Santa Rosa To Join Escambia In Suit Over Medicaid Bills

April 24, 2012

Santa Rosa County is ready to join 27 other counties in Florida — including Escambia — in a Florida Association of Counties lawsuit over a new state Medicaid Law.

The Santa Rosa Commission voted unanimously in a Monday workshop to join the lawsuit. The vote must be ratified during the commission’s regular meeting on Thursday. The new Medicaid law allows the state to recoup tens of millions of dollars in disputed Medicaid costs from counties.

Under the law, Santa Rosa owes an estimated $1.5 million, while Escambia County owes about $6.2 million to the state for disputed Medicaid bills that have been adding up for about a decade.

The Legislature last month approved recouping the money, with leaders contending that counties have not fully made required Medicaid payments. The counties, however, argue that the state’s billing system has major flaws.

Escambia County, for instance, has found that it is being billed for residents of Santa Rosa County and even Alabama residents  that used medical facilities in Pensacola.


2 Responses to “Santa Rosa To Join Escambia In Suit Over Medicaid Bills”

  1. curley on April 24th, 2012 7:55 am

    AHCA will never be able to prove anything,they have had three administrators, outside businesses doing their billing. There wil lbe no way to prove the county owes them anything. Rick Scott is an idiot, give big business tax cuts and charge the heck out of you. fool..

  2. 429SCJ on April 24th, 2012 3:07 am

    It seems for some strange reason the wind and my opinion has shifted direction.

    Ricky, make them pay every last red cent of that 6.2, with interest.

    Maybe Gov Scott is what these people need after all, he is certainly what they