Escambia Man Receives 151 Months In Prison For Armed Robbery

May 26, 2012

Friday, Aaron Kendel Richardson was sentenced by Judge Paul Rasmussen to 151.5 months in state prison for four counts of robbery with a firearm. The first 10 years will be served as a mandatory minimum under the 10-20-Life law.

The charges stem from multiple robberies in October 2011. In one of the robberies, Richardson, who was 17 years of age at the time, pulled a handgun on three Navy sailors and demanded their money. After taking their money, Richardson fled in a vehicle and was arrested later that night after being spotted by law enforcement.

Richardson was also sentenced Friday for being the driver of the same vehicle involving another robbery that occurred the same night.


5 Responses to “Escambia Man Receives 151 Months In Prison For Armed Robbery”

  1. SLN on June 4th, 2012 11:49 pm

    Sad wen I have to see a fellow wildcat turn to such a life when our teachers and parents try to give us every opportunity

  2. Kelly Richardson on May 27th, 2012 5:05 pm

    - I Don’t Care Who Don’t Like It. Free Rich. Just Know Your Fam Will Still Be Here When You Come Home. And I Don’t Care Who Don’t Like It

  3. Mike/Mental Health on May 26th, 2012 6:22 pm

    Prison is way to easy for these guys. Need to remove some of the perks right out from under them as a deterrent. Commissary, TV, Games, activities. What happened to hardline prisons where you PAY your price for the crimes you committed? Need to hire bigger/badder COs and make a pay incentive better through the state. GO’s need to be revised for more officer presence/interaction/rules and not let the goons run amuk in the housing units. Combat Veterans in the Military should get 1st preference followed by any physically fit person with minimal criminal records. Fitness standards need to be implemented so you never see an obese officer say hello to you in a McDonalds again.

    I shook my head when a near morbidly obese female officer working state corrections in uniform asked for a discount at Publix. They said no discounts and she told them that because she was a state employee, she was entitled to a discount.
    LawsuitsLitigation/lax policies/overly soft and sensitive Americans have made the prison system such a joke now that they want to make it private and make money that way. Laughable.

    These felons make criminal contacts/friends while in prison and once released go right back out and do it again.

    Don’t like it? Don’t break the law.

  4. JM on May 26th, 2012 2:34 pm

    Hope he likes were he is going, he did it to himself. We need to stop feeding
    these guys well so they don’t reoffend when they get out. Sooner or later most
    of them get right back on the street.

  5. brent on May 26th, 2012 12:15 pm

    Good riddance…you like robbing people and all you have done is rob yourself of your own freedom, you idiot