Escambia Marine’s Latest Mission: Selling Baby Gates

May 27, 2012

An Escambia County Marine knew he wanted an online business but did not know what product he would sell until his wife became pregnant. Venturing into the business of selling baby gates was the last thing on his mind until 30-year old Staff Sergeant Larry Griffin discovered that he was going to become a father.

Baby gates is quite an unusual business for someone who is considered the “The Few, The Proud”.

“It’s amazing how soft even the toughest men can get when you bring a child in this world,” SSgt Griffin said.

Griffin, a Texas native now stationed in Pensacola, enlisted into the United States Marine Corps in 2000 as an F/A-18 avionics technician. He’s been all over the world to include a tour in Iraq in support of the Global War on Terror, and several trips to the Western Pacific. Griffin said he dedicated and very loyal to the Marine Corps but realized that he won’t be in the Corp forever. His settled on the ultimate goal after the Corps to work for himself and become a business owner.

“I’ve always wanted to own my own business,” he said. “I don’t want to work hard for earned income. I would rather work hard for passive income.”

After marrying his wife in 2009, Griffin began educating himself on business and entrepreneurship in preparation for life outside of the Corps. He read books and watched videos until one day he came across an opportunity to put his plan into action. He suddenly became a student for a company that was going to teach him everything he needed to know about internet marketing. This is when he decided he was going to build a website around a product and run an online store. He had no idea what he was going to sell, nor was he prepared for the news he was about to receive.

After learning that his wife was pregnant with their first child, SSgt Griffin felt a sense of urgency to find something to sell on his future online store. It had to be something in demand, yet something easy to market.

“I was spending a ton of time trying to figure out the perfect product to sell. Finally, after my wife got pregnant, it just hit me… baby gates,” SSgt Griffin said. “I was looking for something in relatively high demand. People are always going to have children and be concerned about their safety, so I figured my focus would be providing baby gates to parents.”

With no prior experience with building a website, SSgt Griffin began to put the training to work. Ultimately, after hard work and dedication, he created the BabyGatesGalore website.

“My website offers a much larger variety than the average department store, at equally competitive prices. It carries only the highest quality, trusted names in baby gates,” he said.

A limited time discount is currently being offered on his website by entering the text “family discount” at checkout, he said.


One Response to “Escambia Marine’s Latest Mission: Selling Baby Gates”

  1. art on May 27th, 2012 12:07 pm

    good luck on your business venture young man. it is young folks like you who make this country great and will be the reason we stay great!!!