New 5-Year Plan For Century To Be Unveiled

May 20, 2012

A new direction for the Town of Century is set to be unveiled Monday night in the form of a marketing plan covering the next half decade.

Century hired the Pensacola marketing firm Ideawörks to create the new five-year comprehensive marketing strategy to include “grant identification, development, PR plan, five-year marketing plan and budget”.

The plan was part of an $11,450 package purchased late last year that included $4,200 for a “basic website design”, $1,750 for a content management system (CMS) to allow town employees to update the website, and $5,500 for the marketing plan.

The website was unveiled early this month with the slogan “Century. Traditional Values. Today’s Technology”. The goal of the site is to offer information “about local government, services the municipality offers, news, events, business information and more. The site includes Century’s history, photographs from around the town, city and council news, staff directory, information regarding economic development, resource links and a handful of other items”.

The site does not currently include town council agendas or minutes from previous meetings. It does provide a searchable municipal code database provided by an outside company.

The new site is located at

Monday night at 6:00 during a special council workshop, Ideawörks is set to present the five-year marketing plan for Century.

Caron Sjöberg, president of Ideawörks, has previously said one of the primary goals of the website and plan is economic development for Century.

Pictured: Screenshots of Century’s new website.


14 Responses to “New 5-Year Plan For Century To Be Unveiled”

  1. 429SCJ on May 21st, 2012 11:35 am

    Stalin was able to make these programs succeed, only because of his charm and charisma and lack of hesitancy to engauge in wholesale human slaughter.

    I wonder how Mayor McCall stacks up next to that?

  2. JM on May 21st, 2012 8:47 am

    I’m sorry that some see my thoughts about this artical as rude or harsh.
    Please do AS I asked, step back, and take a hard look at what people see
    as they pass through town. Why in the world would someone stop
    in a bad neighborhood and go off the beaten path. In this world THAT
    is darned good way to get mugged.

  3. sam on May 21st, 2012 7:08 am

    i have no problem with the town attempting to encourage growth. bottom line we have too many people on the government dole and on dope. all i have to do is go to our local grocery store and look at the majority of customers. most on food stamps, and very few able to use a debit card without help.

  4. Brattonian on May 21st, 2012 6:50 am

    This is a truly sprirted dialogue over a subject w/ many diverse views, which is good to see; however, humans are slow to change. W/ this new focus placed on Century, maybe the council can begin to utilize local resources, i.e. church groups, civic organizations & schools to begin a reach-out program and assist the residents whose means are diminished to begin a “civic pride” movement in that beautifully traditional town. Too much time is spent on what can’t be done and not enough thought (and effort) into what is realistically possible.

    As for Atmore, well they seem to be focused on getting some social revenue from PCM. No thought involved – just free money. C’mon guys, if Century can see five years into the future w/ a plan: at least they have one.

  5. Molino-Anon on May 20th, 2012 8:44 pm

    I’ve lived in NE all my life, Century is the same now as it was in the 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, and so far 2000’s… so how is this “5-year plan” gonna change anything? Same goes for Flomaton, Atmore and Molino as well.

    This area will not change because people won’t allow it to change, and when we do have funds to initiate change it is misappropriated into these “schemes to improve” just like this 12,000 dollar website.

    It takes more than a small group to implement changes on a community scale, it takes a community willing to shut up complaining, arguing, or just plain “I have something better to do attitudes” to do it.

  6. Russ on May 20th, 2012 6:03 pm

    Sounds as if you have an issue with the town of century u might need to move to the big city.

  7. Russ on May 20th, 2012 6:00 pm

    To jm and the people alike. If u knew anything about this town u would know that allot of it is hard working people and by t.he sound of your comments not like you

  8. A harsh judge on May 20th, 2012 5:26 pm

    I was right, JM – there’s no humility in your heart.
    I was not talking about the obvious flaws and problems the town has – but you were getting personal, lumping everyone in the town as losers.; There are a lot of good people living there, and there have been, and will be in the future, a lot of professional, honorable, and famous people,along with plain down to earth, good people, that call Century their home. You seem to me to be a high and mighty oracle who points out others weaknesses in order to make his own seem smaller.
    Well, mister, you made yourself look mighty small by disparaging the good people of Century and the surrounding area with your remarks.

  9. deBugger on May 20th, 2012 3:47 pm

    5-year plan? Not to be anybody’s “buzzkill”, but the first time I ever heard of a “5-year plan” was in an Americanism vs. Communism class, years ago.

    5-year plans were how the Soviet Union engineered the long-term subjugation of its farmers & workers.

    I’d find another name for this “marketing plan”.

  10. JM on May 20th, 2012 3:01 pm

    If some of you can’t take the truth about what people see, I can see why
    Century has looked that way for as long as I can remember. Maybe I should
    have said, oh now that is a pretty picture I’m sure everyone will come trucking
    down, build their homes, businesses, raise their children there, and want to shower ya’ll with money. Is that the fairy tale you want to hear? Who is going
    to invest in a town that won’t invest in themselves.

  11. bk on May 20th, 2012 10:25 am

    JM , Obviously they didnt notice the “Royal” car or truck you were driving with a precession. You never stated where u are from. We all marvel at your opinnion of our little town. Maybe you can run for Mayor & help it in the right direction. Maybe donate some cash to help. There’s alot you can obviously do to help since you see the problems of this little town. We are sitting on pins & needles waiting for more of your suggestions. Maybe you can hold a town meeting. We will all be there awaiting your ideas in person. There’s alot of wonderful people who arent proud of every little part of Century but love it as a whole . Maybe you should get off the main road & see the real town . I see a beautiful area that my family loves as well as other familys . I’ll ask my mom & dad if your comments hurt them in any way. lol.

  12. A harsh judge on May 20th, 2012 9:29 am

    JM – I am going to try to observe the rules posted on this website so that means I won’t respond to your post the way I would like to; besides.
    You do need to know that you are probably the rudest person on here that I’ve seen in a long time. You drive by someone’s home and it doesn’t meet your high and mighty expectations, so you take a pitiful shot at insulting it. You don’t think, in your selfishness, about the fact there are many good, good people living in Century and the surrounding area, so you take an opportunity to slam the place they live.
    So what if they aren’t as affluent as you think you are? So what if they work – or have worked, since many are old and are retired – and do the best they can? So what, if there are a lot of poor people who haven’t had opportunities like you may have had but try to make it a day at a time?
    You need to clean the mess out of your eyes and heart before you go using this forum to insult many good people about their home. You owe the people of Century an apology but I imagine your high and mighty attitude won’t let you see the need to do it.
    Stupid and uncaring.

  13. JM on May 20th, 2012 8:08 am

    Oh Please….you can’t lie to people. Do you think they think it’s a great
    place when they start pulling up other sites about this area?
    Do those farmers on that picture really live in Century? We must not
    be talking about the same town the rest of us travel through on our
    way out of Florida.

    That town is the saddest looking mess I have ever seen. Someone
    said as she traveled through with me that it was a sorry representation to tourists about FLORIDA!

    I realize pride Goethe before the fall according to the BIBLE,
    but really folks are you raising your children in that mess? How can
    children build self esteem if you have no pride in their surroundings.

    Clean that mess up before you invite people down and shock them
    with where your lies have lead them.

  14. cygie on May 20th, 2012 7:31 am

    Wow. That’s spiffy. According to my math, the Bay Area Food Bank sells 10,000 pounds of food for $1000.00. So that $11,450.00 the town just dropped on it’s website could have purchased 100,000 pounds of food to feed those who cannot supply themselves.
    I will wait for this economic development to happen. Based on past performance by Century, I think this was a poor investment. (Helicopters, catfish, retrofitting houses in flood plains)