National Day Of Prayer Marked In Century, Atmore (With Photo Gallery)

May 4, 2012

Prayers for local communities, leaders, residents and businesses filled the air in Century and Atmore on Thursday during the 61st Annual National Day of Prayer.

“We need You (God) in our town,” Century Mayor Freddie McCall said during Century’s observance Thursday morning. “I need you in our town.”

“I pray for the safe return of our troops,” said Scott Nelson, father of LCpl Travis Nelson who was killed in action, as he prayed for the military and local law enforcement, firefighters and EMT’s. “And for the families…only You can provide comfort in the their hearts.”

The Rev. Willie Carter, a retired educator, prayed for education. “Help us to realize in all our teachings and knowledge that without you it would be in vain,” he said.

“Help kids to see that having Jesus in your heart is the coolest thing they can do,” Century resident Carlos Kyles prayed.

Also participating in prayer during Century’s event was Robin Punyko from Gulf Power, praying for business; William Reynolds of, praying for media; Rev. Jeff Dwenger, praying for churches; and Laura Nelson, praying for families.

Atmore National Day of Prayer

In Atmore, the threat of rain from the heavens pushed National Day of Prayer participants from a local park into the gym at Escambia County High School. Community, business and spiritual leaders led those gathered in prayer before participants read the entire Bible out loud in 30 minutes.

For more photos from the Atmore National Day of Prayer events, click here.

Pictured above and below: A National Day of Prayer service in Atmore. Photos by Marcella Green Wilson for, click to enlarge. Pictured inset: Century Mayor Freddie McCall prays as his city marked the National Day of Prayer Thursday. photo, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “National Day Of Prayer Marked In Century, Atmore (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. jeg on May 7th, 2012 2:56 pm

    Re “Thinker”–
    To say that the “In God We Trust” motto on our money and “One nation under God” in our pledge are examples of creeping religious invasion of our government…” is very interesting, to say the least. Those examples have been a PART of our government for lo these many years, and the citizens who object to them (though they have a right to their opinions) are a part of the ‘more than creeping’ invasion against the ideas upon which this nation was founded, and the freedom and right of others to believe in them.

  2. jw on May 5th, 2012 11:13 am

    To Thinker:

    Thanks for explaining your thoughts on the matter in a polite and courteous manner. Too bad everyone doesn’t do the same. I am just curious…what do you base your thinking on? I mean, is it just your opinion or do you have a particular philosophy that guides you? I have taken a couple of philosophy classes and I have found it fascinating! I would disagree with you, though. Personally, I think it is good for a nation to have public acknowledgment of God.

  3. Too Much Thinking on May 5th, 2012 8:10 am

    Thinker…….This country was founded on the need to have a nation with the ability to serve God (not just any god) without fear of persecution. Over the centuries the persecutors have been allowed into our great country with open arms of its freedoms. Now we are almost back to where we started from in the old countries that we left to have this freedom. I prayed for people like you as I pray every day for our God, the Lord , to take back this land in His name. Whether you like it or not…you are in my prayers!

  4. God is amazing!!! on May 4th, 2012 3:04 pm

    Nationalizing prayer is the only way this country can survive. There is a reason this country was based on the christian faith and now that so many of our leaders have taken God out of our government and themselves this country’s economy is at a low and drugs and violence is at a high. I thank God that there are still some christian officials and hope that others can accept him as their Savior as well.

  5. Bam on May 4th, 2012 12:36 pm

    Don’t people go to church and pray not just Sunday but Wednesday too?

  6. Thinker on May 4th, 2012 11:16 am

    I’m not against goodwill but the National Day of Prayer, like the “In God We Trust” motto on our money and “One nation under God” in our pledge are examples of creeping religious invasion of our government. The problem is that the uneducated do not fight this trend out of their respect for religious belief. Religion will divide our country not unite it. We don not need a theocracy. Separation of church and state works well for both democracy AND religion. Pray all you want, but nationalization of religious practice is wrong.