Union Pushes For ECAT Public Transit Gas Tax

April 24, 2012

The union that represents ECAT drivers is pushing for a new 3-cent gas tax to fund public transit in Escambia County.

After the Escambia County Commission considered, and decided against, cutting $3.7 million in funding for libraries, commissioners also mentioned the idea of cutting $3 million in funding for ECAT and replacing it with a 3-cent gas tax that would be in addition to the county’s current 10-cent levy.

Escambia County is facing a projected $9.5 million budget deficit this year, with $6.2 million of that money going to the state after a requirement that counties reimburse Tallahassee for unpaid Medicaid expenses that have been adding up for over a decade.

In a letter to the commission, Michael A. Lowery, president of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1395, said he supports the gas tax.

Lowery said the transit union supports the gas tax rather than closing libraries.

“The Union also stands strong behind maintaining our Library System for the great citizens of Escambia County and we would argue that having access to public libraries and funded by our County is crucial to support many of our lower income citizens and their children for furthering their education. Many of these citizens don’t have the ability and means to afford the books, internet, and library programs to be successful,” Lowery wrote.

He said the gas tax would cost the average Escambia County driver about $20 per year.

If the library funding had been cut, the Century Branch Library  would have been closed, and the currently under-construction Molino Library would never open.

Pictured top: A gas war of sorts continued Monday in Cantonment and Molino, with several stations selling a gallon of regular for $3.65 — several cents below the rest of Escambia County. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


37 Responses to “Union Pushes For ECAT Public Transit Gas Tax”

  1. billy on April 27th, 2012 3:20 am

    Another reason why I dont like unions.

  2. Michelle on April 26th, 2012 10:25 pm

    The county sure are getting creative. Instead of wheeling and dealing and trying to find ways to our money. All that time you could have used for other things of importance.

    Our tax money is “Pearls before swine”.

  3. Panhandlepix on April 26th, 2012 4:15 pm

    Let the riders pay for any additional cost on this never-made- money bus system. Maybe these union people need to chip in part of their union wages to support their job.

  4. Already taxed too much - demoted to part time on April 25th, 2012 9:45 pm

    I can NOT afford another tax addition. When I couldn’t afford to drive, I walked or rode a bike. Get used to the hard times, just like the rest of us. BTW, don’t forget to VOTE when the time comes to make your voice heard !!! If you don’t VOTE, you have no right to GRIPE about what happens!

  5. S.L.B on April 25th, 2012 10:51 am

    My vote to raising gas taxes is NO-NO-NO! The common sense solution is to increase the required cost for the rider to ride the bus…. period.

    Base Fare- $1.75
    Little children shorter than top of fare box- FREE
    Elem. or Middle School students- $1.25
    High School or College students- $1.25
    Senior or Disabled- .85 cents
    Medicare Card Holder- .85 cents

    Riders are not having to worry about anything else when going from point A to point B, they just sit there and let everyone else do all the work, including paying for it. They dont worry about paying for maintenance and repair cost, insurance cost, gasoline cost or a car payment? No, all they worry about is the fact that they wan’t to ride for FREE or a very minimal charge. If you don’t want to pay more, then by all means, buy your own vehicle like most everyone else has to do and see if you come out cheaper.

    We live in the northend of the County and when my family and I drive to Pensacola and back, it cost us at least $30-$40 to replace the gas we used to get there, not to mention wear and tear on our vehichle….and then there is always the factor of, if something decides to go wrong with our vehichle, we have to pay to fix it or we don’t drive. What if we hit a deer, then their is the cost of paying our deductible in order to make repairs. None of those expences or FREE or a very minimal charge to us.

  6. Taxed on April 25th, 2012 10:20 am

    RE: Michael A. Lowery on April 25th, 2012 8:02 am
    *A special grant paid for the bus stops obtained by the County.

    I’m glad the county used a “special grant” to pay for the bus stops instead of taxpayer money! … Oh wait, the government only has money that they take from… uh, nevermind.

  7. Michael A. Lowery on April 25th, 2012 8:02 am

    By the way – to correct the record on some comments:

    *ECAT is no longer managed by a French Company (Veolia) – we have a new Management team – First Transit / First Group

    *A special grant paid for the bus stops obtained by the County.

    *For the comment that ECAT buses are empty – not true – I’d be happy to give anyone a tour and ride on the system. You might see at some point on the route only 3 or 4 people on that particular bus – but for example the route on Hwy 29 going toward Century – it is average load going north and heavy coming south. Then at another time of the down it is the opposite.

    Food for Thought. By the way – that post calling me an idiot – sorry you feel that way about me. May God Bless you.

  8. Jane on April 25th, 2012 6:26 am

    The best way to hurt a recovering economy is to raise taxes!!! How about some salary cuts for the County Commissioners and the Union bosses?

  9. Sam690 on April 25th, 2012 12:33 am

    Totally outrageous!

    ECAT should be self sufficient.

    Unions should never be involved in any county operations.

    Any county commissioner who considers any tax increase, for any reason, should be voted out of office.

    We are overtaxed now. Taxes need to be decreased.


    Get government cost under control, AND DO IT NOW!

  10. Sandra on April 24th, 2012 7:42 pm

    ECAT is presently being managed by a private (French) company. If they cannot make it proffitable or at least self supporting then they should be fired and another, better managed company should be given a chance. The union should be decertified also as they are out of touch with the taxpaying citizens of this county. All we hear from them is “give me a raise” and” management is mistreating us”.

  11. Buddy on April 24th, 2012 3:57 pm

    I can’t afford gas now muchless adding more taxes to it, as for as I’m concerned they can shut it all down, they move every thing to pensacola and the Century Courthouse is still open and they say they are saving money how do you save money when nothing has changed, They need money to pay for a ball field that will be blown away the first big wind and then we will have to pay more money to rebuild just like we do for those who build thier house on the sand. they take every thing from century but the still want your money, they can take ecat and the union and do away with both of them.

  12. You have to be Kidding on April 24th, 2012 3:38 pm

    No to anymore taxing of the people. ECAT…if you can’t survive on what your taking in, they you need to go away…..I will buy my gas in neighboring counties or just across the line in Alabama. ECAT is a waste of money and those of us who do not use them are supporting them and that is not right. No to the tax increase.

  13. tallyho on April 24th, 2012 3:18 pm

    I have not been to the Library in Century but have been to the one in Atmore. You would be pushed to find any Kids there at all. You will see senior citizen there doing there taxes. Unions, and our dear elected officals always use the scare tactics when they need more money and a bigger government , take a look at what is going on in Mobile. We are going to cut Police, Fire fighters and the close kids base ball parks. And if that does not work we will try something else.

  14. tallyho on April 24th, 2012 1:44 pm

    Their are people who need help. And then their are the people who no how to use the system. Do not get married any more that way you can still live together and get more money. Liberals want this then they should pay for it. Liberals on your income tax papers there is a block you can check and give Big Brother some more on your money, not mine. They have pulled all the money out of Social Security that the people have put in and medicare to fund these give away programs that they have not paid a dime into. Unions are the lazy peoples protector.

  15. Barry on April 24th, 2012 12:13 pm

    I agree with Susan. We the people need to do more than gripe on message boards. We must stand up to the government, and demand change, or replace the ones in charge. We put them in office, and we can take them out. The only problem is, the ones that run for office are no better than the ones already there. I say if you are going to complain, run for office, and do something about it.

  16. juju on April 24th, 2012 12:01 pm

    why should a union be bringing this idea up…sounds like it is a way to save their jobs…no no no and no…union shut up

  17. Susan on April 24th, 2012 11:22 am

    I agree with you all. But PLEASE……………..if anything is EVER going to change we ALL have to stand up and let our voices be heard! I have felt so defeated and helpless against the people who control these issues…….as if I am so small and nothing will change. What it takes is OUR voices being as loud or LOUDER than the ones getting the free ride. I see people all over Pensacola with their hand out basically saying “give me some of the money that belongs to your family”. I cannot in good conscience give away money that my husband and I put ourselves through school for and have worked long hours as nurses for. For those who say “shame on you! You should give to charity!……I say “I give to charity EVERYTIME I PAY MY TAXES!” That money goes to Welfare and many other government programs that helps the “unfortunate”. I use that term loosely!
    PLEASE VOTE IN NOVEMBER! Let your voices be heard! This ECAT issue may be on that ballot! Vote NO!

  18. Name (required) on April 24th, 2012 10:10 am

    Sadly typical Union thinking.

    This is exactly the kind of thing that has driven US business to relocate overseas. Unions are a relic and an impediment to progress….

    … Sure, THAT is what we all need, higher fuel taxes will sure fix the problem.

  19. Where is going to end??? on April 24th, 2012 10:09 am

    Well this is the change that mr “o’ talked about takeing it from working people and giving it to those that don’t I say if it can’t support its self then raise the fair and if that don’t work sell the bus’s and close the doors NO MORE TAXES….

  20. another handout on April 24th, 2012 9:42 am

    This is another example of fueling American’s sense of entitlement. Why should I pay for ECAT. I do not use their service so why should I have the burden of paying for it. This is what is wrong with America, support individuals who do not earn it for themselves. Do away with medicare and social security. I find it hard to believe that the founding fathers sat down and thought about their new government supporting individuals in that way.

  21. tallyho on April 24th, 2012 9:36 am

    Unions, You see these vans and buses up and down 29 and maybe you see at the most three to four people on them. What we need to do is get rid of them and let the family do what i do take care of it. Not the tax payer. Give me, Give me that is all you here from this generation. Welfare is jumped and food stamps have increased over a hundred percent in the last three years. Another form of welfare is unemployment that keeps going and going. There are jobs out there but its much easier to set at home and let the tax payer pay for it.

  22. Concerned Citizen on April 24th, 2012 8:56 am

    Citizen you are dead right. Why should the working citizen of this county pay for something they don’t use. Well the truth is we pay for a lot of stuff we don’t get any benefit from. WE Have a group of people out their that their that wake up every morning retired, but not from working, but from working the system. A system that we the taxpayer pays for. What we work for, they get for free. I for one am getting tired of it. If that bus service can’t support itself then it has two choices either raise their rates or go out of business. I can’t support this freeloading society that our elected officials have created. No more handouts. If you can’t pay for it yourself then don’t do it PERIOlD

  23. Citizen on April 24th, 2012 8:21 am

    Why should people who drive and buy gas be penalized with a tax to support the ecat bus system when we never use it?

  24. bob hudson on April 24th, 2012 8:14 am

    No new taxes for any thing.And the union can take a hike.

  25. charlie w. on April 24th, 2012 7:53 am

    This union guy lowery is a complete idiot. Just why should taxes be increased to help him get paid? Ecat is a dead drain on the people that work for a living. To have someone like lowery “steal” our money is just stupid.

  26. curley on April 24th, 2012 7:51 am

    A bunch of idiots, you have been getting all kinds of tax cuts and breaks under Obama. Charge the riders 10 cents moe and get over it.

  27. Bama54 on April 24th, 2012 7:34 am

    Only a fool would recomend a 3 cent gas tax. We are to be our brothers keeper, but sometimes you need to put his butt to work. An old wise lady told me years a go sometimes “NO” help is the “Best” help. I work very hard for my money to have someone suggest I pay another 3 cent in taxes.

  28. border dweller on April 24th, 2012 7:12 am

    If this passes, I’ll just get my gas from Alabama.
    I encourage everyone else here to do the same.

  29. EJ on April 24th, 2012 7:08 am

    Hey Michael A. Lowery, how about you take a nice pay cut along with all your other union boss buddies.

  30. Jane on April 24th, 2012 6:49 am

    Escambia County has many people on food stamps now, seniors making choices between food and medicine and you want to add a gas tax? NO WAY! Vote those county commissioners OUT!!!!!

  31. Jane on April 24th, 2012 6:46 am

    Just what we need to “boost” the economy…a gas tax, meaning higher prices for riders. Let’s hit the economy where it hurts!

  32. Lawson on April 24th, 2012 5:35 am


  33. Fairlane63 on April 24th, 2012 5:16 am

    NO! I’m SICK of taxes draining away my money. No gas tax hike, no property tax hike, no sales tax hike. Government at all levels needs to cut spending, which is what working people everywhere are having to do these days in their personal finances.

    How much of MY money will finally satisfy the government? All of it?

  34. Well on April 24th, 2012 5:14 am

    I think one of the commisioners first voiced this idea as a way to fund ECAT. The last thing anyone wants is to pay more on anything but we all insist that you don’t cut what effects us personally.
    A gas tax or sales tax is paid by anyone who buys in Escambia, a much broader base than hitting just those who pay property tax.
    Whether we like it or not it would certainly be a fairer way to collect operating funds.

  35. DAGB on April 24th, 2012 5:00 am

    “many of these citizens don’t have the means or ability to afford books, Internet, and library programs.”
    If someone truly wants to better themselves they will WORK so they can afford and accomplish these goals. Shut the transit system down.

  36. SW on April 24th, 2012 4:24 am

    With the economy in the shape it is in, this union wants an increase in gas tax? I wonder if that includes diesel (the fuel these buses use), too? If so, that would increase the operating cost of ECAT; which would be passed on to the users, or more taxes, etc., it doesn’t end.

    The more amazing thing is the commissioners considered it. Betcha they hold off until after the election, then zap us.

    Easy fix, though; don’t buy gas in Escambia County. Oh, and vote all the commissioners out with a stern warning to the new ones to don’t do it.

    Cut the budget, don’t increase taxes!

  37. 429SCJ on April 24th, 2012 3:27 am

    It is time to drag the little fuel bowser onto the trailer and purchase the months fuel,
    plus any sales tax items on base, where there is no tax.

    I plan to avoid giving Mr Robertson every single penny I can. If it inconveniences me
    so be it. There is pleasure in the pain.