District Pickups And Vans Burglarized”

  1. Jane on June 14th, 2012 6:12 am

    Why don’t they have cameras and an alarm company? Dogs? We have technology that isn’t that expensive and they don’t use it? I’m disappointed in the lack of security. We all know crime is going up and we need to use the options we have to try to make it less attractive to burglers.

  2. Amber Reed on June 13th, 2012 9:12 pm

    Well the good thing is they can use the money they saved for cutting the transition progrems for 6th graders to pay for the loss.

  3. Rod on June 13th, 2012 5:22 pm

    If it is county policy to leave laptops and cell phones in a locked area/vehicle, it is not the responsibility of the people who lost them to replace them. These items were stolen. If it is the policy, maybe it should be changed and a more secure place be available for these items. We the taxpayers paid for these items and hopefully there is insurance to cover their loss.

  4. Football Mom of 3 on June 13th, 2012 2:00 pm


    I too have had my house broken into and what was stolen was on ME to replace because it was MY stuff. Once again, if I had borrowed your laptop and it was stolen when my house was broken into, it would be on me to replace it not on you.

    If these electronics were “borrowed” from their employers and not properly secured at the end of the day then yes, I think they are responsible to replace them. If the theives are caught, they can reimburse the employee.

  5. barrineau on June 13th, 2012 1:47 pm

    I think a guard dog is in order.

  6. FLOORED on June 13th, 2012 12:27 pm

    i am FLOORED by these respomses…I mean really….we hold the people driving the vehicles leaving bus equip in there responsible for the property that another individual decided, by themself, knowing it did not belong to them, who vandalized and stole. You people are sad and it comments like this that make it so easy for these criminals to get off…

    we make it ok that they stole …i just had my house broke into…sooo i guess because i left the stuff in my house, and went to my JOB it is ok that they busted in my door and just took what they wanted..its my fault…i made it too easy for them


  7. Chris on June 13th, 2012 10:16 am


    “I agree also, they should be made to pay. Who in this day and time would leave cellphones and computers in a vehicle????”

    Answer: a good percentage of the general population, many of whom usually blame the police for not protecting their stuff, and not themselves or the people who took the items, at least these employees locked up the county vehicles.

  8. Football Mom of 3 on June 13th, 2012 10:11 am

    David, sometime I agree with you, sometime I dont but i always get a good laugh when reading your responses to comments.

    I have to disagree with you today David. Yes, they are victims, but they do bare some responsibility in this situation. If I “borrowed” your laptop, left it in my car (locked or not), my car got broken into and your laptop got stolen, wouldnt you think it was my responsibility to replace it? I would.

  9. jeeperman on June 13th, 2012 9:54 am

    If the school district pays the utilities on a school building after it is leased out to a church, why should the school district care about some cell phones and laptops?

  10. JM on June 13th, 2012 9:44 am

    @ David
    We ALL know we also blame the criminals who broke into this compound,
    BUT most companies do have a building on site OR somewhere that the
    furnished computers and cell phones are locked up. If it IS the policy in
    this case that they are supposed to leave expensive public equipment in
    thier trucks, then again there is someone who made that decision and
    should have known better.

    Somewhere the Buck Stops HERE! It’s our money and we have a right
    to be upset about EVERYONE WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS OK.

  11. David Huie Green on June 13th, 2012 9:11 am

    “Thoes who left cell phones and lap tops in vehicles should be made to pay for them. That shows a lack of responsibility on their part.”

    Absolutely. The thieves should not be held accountable for the thefts from a locked compound.

    David in a strange world
    where the victims are blamed

  12. just thinkin' on June 13th, 2012 9:09 am

    Not saying that what happened was right, but there’s always a chance that if the workers were using these cell phones and computers for business only, they were probably not permitted to take them home, so therefore they were left in the vehicles. Maybe a locker or something should be provided for them so these belongings can be locked up at the end of the work day.

    Hope the thieves are caught quickly.

  13. Goober on June 13th, 2012 8:30 am

    ANYONE who leaves a laptop in a vehicle unless it is parked inside a building should have to replace it. Did those employees leave THEIR wallet or anything of value of THEIRS in the vehicle?

    Doubt it…

    Tell THEM…Cuzin Goob said …DU HUH…

  14. TW on June 13th, 2012 8:25 am

    I agree also, they should be made to pay. Who in this day and time would leave cellphones and computers in a vehicle????

  15. JM on June 13th, 2012 8:04 am

    I agree with both of you, but will we ever know WHAT actually happens to
    these people for not protecting our money and our INFO? I sure hope
    they get the thieves.

  16. charlie w. on June 13th, 2012 7:35 am


    They do work for you and all the tax payers in Escambia Co. The peiple that left the computors and cell phones in the trucks should have the option to pay for them of be FIRED. The tax payers are fed up with paying for the stupid!

  17. john on June 13th, 2012 4:44 am

    Thoes who left cell phones and lap tops in vehicles should be made to pay for them. That shows a lack of responsibility on their part. The phones have gps and should be traceable. Leaving computers in vehicles is how your information falls into the wrong hands. Total lack of responsibility. If they worked for me they would be in hot water and would have to pay for it.