Man Busted For Explicit Texts, Arranging Sex With 14-Year Old

May 5, 2012

An Escambia County man was arrested Friday afternoon for explicit communication with what he thought was a 14-year girl and agreeing to meet her for sex.

Alan Lynsdale Hamilton, 48, began the text message conversations with was really an undercover Escambia County Sheriff’s Office investigator with the department’s computer crimes unit.

“During the communications Hamilton engaged in a sexually explicit conversation and agreed to meet the fourteen year-old on May 4, 2012, for the purpose of having sex,” according to Deputy Matt Baxter, spokesperson for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

On Friday, Baxter said Hamilton went to the Deluna Lanes Bowling Alley, with the intention of picking up the 14-year old girl for sex.

When he arrived at the location he was taken into custody by members of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. Hamilton was charged with one count each of using a two-way communication device to facilitate a felony, and traveling to meet a juvenile for sex after soliciting them via a computer. He was released from the Escambia County Jail on a $10,000 bond.


19 Responses to “Man Busted For Explicit Texts, Arranging Sex With 14-Year Old”

  1. David Huie Green on May 8th, 2012 12:54 pm

    “This is the reason neither of my daughters has a cellular phone.”

    Your daughters, your decision. Please consider, though, they might be in a situation in which having a cell phone at hand to dial 911 on could save their lives.

    David for proper tool usage

  2. Jimbo on May 7th, 2012 8:41 pm

    This is the reason neither of my daughters has a cellular phone. Not that I condone this bugger’s activity, but how is it, the Escambia SO has time to troll for these people? Isn’t this just another way for the county/state to make money ? In other words, if this “cookie jar” had not been put out there, would this fellow have been ensnared???

  3. David Huie Green on May 7th, 2012 5:43 am

    “This guy paid $100.00 and walked.”

    just until trial, then it’s up to the jury

    David for patience and justice

  4. Kirko Bangz on May 7th, 2012 1:57 am

    $10,000 bond? This charge should definately carry a NO BOND!

  5. JM on May 6th, 2012 9:01 am

    I wonder what the cost of this whole thing was compared to his $10,000.00 bond
    they let him out on already.

    Did you all miss that? This guy paid $100.00 and walked. This bottom dweller
    is probably going to skip town if he is smart, then again our judges don’t seem
    to care what these men want to do to your little girls. Oh well he probably
    left town and will do it someplace else in the south, that’s ok isn’t it?

  6. Southern Girl on May 6th, 2012 4:38 am

    PARENTS: Take as many steps possible to see who your child is texting and get involved in your child’s social life. When they are older and more trustworthy then they may have their privacy. Take all steps possible to prevent your child from talking to someone like this. And the guy should get something more than a slap on the wrist.

  7. David Huie Green on May 6th, 2012 12:48 am

    Yep, mainly muslim countries. So it probably will be again here in a few more years.

  8. northendbratt on May 5th, 2012 11:47 pm

    Put him in jail with others like him……..I’m sure he will have his prayers answered!

  9. AL on May 5th, 2012 11:26 pm

    Molino-Anon said “Lastly, it is still acceptable in a lot of countries. Just an educational observation.”

    It is also acceptable to mutilate baby girls, kill them in hopes for next child to be a son, and / or rape them for war in some countries.

  10. Molino-Anon on May 5th, 2012 8:58 pm

    @nudo, of course it is 2012, and no it wasn’t seen as “wrong.” It was a way of life.

    Not saying what this sleaze ball done is right. At least in the day it was arranged by the girls parents and a dowry to be paid.

    Lastly, it is still acceptable in a lot of countries. Just an educational observation.

    I agree with the populace, this is why my children do not have access to unsupervised cell phones or computers.

  11. mick on May 5th, 2012 7:02 pm

    .a scourge on society…he needs to be castrated

  12. A Mom on May 5th, 2012 1:34 pm

    To “Parent: -You’re one SMART Mom!! So many parent do not know or care that their children are on the computer doing WHAT? OR not home and they actually don’t know where that child is (even teen-agers need supervision) or who they’re with and what they’re doing. It happens all the time, then the parent is upset, but why wasn’t she or he doing their JOB as a PARENT! I pray that you and your family are well, happy and in LOVE with my SAVIOUR – JESUS!

  13. JSCS on May 5th, 2012 12:22 pm

    Please take a good look at this man. Could be your neighbor, friend or relative. Not every sexual predator looks like the “boogy man”. Parents have to be very alert to things their children are doing because you just never know when something like this might occur. I say GUILTY! No second chance for him, send him away. Sad for his family. Hope these stings will continue as some of these predators are being identfied.

  14. nudo on May 5th, 2012 10:40 am

    Hey Molino-Anon….its 2012 and back in the day it was wrong then and everybody knew it.

  15. Molino-Anon on May 5th, 2012 9:00 am

    Not to long ago you were an old maid if you weren’t wed by 14… just saying.

    Amazing how times and attitudes change on certain things, purely from an educational view.

  16. baebae on May 5th, 2012 7:51 am

    His reputation is ruined…if indeed he had one to start with….TEX 4 SEX…terrible times and troublesome times are among us folks

  17. Parent on May 5th, 2012 7:44 am

    This is exactly why my daughters computer has STRICT parental controls. It’s because of sickos like this man that try and rob little girls of their innocence!! Makes me sick!! I hope he rots in jail but he will most likely just get a slap on the wrist!

  18. randy on May 5th, 2012 5:45 am

    What an Idiot !!!!!

  19. JayBoy on May 5th, 2012 3:07 am