Century Gets First Look At Five-Year Marketing Plan

May 22, 2012

A draft of Century’s new “Five-Year Marketing Plan” was presented to the Century Town Council Monday night with the slogan “Century. Traditional Values. Today’s Technology”.

One of the plans goals is to “create a unique brand for Century and reach out to those who are looking for what Century has to offer”. The central focus of the marketing efforts will focus attention to the town’s new website.

The plan was part of an $11,450 package purchased late last year from Pensacola marketing firm Ideawörks that included $4,200 for a “basic website design”, $1,750 for a content management system (CMS) to allow town employees to update the website, and $5,500 for the marketing plan.

“Revitalization isn’t an easy process. Change is never easy. Opening new economic opportunities for Century will take time, strategic vision and a commitment from the residents in order to succeed,” the draft plan states.

“You will have a plan,” Caron Sjöberg, president of Ideawörks, told the council Monday night, “that will help Century rise above some of the others in the business market.”

The draft plans calls for Century to target three broad industries initially — agricultural, manufacturing and small businesses. The efforts to target those industries would include the town’s website, media coverage and paid advertising in trade publications, and direct mail.

Century can compete by marketing available business and industrial sites, providing success stories, positive media attention and with “Residents dedicated to economic development. Community pride”, the plan states. The plan also calls for Century to be submitted for various lists and articles in publications such as Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Inc.

Once the plan is finalized, it will be made available online at the town’s website.

Pictured: A screenshot of Century’s website.


9 Responses to “Century Gets First Look At Five-Year Marketing Plan”

  1. Mnon on May 23rd, 2012 8:09 am

    @sam, low tech is fine for household residential use. When it comes to a business that specializes in technology it is not fine. For instance if a call center wanted to use Century, they would never be able to on DSL lines, they would need high speed fiber to handle calls, most call centers now-a-days do not use land line phone company-type phone lines. Century does not have the infrastructure to support any big technology based business.

    @reader, I thought the What-a-burger had free wifi, most What-a-burgers do, as well as other fast food places. One location offering free wifi on a DSL connection, which would be slow as molasses if more than 3-4 people were using it at the time, is a far cry from “today’s technology.” haha

    Maybe they are referring to the farming technology? Who knows… All I know is no outside business would move into the area after seeing the website then visiting the town, the veil would be lifted. If I were a big business owner and saw the website then visited the area I would go somewhere else because I would think I’m being lied to.

    Don’t get me wrong, I would love to Century grow and flourish, I just think it shouldn’t be done with a deceiving and overpriced website. We will find out if it was money well spent within the next 5 years.

  2. sam on May 22nd, 2012 3:36 pm

    i have at&t wireless in century. it’s 4G and works everywhere i go. don’t know about verizon or sprint. don’t need fiber internet have dsl that works just fine. as for the city services on line it’s no big deal. it’s not like its miles away. guess i’m low tech and that’s just fine with me.

  3. William on May 22nd, 2012 10:35 am

    >>>Is northescambia.com located in Century?


    The NorthEscambia.com office is in Walnut Hill (but it’s not open to the public). The technology assets (servers, etc.) are located in other major cities in the country, far away from the Gulf Coast.

  4. Reader on May 22nd, 2012 10:33 am

    Good point, Mnon. I can’t think of the first technology related business in town, or even a business that uses advanced technology.

    Whataburger and the library do offer free wi-fi, but that sure does not make Century a techie town.

    Is northescambia.com located in Century? It’s the most technological business I know of around these parts.

  5. Mnon on May 22nd, 2012 10:30 am

    PFFT! I almost spit my coffee out to read “today’s technology” hahaha! That is the funniest thing I’ve read so far.

    Where is all this technology? There is not even one technology business in town! Is there even a computer repair shop in town? Cell phones start cutting out after McDavid unless you’re using one of those Walmart prepaid phones and that won’t even work half the time if it is 4G! The town doesn’t even appear technology advanced by 80’s standards. Is there one cafe or fast food place offering free wifi as well?

    Seriously, where is this technology?! They must be referring to the crack dealers communication network.

    This website going up online is just one case-in-point that not everything you see/read online is true.

  6. Sara on May 22nd, 2012 10:21 am

    Century could be a top notch little city if they would just stop squabbling & work together to get things done.. Century has beautiful natural resources (lakes, river, etc.) & would be a great place to live if someone would put effort into developing new businesses & growth of the community as a whole. I’m certain Century could qualify for many Federal Grants if someone with the knowledge & ambition would investigate what a rural city could receive in order to build the area up to what is capable of being. It will take effort, but Century has potential. The people of Century are caring, decent folks that just need a little help to fulfill the dream of what Century could be.

  7. Really? on May 22nd, 2012 8:03 am

    Century has “Traditional values. Today’s technology.”???? Seriously??

    Traditional values of self worth and pride are evidently missing when you ride around and see no pride in how people live or when you look down East Pond Street and see “pharmaceutical business transactions” going on.

    Today’s technology? No way. You can’t view or pay a sewer bill online. You can’t see council minutes or agendas (secret society??). There’s no fiber internet available to businesses. There’s no city wi-fi network. Heck, your cell phone won’t work in half the town if you have Verizon or AT&T. Technology is lacking. It’s 1990’s tech, not today’s technology.

  8. WOW on May 22nd, 2012 7:58 am

    I am truly disappointed at all of the negativity aimed at this 5 year plan. With attitudes like this, your town will not improve. Maybe the handfull of us that do have hope and ambition will be able to make a positive influence. To make a change, someone has to step forward, it may as well be the select few that want to see good things happen in this town….

  9. Surprise, Surpise on May 22nd, 2012 7:11 am

    If Forbes or Inc writes about Century, it will be about one of the scams. Pick one:

    The Electric Car Company.
    Century Lumber & Land.
    That mystery company that’s bringing X Number of jobs next week.

    Smoke. Mirrors and Wild Stories.