Ernest Ward, Tate, WFHS Top Escambia County Writing FCAT Scores

May 21, 2012

Despite the negative news last week about the ramped up FCAT 2.0 scores, the news was actually pretty good at Ernest Ward Middle, Tate High and West Florida High.

With this year’s tests, the state upped the standards for passing the writing portion of the FCAT in fourth, eighth and tenth grades, with students need needing a 4.0 or better on a 6-point grading scale, up from 3.0 last year. Also, the state made other changes, including placing more emphasis on writing basics such as punctuation, capitalization and grammar.

But the test results showed a huge drop in the number of students across the board meeting the standards. With FCAT scores affecting such sensitive issues as school grades, the state Board of Education moved quickly to call an emergency meeting. Board members agreed to dial back the passing score to 3.0 this year, despite some reluctance.

When the dust settled, there was cause for celebration at Ernest Ward, Tate and West Florida as they took the top scoring spots in the Escambia County School District.

Ernest Ward Middle School eighth graders tied with the Beulah Academy of Science with the highest average score in Escambia County — with a mean FCAT  writing score of 3.4. Ernest Ward also had the only eighth grader in Escambia County to score a perfect 6.0 on the test, and one of three in the county to score a 5.5.

Ernest Ward also had the highest percentage of eighth grade students in the county scoring a 4.0 or above — the original grade level score before it was lowered by the State Board of Education. A total of 80 percent of EWMS eighth graders made the adjusted grade level score of 3.0 or higher, second only to the Beulah Academy of Science at 86 percent.

“Considering the state change the rules in the middle of the game, I think we did great,” Ernest Ward Principal Nancy Perry said. “The teachers, students, and parents did an awesome job; keep up the good work.”

At the high school level, West Florida was tops in the district with 48 percent of students scoring a 4.0 or more, while Tate was second with 47 percent. At West Florida High, 93 percent of tenth graders were at the readjusted grade level of 3.0, and Tate had 88 percent at the level.

The highest average score among tenth graders in the district was at West Florida High with 3.7, and Tate was second at 3.6. file photo, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “Ernest Ward, Tate, WFHS Top Escambia County Writing FCAT Scores”

  1. No Excuses on May 22nd, 2012 2:43 pm

    Congrats to all the students, faculty, parents and administrative staff on this great achievement! I hope to see the rest of the county do as well the next time around.

    For all who are complaining about the FCAT – this is an opportunity to congratulate those who did well at something. Don’t ruin it for them!

    I am with Frank. Unless you can offer some possible solutions to the perceived problem, don’t grumble or complain about it. Complaining just lowers morale and does nothing to correct the problem.

  2. Frank on May 22nd, 2012 1:14 pm

    Stacey Schultz on May 21st, 2012 8:47 pm …
    “I can also say that our great Governor Jeb Bush could not pass the 8th grade fcat.”

    .And where do you get your FACTS?

    I deal with youth on a regular basis and find it disturbing that 6th graders in Escambia Co. FL. Cannot line up the twelve months of the year, Jan-Dec. OR read a basic sentence.

    There must be a check and balance system of some kind. SO, if you do not like the current test, get involved… and come up with a better solution! Don’t just sit back and complain all the time.

  3. Stacey Schultz on May 21st, 2012 8:47 pm

    While everyone celebrates thesr scores, lets not forget that the fcat is a test that takes away from the fundamentals of our educational system. Our children are taught year round not in the basic learning skills, but how to pass this test. Teachers cant be cited for not doing their jobs. It is a shame that if the kids cant pass the fcat, they can take the college entrance exam and use this as a passing part of the test. What does this say about our educational system? Sounds as though they have this backwards. Why not do away with the fcat and lets start in elementary school preparing for the college. Entrance exam. I can also say that our great Governor Jeb Bush could not pass the 8th grade fcat.

  4. joe on May 21st, 2012 4:05 pm

    I almost forgot to mention the parents of those hard working students, thank you for making education a priority. The process starts at home and is built upon at school. there are many people who had a hand in EWMS doing well. I hope I did not leave out anyone

  5. joe on May 21st, 2012 3:58 pm

    Quality leadership is reflected in the quality student work being done at EWMS. Congratulations to Mrs Perry (we love you) and the fine staff there and not to forget the hard working students.
    as a side note where can we see the other school scores, I woulod like to see how NHS did.

  6. Wilma Gibsonwilma on May 21st, 2012 3:06 pm

    Congratulations to the staff and students for doing well on the writing test. I especially want to tell my granddaughter “good job.”

  7. The Bloodsworth's in Bratt on May 21st, 2012 11:32 am

    Congratulations to EWMS Principal Nancy Perry, teachers, parents & students for a job well done. Your community is very proud of your achievements and for representing us with your very best. ;)

  8. AnnetteFaircloth on May 21st, 2012 10:56 am

    Way to go students! and Faculty this is awesome news keep up the good work…