Arrests Made In Burglary And Arson Of Deputy’s Home

May 8, 2012

Two people have been arrested in connection with the burglary and arson of a Santa Rosa Sheriff’s Office lieutenant’s home.

Everly Lippwe, 21, has been charged with arson, felony criminal mischief, armed burglary, grand theft, theft of law enforcement equipment, grand theft of a fire arm and vehicle theft.

A second suspect, 21-year old Joseph Cameron, was arrested on a probation violation and later confessed to being involved in the crimes at the deputy’s home. He was charged with arson, burglary, larceny and vehicle theft.

The incident occurred Saturday, April 21 at the residence of Lt. Chris Watson, and his wife, Bonita Watson (a Santa Rosa County probation officer). Numerous firearms, ammunition, bullet proof vests, badges, and other law enforcement items were stolen from the home and vehicle. A large amount of electronics and jewelry was also taken. The suspect then vandalized his county patrol vehicle with spray paint, stole his personal pickup truck (a 2005 dark blue Chevy Avalanche), and then set fire to the home after dousing  the master bedroom with gasoline. The fire did not destroy the entire house; however, it caused extensive damage.

Investigators said Lippwe was a close friend of one of the Watson’s adult children. The Watson’s had no knowledge that Lippwe was a friend of their child, and that he had been allowed into their residence when they were not present, Sheriff’s investigators said.

Lippwe used knowledge and information gained through the friendship to plan out and commit the crime. Investigators found no information to suggest that Watson’s adult child had any knowledge that Lippwe was planning to commit or had committed the crime against their family.


13 Responses to “Arrests Made In Burglary And Arson Of Deputy’s Home”

  1. Jeanene on January 17th, 2014 7:12 am

    Everly is a product of a very broken home. His siblings , the justice system, and myself did everything in our power to get him to be a better person. So sad.

  2. Hoppy on May 9th, 2012 1:08 am

    @cw – Your open contempt for the office of Sheriff will serve to perpetuate exactly the kind of delinquent behavior this article is about. If you have some issue that needs addressing to Sheriff Hall then you need to address that to him directly, face to face. When you post something like you said in open forum, everybody gets to read it. Those alleged bandits who committed this crime might think that you are on their side.

  3. Chaz on May 8th, 2012 10:48 pm

    Just goes to show you need to know who your kid’s friends are (and who they bring into your house).

  4. Jimbo on May 8th, 2012 6:34 pm

    Through an employee, I’ve had to have contact with Mrs. Watson. She’s fair, she’s firm, she did/does her job. My employee may not have agreed with her, but not all rules are made to be broken. THat was over 10 years ago. This family (mom and pop) work for us. They serve us well. They did’nt deserve to have a couple of societal zits temporarily mess up their lives. They don’t deserve the sense of violation that comes with this kind of thing. I wish I still lived in Santa Rosa County and got called for jury duty in this case….. just sayin.

  5. Teresa on May 8th, 2012 6:23 pm

    In defense of CW… I agree…My weapons are in a floor safe and the door has a secure coded lock. When I leave home….I lock up! It would take a good long time for someone to get to my weapons. Thats just the responsible thing to do. I feel terrible for the deputy and his family, but our officers need to be more cautious. Things are changing…to many drug attacks that have no fear or foresight.

  6. mick on May 8th, 2012 10:58 am

    Make an example of them…put them in jail for fifty years, they dont deserve to be in society

  7. Michelle on May 8th, 2012 9:53 am

    It’s not good to happen anytime, no matter who you are. Good to hear that the men involved were quickly caught, and off the streets. Right know that is 2 more less to worry about.

  8. JM on May 8th, 2012 8:38 am


    “Let other low life’s know it’s not ok to attack law enforcement officers and their families!”


  9. 429SCJ on May 8th, 2012 7:51 am

    I would suggest those two jokers get a good look at everything, as it will be a totally
    differnt world when they see it again.

  10. molino res on May 8th, 2012 7:16 am

    @ c.w.

    Lt. Watson is not in any violation of Sheriff’s office policy for keeping his guns, ammo, vest, badges, ect. in his home. He actually is correct in not keeping it in his county car while away. Law enforcement officers often store their work related stuff in their homes, it is not feasible to leave everything at the sheriff’s office 1. because there is no where to store it, 2. the more important reason, if they get called out for an emergency then need it right then not an hour away depending on where you are in the county. I’m not a fan of Sheriff Hall at all but there is no action that should be by the Sheriff.

    I’m glad they caught the sorry people that did this to Chris, Bonita, and their family. When someone attacks you at home it is a total violation, home is supposed to be safe. While Chris and Bonita know how these low life’s little minds work and know these two would never have the guts to confront either of them face to face (I’m pretty sure if they tried to break in while they were home Bonita would put a bullet in their rear before Chris would), their children have lost their sense of safety. I’m sure that bothers the Watsons more than anything. So instead of trying to say that some how this is Chris’s fault lay the blame where it belongs with the sorry people who did this.

    Good luck Chris and Bonita you have the support of your family and friends! As for the bad guys I’m with Billy hang’em high, make an example out of them. Let other low lifes know it’s not ok to attack law enforcement officers and their families!

  11. Angi B. on May 8th, 2012 6:54 am

    Glad they were caught, Good job SRSO…

  12. c.w. on May 8th, 2012 5:22 am

    What was done to the deputies home was wrong and they got caught. Good.

    I still wonder why Watson had all the guns, ammo, vest, badges, ect. at his home and he was away on vacation. How about it hall, any excuses or will the sheriff ignore it like he always does. The tax payers won,t to know.

  13. billy on May 8th, 2012 1:21 am

    hang them high