Century Teen Gets Six Years For Drug Trafficking

May 24, 2012

A Century teen caught selling drugs during an undercover operation has been sentenced to six years behind bars.

Ladarrious Tamiraye Lett, 17, was sentenced as a youthful offender by Judge Paul Rasmussen for a first degree felony drug trafficking charge. Rasmussen recommended that Lett serve his time in a boot camp program.

The court did not impose an ordinarily mandatory $100,000 fine due to Lett’s youthful offender status, overruling objections by the state.

Lett was caught in the act of selling 25 Lortabs by undercover officers near the Dollar General store on North Century Boulevard on April 21, 2011, according to an Escambia County Sheriff’s Office report.

Lett was previous adjudicated as an adult in an unreleated weapons case and sentenced to nine months in the county jail. In October 2010, he was convicted of possession of a firearm by a convicted delinquent under 24 years of age, tampering with evidence and culpable negligence. Lett, who was a 16-year old middle school student at the time, traded $40 in marijuana for .22 caliber pistol that was dumped on North Century Boulevard following a traffic stop. A deputy ran over the gun, shooting out his own tire.


26 Responses to “Century Teen Gets Six Years For Drug Trafficking”

  1. David Huie Green on May 29th, 2012 5:15 am

    You’re assuming he has the mind of a child. No evidence to support that thought. In fact, children learn.

  2. Paige Norris on May 28th, 2012 9:49 pm

    I wonder why he failed to learn? i wonder if he had a problem? He should not besentenced as a adult when it seems he has the mind of a child.

  3. David Huie Green on May 28th, 2012 11:10 am

    as to why so low so old, wild guess here – - – because he failed to learn

  4. Page Norris on May 26th, 2012 9:47 am

    I just want to know why was he still in middle school I think that is a story all in its self.

  5. Stephen on May 25th, 2012 9:48 pm

    Ok. Maybe my eyes were deceiving me. Did I really read that he was a 16 year old middle school student?

  6. Poor Baby on May 25th, 2012 12:28 pm

    I love you MANMAN?!?!?!? Really? He was Just trying to help his mother, really? He made a choice to be a delinquent. His mother evidently failed him by letting him be a 16 year old MIDDLE SCHOOL student. The reason he can’t get a job is because he can’t list a HIGH SCHOOL on his application, not because of his age. There are many people that joined the workforce and became productive members of society long before the age of 17. All he did was trade one form of government support for another. I am tired of supporting those who are to lazy to do it the right way. Maybe if his family could not instill any values in him, the drill instructors can.

  7. Terri Sanders on May 24th, 2012 9:27 pm

    Usually when we judge whether a person s good or bad,smart or dumb our yardstick of comparision is pretty short.Up against a serial killer or rapist this guy looks good….. up against an outstanding law abiding citizen this guy stinks.It is all in what you are using to measure by.

  8. Bronwynn Hollywood on May 24th, 2012 3:09 pm

    Jesse, the correct formation for that sentence would be “have you ever GONE to school”. One might ask you the same question. Just saying…

  9. No Excuses on May 24th, 2012 3:02 pm

    Can I say, “Career Criminal”? He should have gotten the fine and the entire requirement of the sentencing for the crime. That’s the problem – give him a break and he thinks the legal system is a joke. The mind set is, “If the judge is dumb enough to let me out in 6 years (he won’t do that much), then he deserves to have me back on the streets doing my thing.” These guys don’t see it as compassion, or getting a break – they see it as weakness to be despised.

    Jail time won’t affect the future this young man had – he had already chosen to wreck that on his own. He’s going to have to have a real awakening in order to change his career in life. Not saying it can’t happen, but it’s not likely.

  10. Jackie on May 24th, 2012 2:32 pm

    Candace: How can you say this is a good kid? It appears by the article he is a seasoned criminal and if the rest of us can live peacefully and not be harrassed, he is going exactly where he needs to be.

    Lett was previous adjudicated as an adult in an unrelated weapons case and sentenced to nine months in the county jail. In October 2010, he was convicted of possession of a firearm by a convicted delinquent under 24 years of age, tampering with evidence and culpable negligence. Lett, who was a 16-year old middle school student at the time, traded $40 in marijuana for .22 caliber pistol that was dumped on North Century Boulevard following a traffic stop. A deputy ran over the gun, shooting out his own tire.

  11. jesse on May 24th, 2012 2:27 pm

    Wow Chelsea, have you ever went to school? That has to be the most ridiculous post I have ever read.

  12. Phillip on May 24th, 2012 12:57 pm

    There is no excuse for ignorance. EDUCATION is what it sounds like everyone that knows him needs. Try getting an EDUCATION and you can have a better chance of having a good life without doing crimes and ending up in jail. I haven’t seen where anyone on here has judged this man, only the Judge did that, but he obviously got what was needed to get this young mans attention. Instead of his friends trying to lash out at everyone that comments, they need to try and tell him he did wrong, now make something out of yourself, and quit blaming everyone else. No matter how bad someone has it, learning how to read and write and how to get a job is your first priority in life. Try it.

  13. JIM W on May 24th, 2012 12:51 pm

    You can paint it anyway you want but if it quacks like a duck looks like a duck then it’s a duck! He is trouble waiting to happen if you read the whole article he has been down the wrong road before. Maybe, just maybe this will get him back to reality! For the person who was trying to defend him who says you don’t know him like me he’s only a child. You need serious help!!!!!!!

  14. JM on May 24th, 2012 12:01 pm

    Some of you need to stop acting like what this young man did was ok and now
    we are the reason he will have to do it again when he gets out of Prison.
    Enabling someone is the reason many re-offend. Mommy, Daddy or friends
    telling him he is a good boy and it’s not his wittle fault.
    Time this kid gets some tough love and puts on his big boy pants because
    guns and drugs are a BAD offense and he has no one to blame but himself
    and the people he runs with.
    Listen well to Jcellop, there are two ways for him to do his time, not just
    one. I hope he had his wake up call and his eyes are wide open now. I hope
    he finds a useful way to make this time work for him instead of against
    him the rest of his life.

  15. Mnon on May 24th, 2012 11:30 am

    I think the sentencing of 6 years is a little over board for a few Lortab, okay maybe the hand gun but 6 years? The courts put this young man in prison just long enough so he has no chance in the real world but start dealing drugs again to make ends meet. Sure he made some bad choices, if it were anyone else we all would be ranting because they got off with a little probation.

  16. Century,FL on May 24th, 2012 10:28 am

    Dont judge this kid my his mistakes.. God will forgive him for his sins. And he will be out soon. Just hold your head up ManMan. They can’t hold you for long..

  17. Candace on May 24th, 2012 10:04 am

    Look before yall go judging man man on theses charges yall dont even know him at all i have knew him for 5 years he is a good kid you gonna judge someone thay is doing this trying to help his mother out because he loves her and at that age you cant get a job so yall need to stop judging ppl aint nobody perfect!!!! I love yu lol bro keep your head up man man we are all praying for you time will pass by before you know it then you can get out get uour ged an do things the rite way you need to i love yu

  18. Court on May 24th, 2012 10:02 am

    FREE MAN MAN!! I love you boo!! Keep your head up! You can do this! Six years will fly by boo!! I will miss you! But six years will fly by!! Keep your head up babe!! You got plenty of ppl behind you!!

  19. Jack on May 24th, 2012 9:53 am

    Chelsea: If your submission is a spoof (spoof = a mocking imitation of someone or something) it didn’t go over well. If it’s for real, Lord help us.

  20. Jessica on May 24th, 2012 9:36 am

    Chelsea, I mean this in the most polite way possible. If you want anyone to talk your thoughts into consideration, you should really present them in another manner. Your post is nearly impossible to decipher. Your spelling and grammar would be embarrassing for a 2nd grader. Take the time to use spell check, use at least basic grammar, and learn to organize your thoughts into proper sentences. Otherwise, people are simply going to take one look at your words and laugh.

  21. jcellop on May 24th, 2012 9:22 am

    to chelsea lett: hell be around 23 when he gets out, providing he follows the rules…..if he really wants to, he can still get his GED while there……my son is in prison and tutors imates that are trying to get their GED…..judge nobles gave my son over 5 yrs for trafficking….and, sadly, it was EXACTLY what he needed…she generously gave him several opportunities to get his act together- but, obviously, he didnt take his situation seriously……as she said, during his final sentencing, “mr. _ _ _ _ i have to do something to get your attention.”…..it did- and, even he agrees NOW that she was correct…it definately got his attention very quickly- but, it gave him alot of time to contemplate his future, as well…he reads ALOT, plays chess, works out, plays basketball, DOES NOT join gangs, nor gets tattoos….he chooses his friends wisely….believe it or not, he is a better person for it today…this could be a positive or a negative bump in letts life….it will be up to him….be thankful- VERY THANKFUL- that no one died while he had that gun.

  22. Century Girl on May 24th, 2012 8:12 am

    You play the game, you pay the price! This is what our future is coming to ……..live by the sword , die by the sword. It’s sad that these kids can’t realize that crime dosen’t pay. This one has got six years to think about it…..being he didn’t think about it when he was arrested before……..there is a pattern here…….I for one am ready to take Century back……..out with the drugs & crime!!

  23. Phillip on May 24th, 2012 8:10 am

    He deserves all that he got. Here is a perfect example of why Physicians are scared or unable to prescribe medications to patients because of people like this out peddling pills on the streets. To Chelsea, you first need some education, and learn how to speak and write, and then you need to read what you write. So you say nobody knows this man like you do, yet you say he is still a child. Well the last time i heard, children don’t play with guns. And if you’re going to act like an adult, and you are going to run the streets like a thug, and do crimes, then you need to face the punishment for the crimes. Obviously you didn’t know and he didn’t know right from wrong. I hope he spends the next 6 years learning that you have to take responsibility for your actions, and won’t come out thinking that he is the one that was wronged, and that everyone owes him. If so, he will only spend his life in prison. So MANMAN was only a child yet he sure had a stupid street name already. Grow up and stop acting so stupid, and you won’t end up in jail.

  24. JM on May 24th, 2012 7:27 am

    Well that just about says it all….;.

  25. WHAT U SAY?????? on May 24th, 2012 7:04 am

    Are you kidding me????

  26. CHELSEA LETT on May 24th, 2012 4:11 am