FWC Explains Decision To Euthanize Cantonment Bear

May 26, 2012

After following the saga of a black bear seen around a Cantonment apartment complex for a week, many area residents were saddened — or even outraged — that the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission made the decision to euthanize the bear on Friday. [Read more...]

After reading the comments from local residents on a NorthEscambia.com article, Karen Parker, FWC public information coordinator, submitted the following detailed explanation defending the agency’s actions:

Many people do not understand why we have to do this. The answer is that it wasn’t an option for us to release the bear into the wild. He was so conditioned to human-provided food, and showed such a lack of fear of people, that he would simply repeat this behavior elsewhere and someone may be hurt. Unfortunately there are no areas left in Florida where we would feel assured he would not come into contact with people.

Placing the bear in captivity seems a reasonable solution to many people. Unfortunately, placing wild, adult bears in captivity, as many people have asked us to do, has been proven to be harmful to wild bears because they do not adapt well to captivity. Adult female bears normally range over a 15 square mile area, and to place such a wide-ranging animal into a space a fraction of that size is similar to putting a person into solitary confinement. Wild bears taken into captivity risk injuring themselves and their human caretakers as they attempt to escape. These animals also often show signs of stress and depression by remaining in their night dens for weeks or months at a time, destroying items in their exhibits, pacing and swaying repetitively, as well as mutilating themselves.

That leaves us with only one viable option and that is to euthanize the bear. We do not enjoy putting animals down, but there are times when it is necessary, even when human behavior is the one at fault. This and other similar situations involving people, pets and bears, are caused by humans and can be resolved by humans. By preventing bears from getting human-provided food, we can prevent these types of needless situations.

It is heartbreaking to have to euthanize healthy bears, and we completely understand and empathize with those who object to the FWC taking this action. Many communities in Florida are near or in ideal bear habitat, and bears naturally wander into these neighborhoods in search of food. But generally, they stay only if they find a consistent source of food that is easy to obtain – food such as unsecured garbage, birdseed, and pet food. Unfortunately, once bears become used to humans and the food they provide, bears can lose their natural fear of people. When they do, this can be the unfortunate result.

The best way for people to help is to insist that communities in or adjacent to bear country take actions to prevent situations like this from occurring. Some of the most effective tools are rules, ordinances and policies that require the use of proven bear resistant garbage cans and dumpsters by residents, businesses, governments, schools, etc., and not allowing pet foods, bird seed or other food items to be left out of overnight. These tools provide a long term solution to significantly reduce conflicts between humans and bears, instead of having to rely on short term fixes like euthanizing individual offending bears. If what attracts the bears is not corrected and eliminated, more bears may be euthanized.

To successfully implement and enforce such requirements requires both a financial commitment and behavioral change by the people and communities affected because the actions must be consistent and long term. In addition, bear-proof containers are typically more expensive than regular trash receptacles. However, the result is a safer community and fewer bears having to be euthanized.

We can live in bear country without having bear conflicts. Please visit MyFWC.com/bear for more information about Florida’s bears and how you can have a local impact on reducing human-bear conflicts.

Submitted by Karen Parker
Public Information Coordinator
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission


72 Responses to “FWC Explains Decision To Euthanize Cantonment Bear”

  1. Amanda on May 30th, 2012 6:03 am

    The bear deserved a chance at relocation. I believe things could have been thought through longer. This bear may have never been seen again! No one knows not even FWC! But it did not hurt anyone! Or anything! So it did deserve a chance to be relocated! It makes me wonder what kind of person who made the final decision is ? Just Collecting a pay check or actually is the right person for the job? From personal experience in this county and state, when animals are a problem, the final “say so big wigs”are heartless, careless people. I have heard it and seen it in person. I m talking about way up the chain of command! They could careless about animals! I guess getting a name is the next step and using the Sunshine law will be in order! This isn’t over yet.

  2. ewalum on May 29th, 2012 3:16 pm

    This is really frustrating. While I appreciate the fact that this representative didn’t have to give an explanation, the reasons she gave simply don’t hold water. “No area in Florida where it wouldn’t come in contact with people?” a) There are MILES and MILES of nothing but piney woods in North Florida alone. b) If you’re truly worried about human contact, couldn’t other states have been contacted to see if they could place the bear?
    A few days is not enough time to establish a “no other way out” defense for doing this.

  3. 429SCJ on May 29th, 2012 5:57 am

    Right call or not, I am starting to have concerns on the quality of their services.
    Every year I purchase my acess permit for the FWC land areas. It seems that the majority of gates to the FWC areas I wish to acess are locked. I ask how much effort does it take for an officer to unlock a gate? I feel that a gate key should be issued with every permit, This would take the burden of having to lock and unlock gates and place it on the permit holder.

    The bear is gone and hopefully no more will ever be seen around here again,

  4. Russ on May 28th, 2012 9:26 pm

    Trisha just to inform u the county has nothing to do with this FWC is state and I still say they made the right call.

  5. JCH on May 28th, 2012 12:43 pm


  6. Trisha milstead on May 28th, 2012 10:23 am

    i think peta should get involved in this one, just to see is the county is doing this in correct protocol……..cause this is not right…..time to call peta…

  7. JW on May 28th, 2012 5:36 am

    I think the bear was killed to teach humans a lesson about feeding it.

  8. Russ on May 27th, 2012 9:05 pm

    To all u people that know so much about the fwc. If u think u can do a better job quit yours and go to there academy and then u can make the call to let the bear live

  9. Violinist!! on May 27th, 2012 10:36 am

    The people that killed this bear are so cruel and stupid , they just didnt want to do anything about but kill it because its memorial day weekend and they all wanted to be home with there families which isnt bad but it is disgusting and horrible to kill a bear there are places that would take this bear!!!

  10. rex on May 27th, 2012 8:11 am

    I been wanting me a bearhide for a while, so I guess the next one that rambles thru we can save ole Fla state some money and get them ourselves,OPEN SEASON ON BARS !!!!!

  11. EMD on May 26th, 2012 10:19 pm

    Good point, Lawson. I hate it this happened. I’m sure it was not an easy decision. I doubt many would work with wildlife, if they didn’t really like the animals. It would be a hard decision. I wish people were this compassionate about all human life. What a dichotomy of thinking.

  12. PWS on May 26th, 2012 9:47 pm

    It’s too bad there weren’t any local or other zoo’s in any of our surrounding county’s who might have taken the bear. Or maybe they made no effort to find this out, too bad for the bear.

  13. against-animal-cruelty on May 26th, 2012 9:34 pm

    Nice try there to cover up the reasons to kill the bear, God sure did make a big ol’ earth for there to have been nowhere safe for this wildlife creature to go ans whoever made this cruel decision should have consequences, is there not somewhere a complaint can be filed for this cruel incident ? Just like a mother has instincts so does a bear – the bear would have used his wild instincts in the wild to survive and be happy instead of being killed by the people that should have been protecting him ! He very well would not have been eating a kid if someone took him where he could have had a home in the wild even if he was used to being fed by humans he is still a wild animal with instincts that could survive in the wild and last time I checked God made plenty of wild places for these wild animals ! Poor bear !

  14. doofus on May 26th, 2012 9:16 pm

    This ticks me off. I have relatives in the North East and they have bears… 600 pound bears that roam neighborhoods… with cubs. No one messes with them, they do not feed them, they live free and co-habitate with people.

    They will not attack your dogs, kids, or crash through your screen door. They are used to people and know their bounds.

    Euthanizing this bear was entirely a monetary decision. Easier to kill than spend money to re-locate.

    This ticks me off.

  15. creekbather on May 26th, 2012 8:25 pm

    want houses and taxpayers , or bears , cant have both

  16. Cheryl on May 26th, 2012 7:54 pm

    I totally agree with the decision to kill the bear. I would much rather that than some child be killed by the bear. People, it’s an animal, not a human. The right decision was made.

  17. jimmywangyang on May 26th, 2012 7:45 pm

    The statement released is absolutely ridiculous!! First off, people didn’t set out food purposely to attract a bear. Its not like people said I guess ill throw my trash in the dumpster and hope a bear comes wondering into our apartment complex. These residents were simply doing nothing more than throwing away garbage in a DUMPSTER. Secondly, how crazy does it sound saying you shouldn’t leave pet food out overnight? Who really takes the pets food in every night? I guess ill bring Fido’s food in because it’s night and apparently he never wants to eat at night. Lastly, but not leastly, the bear didn’t have to be put down, apparently he wasn’t interested in humans judging by the news showing large crowds gathered watching him. Also why couldn’t you have just released him, like say at the river, in the wild. All the FWC likes to stay ruining fishing trips out around Bluff Springs, so just put him out by the river and let him go in the woods. NICE JOB FWC OF TRYING TO TURN YOUR MESSUP AROUND AND BLAME THE PUBLIC.

  18. Stephen on May 26th, 2012 7:04 pm

    Is it possible to find out who made the final decison regarding the bear being killed? This was not handled in appropriate manner.

  19. Stephen on May 26th, 2012 6:59 pm

    How come they couldn’t trap the bear and then release him to another area and if he came back in contact with people then do something about it?

  20. Judy on May 26th, 2012 6:42 pm

    I have to say I am really tired of people posting on here about uneducated people making comments. I am working on my master’s degree and yes I live in Molino. We are not uneducated north on 9 mile road. Yes, there are a lot of bears, but thre is also a lot of deer, wild cats, etc. What do we do kill them all? No matter how you sugar coat this, the bear did not have to be killed. He was not being fed, he was eating garbage. He was not going to eat your kid, or your cats, he had garbage. We have to find a way to live with the wildlife that God pu on this planet before us. It is not right to do this to this bear. Too late now. As far as the FWC, they never had any intention of relocating the bear, it was planned all along to put him down. Next time folks don’t tell anybody what you see and don’t take pictures. Just look at them and leave them alone. That is my educated opinion.

  21. annie on May 26th, 2012 4:51 pm

    Once captured, there should have been more time to contact other wildlife authorities around the country to see where the bear could be release in it”s own habitat. The bear had not shown any aggressiviness when sited and the public was knowledgable enough to stay away from him/her. This is a sad day. I just hope no one is making a bear rug in front of their fire place.

  22. Wayne Nobles on May 26th, 2012 3:03 pm

    Ditto that of Richard Mills comment on 5-26 @ 9:53am. It’s unfortunate that the bear had to be euthanized, but I’m not sure what’s more depressing, the outcome for the bear or all the error filled, uneducated responses from people that a few days ago were up in arms to have the bear removed. Perfect example why decent individuals do not run for political office anymore. America has and continues to raise a generation of citizens that constantly whine and complain no matter what decisions are made. Everybody always has their opinion and they have the right to voice that opinion, but instead of always bashing those that make those decisions for you how about actually thanking them for a change. America has become a nation of the “glass half empty” instead of a nation of people that see the glass as “half full”. Go over seas and serve time in your military, then come back and tell me how lucky you are to live here. All of a sudden you’ll be thankful for FWC no matter what their decision. I promise you, if the bear was relocated most of the comments would be negative toward FWC because people would be saying the bear’s going to kill somebody one day. Be thankful for FWC and ever other program that we have available to us. I know I’m thankful!!!

  23. Paul Johnson on May 26th, 2012 2:23 pm

    Euthanize is a perfectly good word but kill is also perfectly good and understood by more people I would expect. Let’s say kill when we kill.
    Paul Johnson, Milton, Fl

  24. jw on May 26th, 2012 1:57 pm

    Even though i would have tried a bit longer and harder to find a safe placement for the bear, i guess i would rather see this bear put down instead of seeing this bear put someones child down one day.I happen to value human life over an animals life.Thats what this decision is about really is saving human lives.Im sure the FWC would rather have bear blood on their hands than human blood later on down the road.If no zoo could take this bear then you just cant take a chance on releasing it.Bears can travel hundreds of miles,eventually it would find people and say”ooh people,FOOD!,im staying” and probablly eventually end up harming a human life.What are ya gonna do?I think it was a good call

  25. Trish on May 26th, 2012 1:22 pm

    This is a Public Relations nightmare for FWC. They should have realized how the public would react. Granted, we the public do not know everything they have to go through or if local hands were tied and someone higher in the food chain made the final decision without considering repercussions. Maybe in the future they will at least explain and justify why an animal is put down. Just hope it was not a budget issue and some supervisor made the decision because it was cheater to kill the bear.

  26. RB on May 26th, 2012 1:20 pm

    Lets kill all the bears….they could come in contact with humans. So much for being protected!

  27. hobo on May 26th, 2012 12:02 pm

    Just think—-What if All law enforcement officers were as LAZY,USLESS, and possessed No more ability to access a situation , come to a Legal, Morally acceptable solution to the problem at hand than FWC people?

  28. JM on May 26th, 2012 11:56 am

    I had not read the other posts before I ranted, I was to angry. I didn’t realize how many agreed FWC was just lazy. Makes me feel a little better to know that many people cared.

    Someone did say FWC is more educated so THEY do know more than us,
    all I can say is when a Baby Bear has to be euthanized they either don’t do
    enough or know enough. I just believe they just didn’t care!

  29. Trish on May 26th, 2012 11:37 am

    I understand the logic of both sides but what about using a tracking collar, taking it someplace like Eglin to release it and then monitor to see if it stays in that area? Every couple of years a bear wonders into Navarre, does that mean that all of those bears are euthanized because they wondered into town. You can’t tell me that those bears were only there the one time they were spotted. Maybe FWC needs to react a little quicker. With all of their education and experience they should have done something the first time the bear was spotted instead of waiting, surely they are experienced enough to know that an easy meal will keep animals coming back. I would not want someone harmed by the bear but from the public’s side it does not appear that all options were explored. Capture the bear as soon as spotted, put him in holding area then look at reasonable options to protect people AND the bear. The FWC has a hard job but this time it looks like they took the easy way out.

  30. Little B on May 26th, 2012 11:20 am

    Having a bear in the neighborhood can be ok. When we had a bear roming our subdivision in Navarre,many of us took the advice of the FWC and bear proofed the area. Except for one idiot who fed the bear and cost the bear his life.

  31. Timber on May 26th, 2012 10:45 am

    I beleive the FWC should have tried to save this bear as rare as they are around ..our state. Even in the Smokey mountains where the numbers are higher the dnr has relocation programs if caught soon enough. Id hate to be the dog that climbs into the trash cans at the FWC.

  32. Perry on May 26th, 2012 10:44 am

    I am sad that this had to happen, but ultimately, I think it was the only choice left at this point. Everyone needs better education on what happens when wild animals begin to see humans as food providers and lose their fear of us. I remember for several years, there was an alligator on the golf course at Solutia. There were signs up all over the place not to feed it, but yet you always saw people feeding it anyway. After years of being fed, it got to where it would approach golfers because it expected them to feed it. They finally had to have it removed because of the stupidity of people that kept feeding it. Very sad.

    One suggestion, perhaps the FWC or a local agency could work to scare off the bear sooner (ie. after the first or second encounter) rather than waiting until the bear had learned to keep coming back and had lost its fear of us. It seems like we are going to have more bear/people encounters in the area, so maybe we can be better prepared for the next one so we’re not left with the euthanasia option.

  33. JM on May 26th, 2012 10:23 am

    I don’t care how you candy coat this it was sheer laziness AND INDIFFERENCE
    LAZY! You and I and everyone else HERE WHO LOVES ANIMALS KNEW how this was going to turn out. HERE it was going to turn out BAD one way or the other for this baby bear. WHY did you not immediately remove him from the populated area? It sure didn’t take you long to decide to euthanize him?
    WHY does every living thing have to be KILLED in NORTH ESCAMBIA!

    Whats that matter were you JUST TO BUSY?
    didn’t get malled during this whole week because you didn’t act quickly.


  34. w.o.f.a. resident on May 26th, 2012 10:15 am

    We first spotted the bear on Sunday may 20th and the FWC came out to investigate. While here, one of the gentlemen told me that if they were to capture and relocate the bear to Eglin or something, the bear would just find its way back here. I hate the bear was put down but if that’s the case and it could have come back, I’m glad it was done. I have an 8 yr old who plays outside and I’d hate for her or any of the other kids out here to have been harmed. After several conversations with FWC over the past couple of days, I believe they did the right thing.

  35. harvick 1 on May 26th, 2012 10:04 am

    did you know the black bear population is at a all time high, move the bear you say, ocala national forest is loaded with bears as is englin, avov park , how bout down south ? big cypress is overun with bears ,so many there are no wild hogs left for panthers to eat so in ten years the deer populations will be so low you will see more and more of this as bears and panthers look for food. habitat loss is the biggest problem, we have to many people here legally and illegal already. if you really wanna blame someone blame developers and the politions who give the ok to build malls,houses ,apartments ,ect.

  36. Richard G, Mills on May 26th, 2012 9:53 am

    Thank you, Karen Parker for the informed commentary about the unfortunate need to put down the bear which had been unfairly endangered by the ignorant, probably well-meaning, acts leading her to lose her fear of humans and dependency on garbage as a food source. Many of the blogs from uneducated people regarding the FWC and their decision are sadly, rather amusing; amazing how many “experts” abound in our community. One suggestion regarding FWC providing “free” containers is really special! Sounds like something from someone who is “entitled to “free” food stamps, FDIC, and other stipends. Guess what? THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH!

  37. Animal Lover on May 26th, 2012 9:44 am

    While it saddens me to know that a bear was euthanized, I agree for, all involved, it was the best solution. I have worked with animals, both wild and domestic, and for a wild animal to depend on humans… it can become dangerous. At any time, a bear can turn on a human. This area has not seen bears in neighborhoods for a very long time, and while I don’t believe anyone is at fault, sometimes things just happen, an accident is what I would call it. That’s why we have agencies like FWC, to help with accidents between people and wild animals. I know alot of folks don’t like them, but they have to study long and hard to know what they are dealing with, so for the protection of our kids, neighbors, and animals, Thank you!

  38. Brian on May 26th, 2012 9:40 am

    Well for future bear encounters we need a better plan for this type of thing. diversionary or intercept feeding can greatly help keep bears in there habitat, by feeding them left over fruits nuts veg’s etc, At central forest locations.

  39. Karen in Cantonment on May 26th, 2012 9:23 am

    OK Let’s see first FWC said the bear was too conditioned to be in the wild, then out the other side of her mouth comes the bear was to wild, I guess you will say anything to cover up the FWC’s lack of thought on this one. Well there really isn’t alot more to say since the bear is gone because these people that are suppose to protect our wildlife were too weak and lazy to find another option OMG let’s see that meant they would have to use their brain, enjoy your paycheck you earned it. (NOT)

  40. NINA on May 26th, 2012 9:11 am

    what about the zoo this is sad!!!

  41. Tim on May 26th, 2012 9:02 am

    It’s bad enough that they killed the bear with out putting any effort or thought into it, but then blame the residents is low yet not suprising. Didn’t the FWC reinstate the bears back into our area? SHAME ON YOU FWC !!!!!!! You created the situation and want to point your fingers at everyone else.

  42. THOMAS TRAIL on May 26th, 2012 9:00 am

    last time i checked eglin was more then 15 sq miles wide ,that would have been a great place to drop her off,,,,,, dont ya think

  43. nudo on May 26th, 2012 8:51 am

    Since everyone has some sort of wildlife management degree and is smarter than the people who study and understand animals. Then what would you do if that was a cougar or some type of large cat. You would put it down without hesitation. But since its a bear its different. The bear is as much a threat. They did the right thing.

  44. chasity on May 26th, 2012 8:46 am

    I still do not agree. This is not the outcome for all bears that subcome to this type of situation. It is caused because of a loss of habitat due to humans and humans are the reason they lose the battle. I think it was the quick solution, but not the right solution.

  45. c.w. on May 26th, 2012 8:40 am

    Since its illegal to hunt and or kill a bear in Florida and punishable by huge fines and imprisonment…maybe the people that fed the bear should be charged and jailed for bear murder….ultimately its their fault the bear was put down.

  46. Vickie on May 26th, 2012 8:34 am

    Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me! Just SAD thats all! No need to try to explain yoursef everyone sees clearly what happened here!!

  47. M on May 26th, 2012 8:33 am

    On one hand she says the bear is too used to humnans and can’t adapt in the wild . Next she says the bear is too wild to be placed in captivity.All just blah blah blah,to me. Too easy to just kill it. Just stop talking and trying to explain what you can’t without the spin.

  48. Really??? on May 26th, 2012 8:03 am

    Really, there aren’t any bear refugees area’s in Florida?? Well they have the else where, and the bears don’t even know there in captivity. However I guess that the brilliant mind of the FWC didn’t wanna try to look in to one of those, u know cuz they have been dealing with this bear a whole three days. O and if only really needs about 15 square miles to roam, there is room in Florida for it!!! Good job to whomever made the decision, Karma gonna get u!!! Well at least the bear doesn’t have to deal with brainless humans anymore ( the one who fed him, and the ones who decided to kill him!!!) never been big on PETA but hahaha fwc u gonna have fun with this one!!!

  49. barrineau on May 26th, 2012 8:02 am

    FWC can try to justify this lazy lack of professionalism ,but the bottom line is some one didn’t want to do there job. Was it because it was a holiday weekend and the officer didn’t want to take the time. Or was it plain non giving a care.
    So unprofessional, FWC is a farce . Where does the buck stop? Who made the call to kill the bear . I think what makes people really mad is the fact that we know ZERO effort went into relocating the bear… ZERO.

  50. Brian Stone on May 26th, 2012 7:51 am

    With the Florida black bear so close to extinction this is sad. I have read were some states have tried diversionary feeding with great success to try an keep the bears in there correct habitat, I think its worth a shot.

  51. eddie oldsalt on May 26th, 2012 7:40 am


  52. Mnon on May 26th, 2012 7:37 am

    I agree with Jnbjack, I have been all over the Smokey’s and have seen the same signs. People down here have such little contact with a bear that ONE bear being seen is like a tourist attraction for locals.

    I’m ashamed to say I’m from this area reading some of the comments. Most of you are clueless and this is just one more thing to get on your soap box about. If you don’t like Florida or the area… MOVE!

    While you’re at it do some research on bears… I’m sick of armchair activists…

  53. Dee on May 26th, 2012 7:25 am

    Then you could have sent him to our Zoo. Poor Decision!

  54. Jane on May 26th, 2012 7:22 am

    Maybe this unfortunate incident will save another bear or animal later on. It is a hard lesson for some people to learn not to feed wild animals.

  55. me on May 26th, 2012 7:17 am

    This is awful this bear probably wondered to this area. It could have been relocated!! & it should have been. Shame on you fwc!!!!!!!!

  56. Laura on May 26th, 2012 7:01 am

    Reminds me of a South Park Episode about hunting. “If we don’t hunt, then these animals will grow too big in number and they won’t have enough food. So you see, we have to kill animals, or else they’ll DIE.” Sound familiar? “Placing the bear in captivity seems a reasonable solution to many people. Unfortunately, placing wild, adult bears in captivity, as many people have asked us to do, has been proven to be harmful to wild bears because they do not adapt well to captivity.” You can’t get much harmful than euthanizing them. This was a young bear, I feel it would have adapted easily to being in captivity and could have taught visitors about what happens when you feed a wild animal. *shaking my head

  57. Jnbjack on May 26th, 2012 6:03 am

    We lived in the Great Smoky Mountains in East Tennessee for a number of years. Black Bears rule in that area, but this kind of thing happend all too often. No one likes it but FWC made the correct decision. There are signs all over the Smoky Mountains that say “A fed bear is a dead bear”.

  58. Lawson on May 26th, 2012 5:49 am

    Thank you, Karen. Those who don’t understand after this explanation have their minds made up. Nothing anyone can say will change it. They don’t realize that “Cute and Cuddly” can also be “Dangerous and Deadly”. I, for one, appreciate the FWC making the difficult decisions to keep us as safe as possible. It would be amusing to see some of these outraged folks squirm if, after all the facts/options/consequences were presented and considered, the decision was placed squarely on their shoulders.

  59. Old Goldie on May 26th, 2012 3:15 am

    Other states have black bears – maybe they would have taken it. Maybe this will teach everyone not to put out food for wild animals.

  60. Capt. on May 26th, 2012 1:45 am

    u could have relocated the bear….bad decision….FWC and Karen Parker should be investigated for this …….we r cutting down forest and the habitat they live in what do u expect them to do…..when we r threaten we move…..so does wildlife….

  61. max on May 26th, 2012 1:23 am

    Yeah, they’re lazy, that’s it! Now imagine the public outcry if that bear killed someone because FWC didn’t put it down

  62. Linda on May 26th, 2012 1:20 am

    I agree! This was not very well thought out…… IT’s humans faught for feeding the bear….. Did you not see the bear eatting out of the Dumpster on the news FF&W. Everybody else did in Escambia county. Get off your and figure out how to remove danger without killing a extinct or small amout animal. What has happen to “COMMON SENCE” in this Country! IF it had been a common person shoot this bear, they would put you or me ” Under the Jail”. I guess FF&W is only good to write tickets………what a waste…. Of taxpayers money.

  63. Resident in complex on May 26th, 2012 1:16 am

    I agree with both statements.

  64. Scott on May 26th, 2012 1:11 am

    I was raised in the Cantonment area before moving to Flomaton. I used to see bears on occasions around the Beck’s Lake and Spring Lake location. People used to tell me it wasn’t bears, just a big dog or something. This was about 25 years ago. I guess the food supply is somehow disappearing causing bears to get even closer to residential areas. I also used to see extremely large snakes in these areas.( I am not talking about a rattle snake or water moccasin, I am talking about drop your fishing pole and take off running large.) Old timers said that there used to be a zoo around spring lake. I wounder if there is a connection. Maybe some animals got loose and have established a population. I would love to hear that others also seen these thing in that area back then. At least my Dad would believe me 25 years later.

  65. Russ on May 26th, 2012 1:03 am

    Dirty u say poor judgement. Would u want one of ur loved ones to be harmed or killed by this animal I hope not. I believe fwc made the right call period.

  66. Timbo on May 26th, 2012 12:59 am

    It doesn’t matter how out raged the public gets the FWC will always do what they want to. They could careless what the public wants. Think about it They say the bear would not adapt to captivity. Dang seems like the bears was already adapting. This is poor poor thinking. If you ever been stop a checked by FWC you know what I am talking about. This is another POOR POOR Decision by the FWC.

  67. Dbell on May 26th, 2012 12:55 am

    Critics should consider that had this bear been released back into the wild and then wandered back into a populated area, it would eventually have hurt someone. Then everyone would be blaming FWC for not putting the bear down when they captured it. When you feed a gator or a bear, you are sentencing it to death. When they begin to associate people with food, they are extremely dangerous. This wasn’t done on the spur of the moment or without a lot of thought. It was done because there was no other choice.

  68. What....... on May 26th, 2012 12:53 am

    What…….you killed this beautiful animal what on earth were you thinking I can’t believe you did this there had to have been some place this beautiful animal could have gone to we would have been happy to help transport this animal to a safe place this disgusts me I cannot comprehend this I cannot comprehend that you MURDERED this animal I just can’t there is NO rational excuse none!,,, you should be ashamed…..very ashamed I am so angry about this

  69. someguy on May 26th, 2012 12:52 am

    Why is it so hard to understand that there was no other option? The bear wasn’t a danger to humans before it started rummaging around in garbage and attained a taste for human food. It was AFTER those incidences and the proven lack of fear the creature had towards humans which posed the threat. It was unfair for the bear because it was not his fault. The actions taken were unfortunate but necessary. Our carelessness signed that bear’s death warrant, not the FWC. They were merely the enforcers of our negligence; and the bear a victim of our ignorance.

    But on that same token, if the FWC is so intent on bear-proofing the areas where bears are located, then make the special trash cans available to people in areas with a proven population of bears…. for free.

  70. Lynn on May 26th, 2012 12:46 am

    “SO” conditioned??? he was just spotted a few days ago! Where was he eating before he found the neighborhood….um, the woods??? HASTY, and LAZY is right!!! SHAME on you, my husband says you are the Florida Fish and Wildlife Euthenasia Comission, and he is a hunter. You didn’t TRY ENOUGH!!!

  71. Taxpayer on May 26th, 2012 12:33 am

    I guess we should ALL call ECUA and request bear-proof garbage cans. This might delay our once a week pickup though.

  72. Dirty-D on May 26th, 2012 12:20 am

    Poor Decision!!! Not Thought Thru!!! Very Hastly!!!! Laziness on part of F.W.C.!!!