Want To Read Rick Scott’s Email? Now You can

May 4, 2012

Email communications with the governor and his top office staff will be available on line as part of an effort Gov. Rick Scott said Thursday will fulfill a promise made on this first day to hold himself and his leadership team accountable.

Dubbed Project Sunburst, the web-based service will make public emails from Scott and 11 of his top staff available to the public, many within 24 hours. The governor said plans to expand the program to include agencies under his control.

“I invite Floridians to view my emails, as well as those of my leadership team, to learn more about how we are working to make Florida the best state for businesses to grow and expand and create jobs.”

Emails are available with search capabilities on the governor’s website at www.flgov.com/sunburst through Microsoft Outlook Web Access. Individuals can access the Sunburst system by using the user name and password “sunburst”. The governor’s office said it will continue to comply with regular public record requests.


4 Responses to “Want To Read Rick Scott’s Email? Now You can”

  1. Front Street on May 5th, 2012 4:45 pm

    Molino-Anon, agreed, they will filter them. We will never see the real emails of what really is being done. It is just a ploy for more votes. I guess they do not realize we are not a bunch of Baaing sheep. I vote at every election trying to get someone with common sense into our government. Lord knows we need it in the White House.

    Douglas, Me too. I have never heard a word back and really didn’t think I would but gave it a shot anyway. Good thing I was not holding my breathe huh.

  2. douglas on May 4th, 2012 8:37 am

    yea that way it gets read i have sent an email to him never heard back so if we read them atleast somebody is reading

  3. Kathy on May 4th, 2012 8:11 am


  4. Molino-Anon on May 4th, 2012 7:21 am

    And this will prove what?

    That said persons are using a filtered email account that the public can read and saving the real stuff for private as always?