Two Charged With Century Woods Apartment Burglary

April 17, 2012

Two Century residents have been charged in connection with recent burglary at Century Woods Apartments.

Kiauna Shanne Grice, age 21 of Highway 4A, and Lonnie Cartell Gardner, age 19 of Robert Road, were both charged with burglary and grand theft.

A resident of Century Woods Apartments discovered that her backdoor was standing open and that her apartment had been burglarized when she returned home late  last Friday afternoon. She discovered $50 in cash missing from her daughter’s wallet and piggy bank. She also found that a tablet computer and several items of jewelry worth about $675 were missing.

As of Tuesday morning, Grice remained in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $5,000. Gardner was also behind bars, with his bond set $6,000.


8 Responses to “Two Charged With Century Woods Apartment Burglary”

  1. JM on April 19th, 2012 7:27 am

    @wonder mind
    That stuck me also but then I thought maybe one had a record so had a
    bigger bond amount. The problem is for 10% they will probably be out
    in no time stealing from someone else. I hope next time they don’t have
    a gun and find someone at home.

    They need a strong lesson JUDGE so they don’t re-offend, they may
    thank you later when they have a good productive life. They need
    to learn from SOMEONE that there is NO FREE RIDE!

  2. wonder mind on April 17th, 2012 11:06 pm

    just wondering why is one of theirs bond lower than the other??

  3. wow! on April 17th, 2012 1:24 pm

    They don’t look very happy. THOU SHALT NOT STEAL.

  4. CD on April 17th, 2012 12:37 pm

    Cobra Jet, I think you nailed that one :-)

  5. 429SCJ on April 17th, 2012 11:35 am

    I find it funny that some would see it wrong to steal from some, but allright, to steal
    from others.

    It is wrong to covet and take that which belongs to others, be it a parcel of land, or
    a stick of gum.

    A most contemporary theme indeed.

  6. Ben Thar on April 17th, 2012 9:18 am

    How do you make it to adulthood so lacking in moral judgment that you would steal a piggy bank from a child? What they took may not be worth much to a lot of people, but it probably meant a lot to the victims.

  7. The Doer on April 17th, 2012 6:45 am

    To Oversight:
    Don’t you know. They’re following the lead of our government. If you don’t have it, yes, just take from someone who does. Maybe they’re just doing their part to “redistribute the wealth.” We are truly in trouble in our society.

  8. Oversight on April 17th, 2012 6:37 am

    It seems the theme is if you don’t have it and someone else does… well go ahead and just take it. I would wish them good luck in prison, but the judicial system being what it is will probably only give probation and the person who was violated will never recover a dime.