High School Graduation Schedule; Submit Your Graduation Photos

May 23, 2012

Here is schedule of high school graduations across the area with North Escambia area schools listed in bold.

You can submit photos of area graduates, from them receiving their diploma to even candid shots with friends, to news@northescambia.com for possible inclusion in an upcoming photo gallery.

  • Escambia Academy, 7 p.m. May 24, Escambia Academy
  • Escambia County High School 7 p.m., May 25, Escambia County High
  • Flomaton High School, 7 p.m. May 25, Flomaton High School
  • Jay High School, 6 p.m. June 1, Jay High School
  • Milton High School, 8 p.m. June 1, Milton High School
  • Gulf Breeze High School, 5 p.m. June 2, Pensacola Civic Center
  • Navarre High School, 2 p.m. June 2, Pensacola Civic Center
  • Northview High School, 4 p.m. June 2, Northview High School
  • Pace High School, 11 a.m. June 2, Pensacola Civic Center
  • Central High School, 6 p.m. June 4, Central High School
  • J.M. Tate High School, 1 p.m. June 4, Pensacola Civic Center
  • Pine Forest High School, 7 p.m. June 4, Pensacola Civic Center
  • West Florida High School, 4 p.m. June 4, Pensacola Civic Center
  • Booker T. Washington High School: 1 p.m. June 5, Pensacola Civic Center
  • Escambia High School, 7 p.m. June 5, Pensacola Civic Center
  • Pensacola High School, 4 p.m. June 5, Pensacola Civic Center


11 Responses to “High School Graduation Schedule; Submit Your Graduation Photos”

  1. shannon l on May 28th, 2012 4:30 pm

    Troy I agree, I think its ridiculous that the graduations are being held Monday and Tuesday. I’m not sure why although I would guess there is some economic reason to hold three graduations each day during the week. There are several parents I’m sure as you mentioned that do not have the benefit of taking off much less out of town family driving in.

    Like you I’m fortunate be able to attend with no conflict of my job, and at least two out of town family members will be there. I hope every parent with a graduate will be able to attend and celebrate this great accomplishment of our seniors.

  2. cantonment on May 24th, 2012 7:01 pm

    Sandy, I heard you could get there as early @ 230 but I have not confirmed. My nephew is also graduating. Two years ago my other newphew graduated. I didn’t know they were making people stay in another room. Parents at that. We were leaving and their were so many distraught parents. I feel they should at least accomodate the parents. I will gladly give up a seat to a parent of a child graduating.
    I felt horrible but I didn’t know. Try and get there early if u can.

  3. Sandy on May 24th, 2012 9:53 am

    Someone please tell me what time the doors open for the NV 2012 graduation because if this mother of a graduate has to sit in any other room besides the room where her son will be walking… will not be a happy camper- especially because the drive to the civic center is a greater concern for the people of WH/Century!!! Ridiculous–
    I, myself will be driving from West Pensacola to see my son accept his diploma without any greif simply because HE is more important than the drive– I would drive to Canada to see this special day!

  4. THE DOER on May 23rd, 2012 9:08 pm

    Jacke J.,
    I agree that it would be nice not to travel a distance, but it beats not getting to see your child graduate. One -third of attendees must go sit in the lunchroom and watch the graduation on a live screen. Another third watches on a live screen in the theater. The remaining one-third (the lucky ones) gets to sit in the gymnasium after waiting in line 4 hours before it starts.
    To Angie–Students have asked about using the stadium for graduation and were told that because there is no way of predicting inclement weather, the risk is too great. What if it starts raining right before graduation? The gym can only hold so many people. . .. . This happened at Pace a few years back, and the outcome was horrendous. This makes a lot of sense and sounds like a truly fair way to ward off a potential disaster.

  5. Troy on May 23rd, 2012 8:28 pm

    I don’t necessarily disagree with having it at the Civic Center….The one thing that I do feel is stupid as hell is the fact that they are having graduations on a weekday instead of weekends. What about the parents that are not afforded the luxury of being able to take off work and still get paid for it and not to mention the family members that are out of town they may not be able to attend because it is on a weekday….Malcolm Thomas is an idiot along with the rest of the school board and the whole State of Florida Education system….and just for those that are wondering, I do have the luxury of taking off….I am concerned for the ones that don’t.

  6. angie on May 23rd, 2012 6:16 pm

    I vote that they do in the foot ball stadium atleast everyone can sit

  7. Jackie Johnson on May 23rd, 2012 2:06 pm

    Why would family rather ride to the Civic Center for graduation? It is approximately 50+ miles to drive and a lot of risk on the families being in accidents. We had to attend University of West Florida’s graduation at the Civic Center in 2000, my husband and father-in-law were involved in an accident on I-110 one of the students graduating failed to yield. For one thing several schools graduate on the same day, various times, meaning you are rushed out, you don’t get floor seating and from attending retirement programs there we still had to watch everything on the screen. I’m for using local and save the gas. The big question how many family members would drive that far?

  8. barrineau on May 23rd, 2012 1:50 pm

    My view on the civic center matter is it should definitely be held there .My eldest son graduates next year .This has been a 18 year investment into my child’s future ,and I for one do not want to watch the culmination of these years on a tv screen. Northview is the ONLY high school in the county to NOT have graduation there at the civic center.

  9. THE DOER on May 23rd, 2012 12:03 pm

    Northview’s rising seniors wanted the option to vote to have graduation at the Civic Center for next year. They have now voted, but the tally has not been released yet. Maybe the results will be released soon.

  10. wayne bolton on May 23rd, 2012 7:13 am

    I agree with them or gym is just way to small and then they put up a screen in the other place and that only sits like 200 people they just need to have it somewhere all the family can come and watch

  11. M on May 23rd, 2012 5:36 am

    Northview should have theirs somewhere with more room. Can’t believe they still have it there.6 years ago there wasn’t enough room for everyone to sit or be able to see.I know it didn’t get any bigger.Need to think about aunts ,uncles cousins Grandparents.Each child could have several family members “without a seat”.