County Will Front Legal Fees For Commissioners Being Sued

May 18, 2012

The Escambia County Commission voted Thursday night to front attorney’s fee for three commissioners that are being sued by Forrest Gibbs, who was hired and then fired as marketing director for Escambia County Equestrian Center.

County Attorney Alison Rogers removed her office from the lawsuit after an motion to dismiss was denied by Circuit Judge Linda Nobles. Rogers advised Commissioners Kevin White, Grover Robinson and Marie Young to obtain their own defense attorneys. She said County Attorney’s Office employees might be called as witnesses in the case, creating a conflict of interest.

“I’m not trying to make any judgement; I’m just saying I don’t think it is fair for the taxpayers to pay for the legal defense of three commissioners that were charged personally and not as in the duty of a county commissioner,” Commissioner Wilson Robertson, who is not being sued by Gibbs, said.

“We weren’t charged with anything; we were sued,” White said. “We have not been charged with anything.”

The commission voted 3-2 to provide legal defense funds for the three commissioners, with Robinson saying that he would pay for his own attorney. The three commissioners being sued — White, Robinson and Young — voted for fronting the defense money, while Wilson Robertson and Gene Valentino — who are not being sued — voted against.

“We haven’t done anything that I consider wrong,” Commissioner Marie Young said. “Why can’t we support each other?”

If the three defendant commissioners prevail in court, the county will pay their legal fees. If they lose, the commissioners will be required to repay the county.

Gibbs held the Equestrian Center job for about two weeks in October 2011 until being fired by County Administrator Randy Oliver following a complaint that  Robertson influenced his hiring and landed Gibbs a $63,000 salary, which was  higher than was advertised.  The commission, including Robertson, called for a state investigation into the process. The State Attorney found no wrongdoing.

Gibbs  filed suit in Escambia County Circuit Court against Commissioners White, Young and Robinson claiming that he was qualified and they improperly removed him from his new job. The suit did not name Escambia County as a defendant. Commissioner Valentino was also not sued by Gibbs; he was not at a meeting in which the other commissioners considered the matter.

Gibbs is seeking unnamed damages in excess of $15,000 plus legal and court costs from White, Young and Robinson.


13 Responses to “County Will Front Legal Fees For Commissioners Being Sued”

  1. srosaman on May 21st, 2012 8:39 pm

    It depends if it was county business unless breaking sunshine law I feel.

  2. 429SCJ on May 21st, 2012 12:48 pm

    If Mr Robinson were indicted by a grand jury, for any number of reasons, would the county cover his legal fees?

  3. srosaman on May 19th, 2012 8:41 pm

    Then who would run the county , You?

  4. JM on May 19th, 2012 2:50 pm

    ” it would get to the point where commissioners would not vote on anything. ”

    Well that would suit me just fine. Every time we let politicians vote on what money
    they get….this is what we see. THEIR answer will ALWAYS be …..”GIVE IT TO US”…
    oops I mean “YES”. Is there really a need to pay them to vote?

    I say since they voted for us to pay, lets vote to let them pay us back. Win

    This town always stinks~!

  5. srosaman on May 19th, 2012 8:21 am

    So Shiloh you think that they should have to pay there bill if it was a vote while in a public meeting. How would that work it would get to the point where commissioners would not vote on anything. If Wilson would not have offered the guy a raise before he started his job we would not be discussing this. The budgets of the county city everything are being looked at with a microscope we are out of MONEY or will be quickley, The only way out is to raise taxes and Im not for that butwhat are we going to do borrow money from the FEDS well we are doing that already because I had to pay some of the interest payment on my business because of the loan interest on unemployment comp fund is dry so the interest has been passed on to business owners im about to incorporate in another state this is crap.

  6. 429SCJ on May 19th, 2012 6:25 am

    I find l am not hardly surprised at this action. The real mystery here, is how these
    individuals were seated on the commission in the first place.

    It is obvious that someone cast a vote for them, but why? Someone must have felt
    they could trust them to be honest and upright officers of the county.

  7. molino jim on May 18th, 2012 8:34 pm

    All I can say is THANKS WILSON. Instead of going into the meeting and pitching Gibbs he should have just “run into each member of the board by accident” and made his feeling know.

  8. David Huie Green on May 18th, 2012 5:53 pm

    Those who have to pay, decided to pay with our money. Seems reasonable.

  9. shiloh on May 18th, 2012 2:11 pm

    Safebear on May 18th, 2012 10:51 am Isn’t this a serious conflict of interest? 3 of 5 commissioners are being sued and they get to vote on their own financial gain? I would tell them fight your own battel and if you win, then we can consider paying your bills but not up front.

    People of Escambia County Florida, you should be screaming at this one. It’ll cost more than $15,000 in legal fees to fight this. It’s your money though.

    This is a good question that needs a answer. How about a answer, . Any help???

  10. srosaman on May 18th, 2012 12:58 pm

    How can the county not pay there legal fees they did nothing wrong. They voted on what they thought was best for the county.What should they do not vote on any motions come on people Wilson screwed this whole deal up. WD thought he was invisible now he is wearing a striped jumpsuit. Wonder who will be next.

  11. d.k. on May 18th, 2012 11:26 am

    let Wilson Robinson pay the attorney fees for the commissioners he`s the one that put it all in play

  12. Safebear on May 18th, 2012 10:51 am

    Isn’t this a serious conflict of interest? 3 of 5 commissioners are being sued and they get to vote on their own financial gain? I would tell them fight your own battel and if you win, then we can consider paying your bills but not up front.

    People of Escambia County Florida, you should be screaming at this one. It’ll cost more than $15,000 in legal fees to fight this. It’s your money though.

  13. c.w. on May 18th, 2012 5:02 am

    Gibbs is seeking unnamed damages in excess of $15,000 plus legal and court costs from White, Young and Robinson.

    When gibbs loses the law suit, will he have to pay the legat fees and court cost?

    Bet he does not. So called “judges” like nobels will support the garbage collector. Why? He is in the good ole boy clique!