Gov. Scott Heads To Spain Looking For Business

May 20, 2012

Gov. Rick Scott will lead an entourage of business leaders and economic developers this week as he travels to Spain to drum up business for Florida companies.

Don’t call it a trade mission, though. Instead, the endeavor that begins Sunday evening with takeoff from Miami is being touted as a business development mission. Instead of looking for export opportunities, the governor is looking for Spanish companies to expand their business footprints on this side of the Atlantic.

“The mission is designed to help increase Spanish business development in Florida,” said Scott spokesman Lane Wright, who will accompany the governor on the three day mission. “We already have more than 300 Spanish companies doing business in the state. We want to grow that.”

“I want a thousand of them,” Scott said Wednesday morning during a radio interview with WFLA in Tallahassee.

The itinerary includes meetings with the U.S. diplomatic corps and an audience with Spanish King Juan Carlos. Businesses and local officials will also have the opportunity to hold private meetings with Spanish companies. Participants pay a $1,000 registration fee and cover their own travel and expenses.

“This mission to Spain has a goal of recruiting more foreign direct investment for Florida and enhancing Florida’s image as an ideal investment destination for Spanish companies,” said Stuart Doyle, spokesman for Enterprise Florida.

For participating businesses, the trip can produce business leads and strategic relationships in Spain. Local economic developers get a chance to promote their own regions.

In 2011, Spain was Florida’s 33rd largest trading partner, with $847 million in trade between the two countries, according to Enterprise Florida data. Trade with Spain was up 6.7 percent in 2011 from the year before. Top Spanish imports include processed oils, ceramics, perfume and wine.

Florida exports to Spain are led by aircraft parts.

Among the 70 participants signed up for the tour, are executives from Florida Power & Light, The St. Joe Co., Florida Crystals, and the Holland and Knight, and Gray-Robinson law firms.

Government groups include representatives from Enterprise Florida, the Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance, and the Beacon Council, the Florida Department of Transportation, the governor’s office and Florida Senate President Mike Haridopolos.

By The News Service of Florida


17 Responses to “Gov. Scott Heads To Spain Looking For Business”

  1. David Huie Green on May 23rd, 2012 9:34 pm

    “As for the economist with the Muslim sounding name, I am assuming you are talking about Obama, ”

    No, no, no. I still love President Obama, despite the fact that he is NOT an economist. I was staying on topic and only dealing with the concept of the options offered for governor of the great state of Florida. The top two convinced me they were not good choices but there were several running. People just acted like the only options were Scott or Sink.

    One of the others was an economist and so unlikely that nobody had bothered to tell me what was wrong with him, so he got my vote. Nobody else’s vote but mine. Actually he got a few votes but VERY few.

    David for duck soup

  2. Jackie on May 23rd, 2012 7:52 pm

    To David with suspicions:
    I cannot prove that OJ murdered Nicole either, but am confident that he did. When it walks like a duck and talks like a duck it is a duck. I am not disrespecting the majority of voters, just assuming that with his record, they regret their decision. As for the economist with the Muslim sounding name, I am assuming you are talking about Obama, I did not vote for him either, but know several that did and regret that decision too. I would venture to guess we have all voted for people who we were disappointed in. However I am venturing to say that Governor Scott appears to take the cake. If not he is a very close second to President Obama.

  3. David Huie Green on May 22nd, 2012 9:44 pm

    “How about the theft of Billions from Medicaid?”

    I suspect you can not prove Governor Scott stole anything from Medicaid or any other place. I doubt you can prove that he personally stole anything even before he was elected governor by the majority of the voters. (I voted otherwise but respect the wishes of my fellow voters. It seems nobody else wanted the economist with a Muslim sounding name. Go figure.)

    Anyway, if anyone could PROVE he committed criminal acts, he would be a convicted felon and not qualified to hold public office. If you could have done so but didn’t, anything he does is on your head.

    David with some suspicions
    but few facts

  4. Jackie on May 22nd, 2012 8:44 pm

    How about the Medicaid fraud where billions were stolen from taxpayers. I would think that would qualify for unethical and criminal.

  5. Jackie on May 22nd, 2012 8:25 pm

    To David:
    How about the theft of Billions from Medicaid? I believe that would qualify for both unethical and criminal.

  6. David Huie Green on May 21st, 2012 9:48 pm

    “To: David
    I do not find anything this man does as entertaining. Unethical Yes, Criminal Yes, disgusting, absolutely,”

    Consider the Jerry Springer Show. I don’t watch it but some do because it entertains them. It may be a low bar but he’s at least that entertaining.

    I’m not sure what ethical rules he’s broken or what criminal acts he’s committed. Some of the things he does seem unsupported by facts or reality but they seem like honest mistakes. Lots of honest mistakes. (think delusions of power) The most entertaining aspect is how he seems so frequently surprised to learn he doesn’t have the power to do certain things and that some don’t just follow him like the Pied Piper.

    I figure he’ll learn eventually just as President Obama is learning.

    David for an educated governor

  7. melodies4us on May 21st, 2012 9:43 pm

    Gov. Scot is an actor and a job killer.

  8. Jackie on May 21st, 2012 7:00 pm

    TO: Where are his supporters.
    What self respecting person would admit to supporting this guy. Obviously he had some supporter because he was elected. However I would venture to say they regret it.

    To: David
    I do not find anything this man does as entertaining. Unethical Yes, Criminal Yes, disgusting, absolutely,

    As I have ranted yesterday Governor Scott, Sentator’s Haridopolous, Thrasher, Gaetz and many others supported and tried to ram the prison privatization through and got slapped down by Judge Fulford. They continued and are continuing, Check out the article – Deadly Weekend Prison Riot Highlights Risks Of Private Prisons. A private prison in Mississippi operated by CCA had a deadly riot recently.
    It sickens me that our leaders in Tallahassee are willing to jeopardize our safety to increase the profits of their buddy’s and campaign contributors citing it as tax savings. They have yet to show there will be any tax savings. As a matter of fact opposition has shown it will cost more money, Also CCA operates several prisons in Florida.
    These people have caused me to turn Democrat, something I would have never thought possible.

  9. David Huie Green on May 21st, 2012 12:13 pm

    “How was this man elected, where are his supporters?”

    His supporters are satisfied and feel no need to gripe or comment. For that matter, I never gripe but must admit he does some entertaining things.

    David for cheap entertainment

  10. 429SCJ on May 21st, 2012 11:28 am

    I never read any comments from Scott supporters. I only read comments from those who voted against him.

    How was this man elected, where are his supporters?

  11. JimD on May 21st, 2012 11:04 am

    Agree with the statement of it sounds like a vacation. Until Europe fixes its economic problems, I can not see where they will have money to invest in overseas ventures.

    Perhaps if he wants to increase business, he should be heading to South America not Europe. Trade and pushing Florida’s tourism in these areas will bring money in from taxes and attractions.

    Besides, have you seen the prices at Disney and Univerisal Studio’s? I do not know of too many American’s that can afford to go at $150 each per day…just to get in and see the mouse.

  12. Betty on May 21st, 2012 6:30 am

    Spain is bankrupt…They have no money to do business in Florida…Scott is a fake and fraud and is useless as a leader in Florida…

  13. Russ on May 20th, 2012 8:03 pm

    County and state employees will probably have to take a cut in pay for Scotts vacation.

  14. David Huie Green on May 20th, 2012 4:44 pm

    “Spain is broke, this sounds like more of a vacation…”

    True, on the other hand, gone is gone.

    David for long vacations

  15. Otto on May 20th, 2012 6:13 am

    They are going to a country with a 23% unemployment rate and trade deficit that is 10% of their GDP. In addition, they are living under government mandated austerity. At this moment, Spain doesn’t look look like a prime candidate for increased business.

    I wonder what the taxpayer tab will be for Scott, Haridopolos and their entourages to go on this “junket”?

  16. molino jim on May 20th, 2012 6:12 am

    @ HUH– I’m with you on this. Spain has an unemployment rate of over 25% for 18 to 25 year olds. The debt load for the government is much worse that ours plus their default rate on loans is out of sight. Maybe Scott just wants to enjoy a little red wine and try a run with the bulls. It would be fitting for him to run with the bulls after all of the bull he has put upon the state. Cut funding for programs — then the next year try to show what a hero he is by replacing part of it. The state of Florida has lost a lot of ground under Scott.

  17. huh on May 20th, 2012 2:33 am

    Maybe he should head to Florida instead to look for opportunities. Spain is broke, this sounds like more of a vacation…