Romney Out Front In Florida

May 24, 2012

Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney moved ahead of President Barack Obama among Florida voters in the latest Quinnipiac University Polling Institute poll released Wednesday. The survey also shows most voters disapprove of the way the president is doing his job.

The poll shows Romney leading Obama 47-41 percent among Florida voters. That is up from a statistical dead heat two weeks ago and a Q-Poll conducted in March that showed the president with a 49-42 percent lead.

The independent poll also indicates that 63 percent of voters would not be more likely to vote against Obama based on the president’s recent support for same-sex marriage, but 23 percent of likely voters say it would make them more inclined to vote for Romney.

Taken together, the poll results show a definite swing in Romney’s favor, according to Peter A. Brown, assistant vice president of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

“Gov. Mitt Romney has slipped into the lead in Florida and that standing is confirmed by his much better numbers than the president when voters are asked whether they view the candidates favorably or unfavorably,” Brown said in a statement.

By a 44-35 margin, Florida voters view Romney favorably while Obama is given an unfavorable response 50 percent of the time. Voters were even more negative on the president’s job performance, with 52 percent rating Obama’s job performance unfavorably and saying he does not deserve a second term.

Also of concern to Democratic leaders, Romney is favored 44-36 percent by independent voters, an increasingly critical bloc in Florida’s recent elections.

Obama’s recent public support for same-sex marriage may also affect the president in the critical swing state. While about two in three voters say the president’s support of gay marriage would not sway their vote, 23 percent say they would be more inclined to vote for Romney.

The same-sex question could prove decisive in the Florida races, as 22 percent of respondents said the issue was “very important” or “extremely important.”

“While the issue of same-sex marriage looks like it affects only one-third of Florida voters, we know from experience what a few votes can mean in the Sunshine State,” Brown said.

The poll, which included 1,722 registered Florida voters, has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.4 percent.

By The News Service of Florida

Pictured: Mitt Romney campaigns in January at The Fish House in Pensacola. file photo, click to enlarge.


17 Responses to “Romney Out Front In Florida”

  1. James Broel on May 28th, 2012 5:29 pm

    Bk63 you sound a bit paranoid. Did you read a website you can share that you base your post on?

  2. bk63 on May 28th, 2012 12:10 pm

    Did anyone see the guy who desighned the election computer programs on a congress interview or some kind of court interview saying there were ways to change the electronic votes to say whatever he wanted it to say. Under oath he said he could change what voters voted for to another vote. He was asked had he done that. He said no. But someone could if they knew how . He was asked would he know if its been done? He said yes if they didnt know how to hide it. He was asked does he think it has been done. He said yes. So, dont beleive electronic voting. Needs to be hand counted To prove it. The curent regime will do as they have in the past anything to stay in office. ANYTHING!! Be vary aware of this election & what will be pulled by them. He could try to stop the election from happening. Stay tunned. He’s gonna try something u watch. I Hope i’m wrong.

  3. David Huie Green on May 27th, 2012 2:32 pm

    “I miss journalism that gave you facts and allowed you the chance to develop an opinion first without a show telling you how to think about a news story presented.”

    There’re still plenty of them but you have to turn to weekly or monthly magazines to see them. It takes time to develop a story and all the background rightly. The daily’s have to publish what they have as soon as they have it or sales go to the ones who beat them to the punch.

    Consider how many articles you read in dead tree reporting (aka newspapers) two days after reading them on They seem old and boring even though they MAY have some information not even William managed to get in at the first.
    (He makes up for that with updates but by that time nobody‘s reading the article anymore.)

    Time, Newsweek and probably National Review would give you the kind of journalism you profess to prefer. I let my Newsweek subscription expire several years ago, though, so I don’t know for certain they are still on top of such things.

    David for instant news,
    error free

  4. 429SCJ on May 27th, 2012 8:17 am

    James I have to agree with you about the news. I just heard the term “Nuclear Standoff with Iran, what a crock, standoff.

    I suggest you look at who controls the news media and their agenda. It is no longer about reporting the news, but shaping public opinion. The same applies to television and films, there is a social programming message, accept this, tolerate that.

    It will be interesting, as always, to see how history and Americas economic STANDOFF with anarchy plays out. Will the ringmaster be Romney or Obama?

  5. James Broel on May 26th, 2012 9:36 pm

    David the problem is people who spout off Fox news or CNN for that matter state something is fact when at times it is sensationalized blather. There are a lot of opinion shows on both extremes and very little actual news. I miss journalism that gave you facts and allowed you the chance to develop an opinion first without a show telling you how to think about a news story presented.

  6. JM on May 26th, 2012 2:38 pm

    Doesn’t matter there are several months left till the election and Florida is
    a large State. Anything can happen in THIS ELECTION just like it did last time.

  7. David Huie Green on May 26th, 2012 1:06 pm

    ” I enjoy a discussion like Diane Rehm on NPR where both sides are given a chance to speak with interrupting each other.”

    I listen to her nearly every day for a bit anyway, but have noticed there are some basic assumptions she starts from which are not neutral. I don’t even fault her for lack of neutrality since interim judgement is reasonable, but there are times when it’s quite obvious.

    My radio’s prime setting is 88.1 FM because, in general, they do a good job and don’t watch any news show regularly since there are still plenty of sit-coms and NCIS reruns to view, but there is a snobbery of those who accuse all who disagree with them of being Fox News brainwashed. If they watch it, they chose to watch it. If we don’t watch it, it is because we chose to not watch it.

    There is a bumper sticker which says something like I HAVE AN NPR MIND IN A FOX NEWS WORLD. That implies all of us who listen to NPR are superior to all those who listen to FOX NEWS.

    Most don’t listen to or watch either one. Further, the elitist attitude makes persuasive arguments less likely. They certainly won’t win friends and influence people by attacking sources rather than false ideas. Maybe they figure they CAN’T justify oppositon based simply on reason and MUST attack the assumed source.

    Me not know.
    Me not care.

    David for the best

  8. James Broel on May 26th, 2012 7:20 am

    No excuses saying Fox news tells the truth is funny. No network does that much on news. I try to listen to various sources of news online including Fox news, CNN, and MSNBC. All of them tend to have a slant and I enjoy a discussion like Diane Rehm on NPR where both sides are given a chance to speak with interrupting each other. The Sunday news programs don’t even do that anymore.

  9. No Excuses on May 25th, 2012 11:31 am

    @ Taxpayer

    So you are blaming President Obama’s lack of progress in the 3 1/2 years he’s had in office with one failed attempt after another to rectify “issues” on the Bush administration? I’m not. Every presidency has problems, but Obama’s has been one failure after another. It doesn’t take a genius to see that four more years of this guy will kill America, not just bankrupt it.

    For the record, I have NEVER been unemployed since I started working as a full time adult in 1984. In fact, I held two jobs or more at a time and I hold two jobs now. That speaks for itself, I think. Middle class people looking for jobs can find them if they are willing to take something they may not like and work into something they do. I’m not saying there is not an unemployment problem – there is. But, people can do better if they truly want to and are willing to sacrifice to get there. I did and it worked for me. Unemployment being high is just another campaign promise made by Obama that has not been fulfulled. We are just more in debt because he throws my tax dollars at the problem too. Working adult = Taxpayer.

    Fox news is conservative, but they also do the research. If the truth hurts, oh well! Don’t knock Fox for beating the competition fair and square just because you don’t like what they have to say. It’s the unvarnished truth most o the time. I’ve seen the other cable news stations put out bald faced lies and trash – in other words, sensationalizing things before checking the facts. Fox gets my vote every time!

  10. bob hudson on May 25th, 2012 10:01 am

    President Obama = 5 + trillion in debt. We will never be able to give him or the liberal democrats enough money.The so called rich should not pay more. The government will not manage what it has now. . Can we get back the money from the so called green bankrupt companies that we have given billions too? Or how about cutting the government back to at least the pre-Obama era. Or tighten up the welfare laws? Sorry but if you can afford satillite TV, a two hundred dollar cell phone you do not need welfare.

  11. Taxpayer on May 25th, 2012 8:23 am

    Wow!! Really short memories….Conservative Republicans nearly bankrupted this country 8 years prior too!!! thats why you can’t find a job today! Bush was a dismal failure (both) Surely people are not basing their vote from information gained on Fox News? The working class people of this country shouldn’t have to pay for all service rendered in this country! Everybody has to pay their fare share of taxes! Vote Romney, if you wish to go back in time to do it all over! Mega Millionaires really understand the needs of the working class people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and people might ask, “how did he make his millions”? on the backs of the working class people……

  12. No Excuses on May 24th, 2012 5:59 pm

    I want a president who will not apologize for America when it’s not necessary to apologize. Yes, he brought Bin Laden in, but that was also the result of years of effort on the part of the Bush administration to narrow down the search. Obama was fortunate enough to be the one to reap the seed that was sown.

    I’m with 429SCJ – what good? All I have seen is the furtherance of a socialist agenda and more added to the national debt. I don’t want him for a second term and I had the good sense not to vote for him the first time around.

  13. 429SCJ on May 24th, 2012 8:49 am

    James he killed Ben Laden, but you cannot base your whole campaign on one home run. An increase to the Federal deficit of 5 trillon dollars is nothing to call
    a sucess story.

    You speak of all the good he has done, such as? I have to give him credit to standing up to Benjamin Netanyahu, I love the look on his face when he has to
    interact with Obama.

  14. 429SCJ on May 24th, 2012 8:39 am

    Hello James. I feel the problem is that America is attempting to serve far too many different interest. I keep hearing diversity, I agree America needs to diversify into serveral smaller nation states, that could better serve the interest of their citizens.

    Romney is not the solution, but all Obama seems to be doing is increasing the national debt. I kept hoping that China would cut off our credit and the deficit spending would stop.

    America is too far gone to save as a whole and hopefully time and economic decay will set the stage for new circumstance and solutions.

  15. who dat on May 24th, 2012 8:00 am

    President Obama doesn’t need to be reelected. He has made comments on his intentions if he gets a second term. I believe he is a socialist, and will ruin this country if reelectd. Romney isn’t a great choice for president. but he surely is better than what we have now.

  16. James Broel on May 24th, 2012 7:35 am

    429SCJ who exactly are you supporting? I can read your comment that you don’t want Obama for another term and you say “America needs a candidate like Ron Paul…”. Then you say you are not thrilled with Romney but he will get your vote. I fully support Obama for what he has done good in this country. I realize support for him is slim in traditional red states but we certainly don’t need a Romney that is by far a worse candidate. I will elaborate more once I have a regular PC to type on.

  17. 429SCJ on May 24th, 2012 5:34 am

    President Obama has been a dismal failure. I supported him in the last election, but will not do so in the next. The president has left our borders open in an attempt to fllood the nation with illegals, and then propose to give them citizenship, knowing they will increase the pool of democart voters. The bailout of the zionist bankers and a broken promise to bring our troops home.

    I feel that America needs a candidate like Ron Paul, who would dissolve the zionist federal reserve and look out for America’s interest.

    Im not very thrilled with the prospect of Romney, but we have to move forward. He will have my vote.