Gov Signs Bill: Texting And Driving Become Illegal In Alabama

May 9, 2012

Legislation signed Tuesday by Gov. Robert Bentley makes texting and driving illegal in Alabama on August 1.

“Signing this bill sends a message that drivers need to focus on driving – not on sending a text,” Governor Bentley said. “There is nothing so urgent that it is worth risking your life, or the lives of others, by sending a text message while you are driving down the road.”

Alabama’s new law prohibits using a wireless device to write, send, or read a text message, instant message or e-mail while operating a motor vehicle. The fine for violating the law is $25 for a first-time offense, $50 for a second offense and $75 for a third or subsequent offense. Also, for each offense, a two-point violation would be placed on the offender’s driving record.

Alabama Rep. Jim McClendon was the House sponsor of the legislation.

“After six years of attempting to get this bill through, persistence has finally paid off,” McClendon said. “It took four years for this bill to pass the House, two years for it to pass the Senate, and today, I’m delighted that Governor Bentley is signing this bill into law. Our highways will be safer with the passage of this law.”

According to data provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, texting while driving creates a crash risk that is 23 times greater than when a driver is not distracted. Also, sending or receiving a text message takes a driver’s eyes from the road for an average of 4.6 seconds. For a driver going 55 miles-per-hour,that’s the equivalent of driving the entire length of a football field.

Alabama Sen. Jabo Waggoner was the Senate sponsor of the legislation.

“I am proud to have assisted in passing this important bill that I believe will help save lives on Alabama’s roadways,” Waggoner said. “Signing this bill sends a message to drivers that texting while operating a vehicle is harmful and, thanks to the Legislature and Governor Bentley, finally prohibited in Alabama.”

Pictured top: Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley signs into law a measure that prohibits texting while driving. Alabama Rep. Jim McClendon (left) and Alabama Public Safety Director Colonel Hugh McCall look on as the governor signs the bill Tuesday in Montgomery. Photo for, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Gov Signs Bill: Texting And Driving Become Illegal In Alabama”

  1. highway rider on May 10th, 2012 11:52 am

    The penalty for texting and driving should be the same as drinking and driving. A lot of people are killed each year from both of them.

  2. mick on May 9th, 2012 6:59 pm

    An idiotic waste of the taxpxpayers money, you lawmakers need to be in the unemployment line…all the idiots who text while driving, will be texting to no end about this …what a joke, the fines should at least be $500 for the first offense and a $1000 for the second offense. The only thing that is going to deter these texting morons is if you hurt them in their wallet. The state government is about as backward thinking as those escambia county alabama county commissioners…all of you a bunch of rubes that just fell off the turnip truck!

  3. Friction against the machine on May 9th, 2012 6:31 pm

    Just another redundant law…Alabama already had a reckless driving law on the books. As for the person saying not enough bite…tell me that after you get a ticket. Use your brains folks….wake up and oppose all of this pointless government meddling.

  4. huh on May 9th, 2012 6:01 am

    Pointless law, we already have something called wreck-less driving that im sure texting while driving would fall under. My bet is this will be another excuse to just randomly pull over people and claim they were on their phones, only to try and search the cars etc

  5. shiloh on May 9th, 2012 5:37 am

    A good law but not enough bite in the fines. For $25.00 and 2 points, a lot will still text while driving. Also does this law effect the cops using their in car computors while driving? Does anyone know?????
