Alabama State Troopers Swarm Atmore

May 23, 2012

Over a dozen Alabama State Troopers swarmed Atmore Wednesday, stopped scores of drivers for various traffic infractions.

It was all part of the Memorial Day Click It of Ticket safety campaign, according to Sgt. John Fields of the Evergreen Trooper Post.

The national Click It or TicketĀ  crackdown designed to increase seat belt use and decrease motor vehicle fatalities. The campaign is underway in both Alabama and Florida, where the Florida Highway Patrol and the Escambia County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office is in the midst of a two-week blitz.

Fields said troopers in cars and on motorcycles targeted Highway 21 in Atmore, Highway 41 in Brewton along with I-65 and Highway 31 across Escambia County.

Pictured: An Alabama State Trooper on patrol in Atmore Wednesday afternoon on North Main Street at Jacks Springs Road. photo, click to enlarge.


33 Responses to “Alabama State Troopers Swarm Atmore”

  1. Bobby on May 25th, 2012 3:56 pm

    Fact is,

    First of all, having a quota has been illegal since the 70’s. The fact is that most departments, especially small departments don’t want you writing tickets because of local dirty politics. It is the Troopers job to keep the roads safe by enforcement and education. If you don’t do your job (if you have one) you would get fired. The same holds true for Troopers. I have never met a Trooper in Alabama that wasn’t a very reasonable and fair man. I have never been stopped for something that I didn’t do either.
    Second, it makes sense that there is a month long initiative in the end of May and June because it is the most traveled time of the year. People from all over the country drive throught Alabama going to the beaches. I am sure the Troopers are advertising it and letting everyone know for safety and because the good people in the state appreciate them being out there in force keeping us safe from all the excessive out of town traffic coming through. They want us to feel safe and know that they have it under control.
    Once again, thank you Alabama State Troopers for being the best of the best and being the few and brave men that you are.

  2. Fact is on May 25th, 2012 2:49 pm

    Yeap, end of the physical year for the state is close so here we go with filling that last minute quota…..I would just like to know who is going to stop the officers that drive down the road on their cell phones, computers and crossing over the line, up on people and then once around them, they act like we don’t have a speed limit? Next thing you know there will be a national holiday called “click it or ticket”…nothing wrong with wearing the seatbelts at all but why make a month long campaigne out of something that should already be a daily issue.

  3. Wharf Rat on May 24th, 2012 9:05 pm

    I know Alabama State Troopers can not do this, but I wish Florida Highway Patrol would follow suit, and do something about the quagmire at Olive and Davis between 7AM and 8 AM every morning. The rule is the boldest driver has the right-of-way. Speed around the Walgreens, bypass the traffic light, force your way out into trafffic, screw up the “traffic flow.” Left turn arrows mean nothing. Florida DOT needs to study this disaster again, and help law abiding citizens get to their destination with at least a normal pulse rate and blood pressure.

  4. 429SCJ on May 24th, 2012 8:20 pm

    John it is not a serious effort to avoid law enforcement, but the entertainment of driving our back roads and enjoying the scenery. I am buckled in 100% legal.
    I feel that our State Troopers are the best LE you can ask for.

    I do not believe that I will be at the beach, I think I will just party with friends near home this weekend.

    Let us remember our fallen and MIA soilders this holiday.

  5. John Parker on May 24th, 2012 5:25 pm

    429SCJ, you shouldn’t avoid areas just because troopers are around enforcing traffic laws. Just don’t disobey the laws and you should have nothing to worry about. It’s kind of unusual to try and put so much effort to avoid law enforcement. Everyone out there be safe and have a great holiday season!! See you at the beach!!

  6. Learn2stop on May 24th, 2012 1:19 pm

    @OldGoldie… are so right about the stop signs….i live on the corner of a 4 way stop and have small children and pets and my direct neighbor has small children….i have actually had a car flip in my front yard….AT A FOUR WAY STOP!!!! i call atmore pd all the time to try and get an officer to come sit over this way to catch the hundreds of cars a day that do not stop but its a lost cause. they always tell me they will send someone but never do…..

  7. 429SCJ on May 24th, 2012 10:47 am

    I would love to go up to Oak Hill Cemetary today, but am weighing the risk. I could slip in through Nokomis and acess Jack Springs Road and take Sunset to hwy 21,
    but still have to drive 21 the half mile to the entrance of Oak Hill.

    The Holidays will be over with next week, best to wait and not take a chance.

  8. 429SCJ on May 24th, 2012 9:25 am

    James I have to agree with you about the State Police, they stop you, cite you and send you on your way.

    The local law enforcement always want to perform some kind of search. I remember being pulled over for a loose tag, and the officer wanted to know about all the empty munitions containers in my vehicle (I don’t leave mine on the ground).
    He was looking at the different calibers and ask me if I owned weapons for all the calibers and where the weapons were located. I had to politely inform him that was none of his business, I fixed the tag and went on my way.

    People get tired of being hasseled, why not just check for warrants, issue the ticket and everybody be on their way?

  9. bamma on May 24th, 2012 7:50 am

    I just got me a seat belt ticket!!!!!!!

  10. Matt on May 24th, 2012 5:47 am

    Regardless of your views on whether or not you should be stopped… I think we can all agree that $116 seltbelt violations seems pretty excessive!! That is not proctecting and serving… or raising awareness …. that money making … so instead of urging people to wear their seatbelts by means of “reasonable” ticket amounts, it is simply encouraging people to harber negative feelings towards police and just drive “safe” when they see a police car.

  11. Old Goldie on May 24th, 2012 4:12 am

    I wish they would stay in Atmore! No one seems to know what a stop sign is here, not to mention a 4 way stop. I’ve seen the Atmore cops see drivers break the law and just look the other way and do nothing. Undoubtedly late for coffee and donuts at Busters.

    Seat belts saves lives – proven fact. My son will not move the car when he’s driving until everyone in the car has there seat belt on. I’m very proud of him for that. But I agree – if there is a seat belt law, there should be a helmet law in every state.

    The way this “we have rights” things works, as it was explained to me, is we have rights to do this or that UNTIL it tramples on somebody else’s rights. Well, when you have a wreck and you’re not wearing your seat belt and you get real banged up and the insurance company has to foot the bill for your repair and care for the rest of your life, my insurance premium goes up……………ergo, you have just trampled on my rights.

    It’s a little thing……just wear it then you can complain about those who don’t.

  12. Bobby on May 24th, 2012 4:01 am

    All these stupid conspiracy people drive me crazy. The majority of the cost of a ticket goes to non profit organizations/agencies like the head injury relief fund and the crime victim’s compensation fund..NOT anything to do with the Trooper’s. And the fine for a seat belt in Alabama is $10. There is a $21 DA’s fee added to it which makes it $31 TOTAL. The state loses money each day they dedicate enforcement to seat belts. It would be nearly impossible for a Trooper to even cover his salary in a day off off the money generated by seat belt tickets. It is a proven fact that increased enforcement reduces crashes. Do you think it is by chance that they are in Escambia County. Has everyone forgot about how many people have been killed lately in and around Atmore because of careless and irresponsable driving. Please think before you type ignorant things and appreciate that for this short time period we actually have some officers in our county that care enough to try and make our roads a safer place.

  13. mick on May 23rd, 2012 11:12 pm

    End of the month revenue collection agents

  14. CW on May 23rd, 2012 9:31 pm

    I just love the people that say its there “right” not to wear a seatbelt. Is it our “right” to not pay your medical bills when you get ejected from your vehicle? And whether you have insurance or not, we ALL share the cost.

  15. kim on May 23rd, 2012 6:02 pm

    Glad they were on 21 yesterday when my mom got hit by a drunk driver. Thank you guys for all you do!!!

  16. James Broel on May 23rd, 2012 5:31 pm

    Ronnie, state troopers patrol roads…they don’t chase crooks. Try the city police and county sherrif’s office. I am all for road safety and this is a great thing!!

  17. 429SCJ on May 23rd, 2012 5:30 pm

    I guess we won’t be eating in Atmore Friday.

    Holidays are always a good time to dig in and stay at home.

  18. Summer on May 23rd, 2012 5:20 pm

    Yeah I got pulled over this morning on 113 before you pass McDonald’s and there we’re 2 state troopers on motorcycles by that median!!! So watch out people! They ain’t playing

  19. jeeperman on May 23rd, 2012 5:11 pm

    If you just force yourself to buckle up for a few days, everytime you drive, you will do it out of habit.
    You will feel wierd without them.

  20. Just stupid on May 23rd, 2012 4:59 pm

    You have law officers trying to save lives and it might be mine. And they are called jerks, Molino is trying to get red lights at 97 and 29 and all you have to do is stop at the stop sign and look past your cell phone.

  21. Ronnie on May 23rd, 2012 4:04 pm

    I don’t like it…..I’m 48 and a commercial truck driver and have never had a seems to me they are picking on drivers…go chase real crooks.State Troopers pulling people over in the city limits “urks” me…Get out of town and let the city cops do their job.I saw 2 troopers on motorcycles around Atmore seemingly pulling over anything that moves.The drivers were like sitting ducks awaiting the long arm of the law.

  22. William on May 23rd, 2012 4:02 pm

    >>did anyone notice the left tail light out on the trooper car in the pic!!!!????

    I went back and checked the original and the series of photos. It’s not. He braking (making the right one brighter), plus his left turn signal is on — it’s the “off” part of the blink in the pic.

  23. wrongway on May 23rd, 2012 4:00 pm

    did anyone notice the left tail light out on the trooper car in the pic!!!!????

  24. KP on May 23rd, 2012 3:58 pm

    @ Joey,

    It is your choice. It just might cost you your life of a ticket!!

  25. Bam on May 23rd, 2012 3:53 pm

    They should also be riding up and down Highway 29. People think that’s a SPEEDWAY instead of a highway that people live along.

  26. Rebecca on May 23rd, 2012 3:47 pm

    FYI- a seatbelt ticket is not $10.00 it is $116. Yup, I just received one ;)

  27. Northend flash on May 23rd, 2012 3:47 pm

    I am glad to see the Alabama Highway Patrol in Atmore and the area around Atmore…..I have seen so many people puttingt children in cars without safety seats for these small children…..They get upset if a child gets hurt, but do they take care to see that they are in seat belts or seats……More power to everyone one Alabama = Escambia County Sheriffs Office and the Florida Highway Patrol…. get those parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles not putting on there seat belts……other wise don’e complain if your or the child get killed because you chose not to use a seat belt., then Atmore Ambulance can pick up the pieces.

  28. dolfan on May 23rd, 2012 3:46 pm

    Probable cause my friend. You should have to be breaking a law before you can be stopped. If an officer can tell that you do not have on a restrant then he has every right to stop you. I believe the seat belt law is needed and alsoa helmet law, but I don’t understand how you can have one but not the other. Seems like it should be both or neither.

  29. molino jim on May 23rd, 2012 3:29 pm

    I wish we could get them to come down to Molino. A posted speed of 55 mph at h’way 29 and Molino Rd. is a joke. The FHP was giving drivers tickets for up to 85 mph at that location one day. The school zone on 97 has turn lanes for drivers turning into the school. I’ve been passed by cars going into the school while I was going the posted 20, even better was to be passed by a car on 97 in the school zone and watch it go on and be flipped off by the driver. Before you complain to much about the tickets— find out what the tickets are for.

  30. Joey on May 23rd, 2012 3:19 pm

    As of the economy and gas isn’t bad enough these jerks decide to make people waste 10$ on a seatbelt ticket that should be my choice to wear or not thanks as if gas and taxes aren’t high enough

  31. Caring mom on May 23rd, 2012 3:16 pm

    I feel different about the traffic stops for no reason. How would they ever catch someone that is driving without a license or no insurance, transporting illegal drugs, providing alcohol to minors, etc. I’m all for traffic stops for no obvious reasons! Very thankful that we have law enforcement that are doing their job! If you’re not doing anything wrong, you wouldn’t have anything to worry about!

  32. concerned citizen on May 23rd, 2012 2:50 pm

    Seems to me police should NOT be allowed to stop a vehicle and ask a driver ANYTHING unless the driver has done something to warrant being stopped i.e. speeding, inoperative lights, unlawful turn…… otherwise an abuse of power.

  33. BOGIAN on May 23rd, 2012 2:21 pm

    Gotta make that money…