Man Charged In 2009 Escambia Murder

May 30, 2012

A man has been charged with a 2009 murder.

Joseph Rhashawn McNeil is being held in the Escambia County Jail with no bond. McNeil was arrested in Pollock, LA and transported back to Escambia County.

He is accused of the October 9, 2009, murder of Derry Dickerson who was found murdered in his Crescent Drive home. Investigators say McNeil stabbed Dickerson several times and took beer and money from Dickerson.

During the investigation and  forensic tests, McNeil was developed as a suspect and subsequently charged, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.


7 Responses to “Man Charged In 2009 Escambia Murder”

  1. Just Saying on June 1st, 2012 10:22 pm

    You are all delusional if you don’t think the crimes committed in the last seven years are growing more and more violent in our area. While a lot of them are committed by “our home grown riff raff”, I know from working in the system that an alarming number are transplants from Louisiana. “Riff-raff” is simply a lower class of people or trash. The riff-raff are the ones not looking for work or an honest living, the product of generations of ignorance if you please. We’re talking murderer here. Maybe not from Louisiana, but you can be assured there is a lot of them (Lousiana vagabonds) here.

  2. softball on May 31st, 2012 7:49 am

    Go take a look at a few of the other stories..prostitutes, 3 teenagers that robbed and shot a clerk….same crap different day…the crime was all around before Katrina and isn’t going to do anything but get worse. Has nothing to do with where ppl are moving from it has to do with society as a whole..absolutely pitiful! And in case nobody has noticed as long as you have areas full of poverty or ” the ghetto” as most call it, its a vicious cycle generation after generation, poor educated parents and graemdparents and kids growing up learning the streets instead of their abc’s and early on learn that you don’ t have to work a real job or get an education to make money! So dont try to act like we didn’t have any such”- riff raff” before Katrina because you are either ignorant or blind or blinded by ignorance.

  3. hkemhorns on May 31st, 2012 5:30 am

    Hey gambello, you guess wrong.

  4. bratt on May 30th, 2012 8:25 pm

    Gambello do not agree

  5. gambello on May 30th, 2012 7:22 pm

    Since everyone seems to think so many crimes in the area are caused by New Orleans residents that left during Hurricane Katrina, I wish someone would show actually how many crimes since Katrina were committed by former New Orleans residents. My guess is very few. Most of our criminals are home grown.

  6. Just Saying on May 30th, 2012 3:33 pm

    Ben Thar, “OUR” criminals are not fleeing to Louisiana….They are merely going back home where they came from to start with!!

  7. Ben Thar on May 30th, 2012 3:23 pm

    Why do so many of our criminals flee to Louisiana?

    The irony is the biggest thing in Pollock, LA is the Federal Penitentiary.