Romney Clinches GOP Nomination With Texas Win

May 30, 2012

With a win in Texas Tuesday, Mitt Romney clinched the required number of delegates for the Republican nomination to face President Obama in the general election.

“I am honored that Americans across the country have given their support to my candidacy and I am humbled to have won enough delegates to become the Republican Party’s 2012 presidential nominee. Our party has come together with the goal of putting the failures of the last three and a half years behind us,” Romney said Tuesday night.

With the addition of at least 88 delegate in Texas, Romney surpassed the 1,144 delegates needed to become the GOP candidate.

“I have no illusions about the difficulties of the task before us. But whatever challenges lie ahead, we will settle for nothing less than getting America back on the path to full employment and prosperity. On November 6, I am confident that we will unite as a country and begin the hard work of fulfilling the American promise and restoring our country to greatness,” he added.

Pictured: Mitt Romney campaigns in January at The Fish House in Pensacola. file photos, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Romney Clinches GOP Nomination With Texas Win”

  1. 429SCJ on June 2nd, 2012 5:41 am

    With 25% unemployment in Spain and much of the EU slowly sinking, it will be interesting to see how long before economic calamity crosses the pond.

    I find myself not seeking a president that can fix a system that is probably in debt beyond hope, but seeking a president that can carry this confederation through
    the day of reckoning.

  2. bmr on May 30th, 2012 8:44 pm

    Hey, Taxpayer, that’s a bunch of bull butter.

  3. bob hudson on May 30th, 2012 4:19 pm

    By the way, if you wish to see how NOT to run a country, please feel free to look at the Europe style of running things. Like I said, working really well for them, is it not?

  4. bob hudson on May 30th, 2012 3:25 pm

    The good news is every one in government is now on being looked at. The way our government is run is now every one’s business., People are paying attention, and that is the way it should be.We, the people control this country, seems we just forgot that.In this age of communcitaon , you can tell any government official how you feel. Well use it. Time to take our government back.

  5. bob hudson on May 30th, 2012 2:57 pm

    Sorry, but you can not blame the past presidents for the last 4 years. All these problems have happen under the Obama office. Sure he inherited a bad economy. Did he fix it? No. Has he done any thing to improve this country, Not really. Now I know liberals do no wrong , ask them, its always some one else’s fault.And they always are willing to spend some one else’s money. He did approve the killing of Bin Ladin,(against the advice of those around him),God Bless all those who serve and Seal team 6. But that is about it. By the way who was it that spent more than they made, bought house’s they could not afford, maxed out their credit cards,took out second morgages,and acted like the economy could never go bad. WE did, the American people. Well its time to pay the band, because we danced as if the song would never end. We helped dig this hole, now we have to fill it up.It is not the governments job to feed us ,take care of us, and give us jobs. That would be socialist. And we are not Europe. Working out really well for them, is it not?

  6. Taxpayer on May 30th, 2012 2:01 pm

    Bob, you question was” Finally, can we please get on with showing how bad Obama’s record is.5 trillion plus and growing in debt he has added.”

    Two simple reasons: and surely we shouldn’t have such short memories

    “8 years of the last Bush and 4 years of the first Bush!!!!!!!!!!!! they allowed Wallstreet to take us “ALL” to the cleaners………………
    Short memories!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. bob hudson on May 30th, 2012 11:10 am

    Current national debt in 2008 was about 10 trillion.Projected national debt by the end 0f 2012 , 16 trillion dollars. How does one more than double the national debt, create no new jobs, increase the size of government by 25% , really expect any one to vote for him? Based on these cold hard facts. He must be replaced. And any one in congress that does not agree that the national debt MUST be reduced, needs to be replaced also. We are the only nation on this plant that has the spirit and the drive for a private company to send a ship to the space station. This is what we are built upon, this is what we do.We do not need the government to hold our hand or hold us back. We should set the standard, not take the back seat.If you love freedom, independence, A chance to make something of your self, then we live in the best country on this plant. Millions of those trying to come here, can not be wrong. It makes me sick to hear those whining, (oh its not fair,rich people have more than we do,) hey you do not like your station in life, change it. That is your job in life.This country was not built on excuses.

  8. Sandra on May 30th, 2012 10:25 am

    Kathy, how christian of you to down another mans peaceful faith. I am happy with anyone whose faith urges peace to your fellow man and promotes goodwill among our society.

  9. 429SCJ on May 30th, 2012 8:52 am

    Since the Mormons claim to have decended from Abraham, AIPAC will endorse Romney (or think he is crazy) and Romney will support AIPAC and hope for media support.

    The Evangelicals support AIPAC, but shall we say disagree with the Mormons.

    If I were President Obama I would be courting the Christians and kissing the Zionist.

  10. bob hudson on May 30th, 2012 8:12 am

    AS a blue dog democrat all my life , and supporter of the TEA party, The only one in this race for president that is lying is Obama , and his record is backing that up. He is simple a left wing liberal that has surrounded himself with left wing advisers every since he has be in office.His plan has been to kill the oil , gas and coal energy companies, Push a healthcare law that NO ONE wants and we can not AFFORD. Allow his A. G. Eric holder to run guns in to Mexico in order to try and start a gun control issue(Fast & Furious) Throw his support to the union supplied Occupy Wall street thugs(wink wink),OH I feel your pain, what a joke!! Declare war on the Catholic Churches with forced birth control issues. Grow government out of control, and waste billions of our tax dollars on so called ( green energy). Attempt to destroy states rights( fighting over immigration policy , health care) Support those who wish to destroy the family unit, gay marriage, and those who wish to kill children ,Abortionist. Try to convince those who do not wish to work, that the rich OWE them, and that they(the rich) do not pay enough taxes.(WHY give money to some one who will not manage it any way). He is so bad that I am going to donate my time to the REPUBLICAN PARTY to stop him from being reelected.We never should have allowed the liberals in the democratic party.

  11. bob hudson on May 30th, 2012 6:49 am

    Finally, can we please get on with showing how bad Obama’s record is.5 trillion plus and growing in debt he has added. He now supports gay marriage and abortions, Thought he was suppose to be a christian, if he is what bible is he reading?

  12. Kathy on May 30th, 2012 6:39 am

    I don’t think Mormons go by the telling of untruths is a sin, the stuff that comes out of his mouth is unreal. But getting elected is his goal and who cares about the truth. I wonder if he is the real “antichrist” and now it really is the end of the world. How can a Christian vote for a Mormon or is a moron. I guess as a republican herd member you just do what they tell you and believe what they say. There are no independent thinkers in the party. Pretty sad for you.